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Constant Maintenance


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Your silly and the devs are stealing everybody's Bought Game time, We are paying to play the game and also Bought the game, so under these circumstances they should Add all the hours that the servers are down to everybody's Game time Free since it is literally what we are paying for , it's ridiculous how much this game goes down for whatever reason and them just taking your money regardless if they can provide the service or not. It would be like paying for a car wash service and when it's your turn to get your car washed they tell you, Come back in 4 hours we are down for whatever reason, it's essentially theft for that duration of time that you paid for a service that they agreed to provide but didn't and they must either give you your money back or wash your car exactly when you go to wash it NOT when they WANT to or any thing of the sort. If your paying for a service it should be provided when you buy it not when they want to give it to you.


maybe if you ask real nice they will refund you the 2 cents an hour you pay for the game time you claim they are stealing...


a game being down for a few hours of maint. or patching is not a big issue no matter the time

Edited by Liquidacid
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This is the 3rd time this week that maintenance has happened during my normal playtime. Mix the maintenance times up for ****'s sake. No wonder people have been leaving this game in droves, Bioware treats it's customers like ****. Edited by Averran
language, warned after this post
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I think instead of paying for the three months and the like, akin to what is current in SWTOR now, we should pay for say, 30 hours. Whenever we play, it deducts from that time, when it hits zero, bam, no more game time, unless you buy more hours.


At least that way, you wouldn't really be wasting money during maintenance times, plus you wouldn't be wasting money when you have other life commitments and you only get to play SWTOR a few hours for two nights a week.

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BW have no clue and whats even more upsetting is that they DONT CARE.


If you read the Maintenance in the Community News you dont even see an apology! And BW if your unsure on that word can i suggest you google it...

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lol I am for updates much as possible but a third day in a row? I haven't seen these many down times since the game got released. So are we going back in time ? Maybe they are getting ready for the f2p model sooner than people speculated with their professional opinions. :D Edited by LordKOLZ
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This is starting to really piss off your player base. Figure your sh*t out and quit doing these piddly *** little maintenance patches. Test the stuff thoroughly on PTS like your player base has TOLD you, so this crap doesn't happen. Getting closer to saying later to this game day by day.
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I'm just wondering why they have to take it down for a patch two days in a row. Surely they could've just made it a single patch? O_o

They really should have, especially since last night's maintenance was postponed, then reinstated at the last bloody second.


My guess? They're (hopefully) fixing some of the crap that they didn't bother to fix last night, like the augment slots bug (I hope since that one's pretty major) and problems still with group finder.

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They really should have, especially since last night's maintenance was postponed, then reinstated at the last bloody second.


My guess? They're (hopefully) fixing some of the crap that they didn't bother to fix last night, like the augment slots bug (I hope since that one's pretty major) and problems still with group finder.


Because they can't fix one thing without screwing something else up, duh.

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Gonna take a wild guess here. Might be a crazy one too...but I am getting the most oddest idea here that patch 1.3 wasn't ready to be released but nahhhh bioware austin (b-team of bioware) would never ever release something too early and that wasn't ready...would they? Edited by LordKOLZ
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Losing a Friday night, maintenance starting at 5pm Friday is unacceptable and dangerous.


Best practice in change management suggests that making a change serious enough on Friday leaves the business at risk over the weekend. It's generally not done in a professional situation unless there is absolute need.


Thursday night's change according to the patch notes was minor, it could have waited until Tuesday. I am going to lay bets that tonight's 5pm start maintenance will be just as minor and certainly not important enough to take away the ability to play the game on a Friday night.


As this game is now proven to be constantly unavailable at the few times a week I can play it I've unsubscribed. A little annoyed that I've paid on the 21st but my exiting reason I hope adds to the voice of others doing the same.


With my maximum level toon being only level 42 I simply don't have that much invested in this game to bother putting up with it any more.


Have fun guys, good luck in your MMO travels.

Edited by Bhaers
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A one-day turnaround time on finding, fixing, and patching a bug from a patch? Unlikely.


Gosh and here I thought that was the definition of urgent hotfixes.


In other words, whether you think it to be unlikely or not doesn't change the fact that it's what's being done.

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That's exactly what happens when you RUSH a patch to the live server cause you HAVE to.. Seen it happening all the time, and not only in this game.. Saw it during launch as the 1.0 of this game should have been 1.2, and it's happening all over again.. And now? Live server is broken due to rushing, we lose game time, and the fixes are waiting in line..


Seriously though BioWare, wouldn't have been better if you would've said "We're delaying the launch of 1.3 of the game due to some bugs for a week, so we can fix them in order to provide you with the best possible gaming experience upon release" instead of all these lost hours on maintenance after maintenance? I bet everyone would've appreciated that, instead of what's happening these days..



Please remove the Jawas from the ventilation shafts, they overheat the servers, and you're forced into maintenance! :D

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Typical templar!!!


We should gang up on the dragon though. Those dudes are number 1 ****oles.


PS. Pretty bad day to throw out maintenance number 3 in peak time (all extended to 6 hours) for australians. Maybe when guildwars 2 comes out you could put up some adverts on the site and make sure to pull the game down to give everyone a chance to go try that out too. :p


Luckily for you no one gives a crap about TSW (except me)... but still? bit of a blunder if you ask me.

Edited by ippollite
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It's a pretty big middle finger for those of us who play during these hours to schedule THREE long downtimes in a single week - a week where many of us just resubbed to try out 1.3, no less - and put them ALL at the only time I had available to play the game. Stagger the timings, FFS!
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i wanna know why they cant do the patches in phases, like east coast at 5am est , west coast, 5am pst, austrailia 5 am their time....


it make sense because the only people that are up that late are crack heads and security gaurds..


Been answered before. It was either have open servers where anyone from anywhere can use any server or have regional locks. With open servers you have to have down time at 1 time. Otherwise people would just hop on a different area during their down time and if they had a different client, it can cause issues.

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It's a complex system. Sometimes, things happen that are unforeseen. Instead of leaving it broken, they fix it.


If you weren't whining about downtime, you'd be whining about lag or some other issue.


We've seen it in WoW where a patch breaks a few other things and they have to repatch to patch the patch. If your life revolves around a game so much that a few hours downtime causes you to rage, you need to re-evaluate your life.


Actually, I rarely whine, but I am going to whine about this. It's not the patch that is annoying me, it's the fact that it's the same time every day. I understand that there are people who are actually physically working on it (it's not just some magical program they can set to fix things at a certain time), so they don't want to mess up their schedules too much, but that argument kind of becomes invalid once you realize that when people are working on the regular patches, it's the middle of the dead-morning their time. Why not ask them to come in durning the day every once in a while?


I know that nothing is going to change. There was a big thread about this a while back: Link Here. And of course, nothing was done. Because the people in the forums are seen as a bunch of whiners that need to just stop QQing. Which is probably the case for most threads, but I think this point is valid. 3 patches in one week, all at the same time. Not okay.


If they spread the multi down times in a week over more than one time slot I am guessing they would piss off fewer people. After all 3 times in one week, on top of all the other Multiple weeks of dual patches, is kind of an F U from BW to those that do not play prime time USA.



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Perhaps, but still worth pointing out that there are other MMOs in the market and most of them 'don't' do maintenance three times a week in western Pacific primetime.

Edited by Qilue
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