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Everything posted by Snowred

  1. Do you know how many they have? They don't even make it into the top ten MMO revenue earners. Lose enough subs EA won't carry a lame duck for long.
  2. This game is a stone age MMO it's 5 years old and it's in a time warp going backwards not forwards. You use the word imagine quite a bit there sadly for you the devs have no imagination.
  3. It's great when ppl think that it's fine to tell everyone they don't agree with - just leave ...the more players the game loses the less game there will be for everyone in the future. The issue here is the game is losing long term, veteran players and that's the sad part both for the future of the game and the community as a whole. New players probably aren't going to hang around if they haven't found SWTOR in the past 5 years then there's not much to keep them subbing beyond completing the story and FTP have been locked out of high end content in an effort to force subs out of them.
  4. No it's christmas they're very very busy packing GC crates
  5. Adapt is the answer worry about crafting and ignore GC entirely or ignore alts that's about all there is to it if you're on limited time. Either way makes the game feel hostile to alts. And yes the grind is horrible OP is right there.
  6. So if one part of the player base "doesn't need GC" seems they pretty much screwed over their own very "exciting" idea.
  7. Probably ppl are concentrating on main toons and aren't playing ALTs.
  8. RNG is always a bad system unless you're talking cash shop crates.
  9. This. Dropping a few crumbs and adding a band aid - core issues aren't changing....nor is the arrogant attitude, they screwed up.... maybe this will save them a few subs. But whatever.. I'm over it
  10. By the time I got there mine was 400 and that was a struggle but really no-one should be surprised they can't even get a survey right first time. Now if the character limit for the final feedback section had been RNG it could have been "exciting" :D
  11. You could start here 5* threads are rarer than a unicorn: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=904332 This system is a Korean style grind on ALL characters not just ALTS someone needs to be restrained incorporating good ideas into bad framework makes them bad ideas. Why implement a system that hits players with an unlucky stick in the first place - especially when apparently no thought has been given in advance how to deal with this. Suprise! Some ppl are being consistently unlucky wow... omg... who thought that would ever happen in a lottery environment doh!! . The game has been changed from casual, play style choices and alt friendly (for many casual players that I would bet make a significant volume of paying customers it's a push too far) to casual, choice and alt hostile game and I'll qualify *casual* I mean players that sub and continue to sub even though they have limited play time available to them. I don't mean players that sub for story play and unsub till the next story content. It doesn't matter how many times it's said - we're listening... we hear you... and my personal favourite RNG is exciting... it doesn't make it so. I accept you can't please all of the people all of the time but the base attitude is and continues to be - you will like it trust us you will, you will, you just need time (and maybe a trip to Korea to convince you /sarcasm off) .
  12. As I see it the story writers should all be given a BIG raise seeing as they're carrying the dead weight of devs on their backs right now.
  13. You're right the forum is a fraction of players for one thing you have to sub to use the forum right? Because most ppl don't actually bother to make a complaint many companies with an interest in customer satisfaction use a formula predicting the number of unhappy customers based upon number of complaints received. (Where I work -as an example- it's 1/200 so for every 1 customer that makes a complaint we accept there are probably 200 who have had a similar experience.) You should apply for a job on the dev team if you believe that the players that don't use the forums can automatically considered happy.
  14. This is true ... really this was a hands up opportunity. Instead it was waffletime. Missed entirely the points raised by players on forums and reddit, the bad reviews on various game sites - which shows however much they talk about reading feedback they clearly don't. The "RNG is exciting" comment... that was a bad answer lol a very bad answer.
  15. This + I *loved* the mantra of.... we listen to you guys .... we read everything.... they are and always have been diabolical at interacting with the customer base the only concession is the live streams where it's spin, spin spin. Simply saying it doesn't make it so. Alts, RNG, GCX they seem to be so busy patting each other on the back they've missed the point for me on all of these issues. RNG exciting... that's what Cartel packs are for not as a fundamental change to the game system. The only guys deserving pats on the back are the story writers, they're the guys keeping this game alive.
  16. Today's the day... cringing inside already...
  17. *us* Speak for yourself as far as I'm concerned this update is utter garbage for casuals. It's made alts redundant pretty much destroyed the *play the way you want to play* mantra. It's just do the same thing over and over and over. With the fun of RNG at the end of it. Unless you mean casuals that play 24/7 and love Korean grinds in old content or afking in PVP. For them and bots yeah it probably is great.
  18. The only way gear matters is that you are able to do the content you want to do. All MMO's in general gate content behind gear walls.
  19. You lost me right there.... if you'd have said forced play I might have agreed but I'm not included is this warm fuzzy Inclusiveness. I'm feeling forced to play a way I don't want too B: and my Alts have been disenfranchised no time left to waste on them. As for new players MMO players today are like locusts, they have less patience than ever before, they are now more likely to move from game to game looking for instant gratification. Very few Western players appreciate a grind based game so if you think introducing a Korean grind on old content will keep new players good luck with that. On top of it all that you really think these new players are going to PAY for it rofl. The move among MMO players is away from pay to play models towards free to play models and has been for several years. Veteran players of the game who are already invested are the ones most likely to sub and KEEP subbing.
  20. This is pretty much how I'm feeling. As someone mentioned in this thread the game does have an identity crisis first they facilitate solo play - great for casuals and they encourage creating alts and playing them to max level - DvL event. I think someone confused fun with something else. Then they pull the rug and make the game both solo and alt unfriendly at once. Not *fun* enough so lets add RNG loot and make every one of those alts do all that old stuff endlessly too! Bad enough but then they force a *fun* playstyle First PVP - PVP gives the best CXP return for time investment. OPs 2nd best CXP and anyone who does PUGs knows how much *fun* this is. Uprisings the same but with the added bonuses ppl are too good to die leave after one wipe and you could have a really *fun* filled experience with the grouping by getting 4 DPS. Lets give nothing much for heroics after all don't want anyone having *fun* on their own share the misery! Heroics are already limited as weeklies so why the need nerf the CXP on them other than to remove them as a progress route. Crafting lets add a bit of *fun* to that neglected area of the game by putting schematics and mats in OPs. Job done! Fun game complete now lets make the schmucks pay for that whole mess and we've bought ourselves another couple of years where we can work on better facial expressions or some other daft idea!
  21. THIS THIS THIS There's enough driving me insane already with this waste of space patch this is yet another added annoyance.. I mean who freaking cares really?
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