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Current Transfer Servers


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Also with the way they are doing it now it is not balancing the population. It is just letting fatman and JC get more people. Again no balance at all in what they have done.


When they say starting they are saying that you will be allowed to trasnfer longer than just that one day.


What part of "more servers will be added to the list" leaves you to think that this is all the transfers they have planned?


They have a population goal in mind for each destination server, and it would seem that that goal is higher than fatman is currently at. So if they didn't transfer anyone to fatman, fatman would be below their goal. As has been pointed out, even if their goal population is twice fatman's pre-transfer population, they're still looking at needing more than just fatman, even just for the "eastern US" PvP population.

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Ok lets be honest the statement made by Bioware is a classic example of purposeful confusion.

"...won't be a week or a month for the next update"


Theres a reason its put in this format. The week part is what they want you to zone into, to think. The month part is covering of asses against the former.


Could "won't be a week or a month" mean it might be 2 months? lol

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i simply cannot believe how stupid some people are. did you really think they would open us every single server on the first day? my hat's off to bioware for doing this the right way. hopefully my server will be eligible for transfer soon and then my guild can finally be on a popular server. some people have no patience
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Nope, I played between one dead server and one full one, Dune Bantha and Red Eclipse, I was just smart enough to make more characters on populated servers at the same time and yes it annoys me that Dune Bantha isn't on the list yet, but I can wait a few more days, simple as that.


So you were "smart" enough to ditch everyone on your server for a higher pop one thus being part of the problem. Thanks for your imput.

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Day 1 of transfers and the crying, complaining, weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth has begun. The childish threats of "transfer us NOW! Or we unsub" sets to mind a picture of a small child stomping their foot and demanding their parents give them ice cream or they will run away. Rant & cry as you wish, those of us with patients will merely wait our turn. Until then please continue, I enjoy the entertainment.:wea_01:


If I go to a restaurant and sit down, they come over and take my drink order and bring me the best tasting drink I've ever had, take my food order then disappear for 2 hours and for 2 hours they never come back then I'm out of there, same deal here, except in this case I'm at the table with 20 other people and 1 guy gets his meal and the rest of us wait.

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If I go to a restaurant and sit down, they come over and take my drink order and bring me the best tasting drink I've ever had, take my food order then disappear for 2 hours and for 2 hours they never come back then I'm out of there, same deal here, except in this case I'm at the table with 20 other people and 1 guy gets his meal and the rest of us wait.


and then that one guys is all like "man just be patient...don't worry it'll come...DAMN THIS **** IS GOOD!"

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Which was the exact same step that others did, but alas, the population literally fell out of the server under their feet.


So, it was just dumb luck then? I need to make sure the dictionary in my brain updates references from lucky to smart.


The Red Eclipse has been the most populated EU PVE server since launch, how is it luck?

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I still consider it a very healthy sign so many people are still so passionate about the game. It almost makes me think there's a bit of hope.


4 servers may be appalling given this has been an issue since April, but they did unexpectedly choose servers that people actually want to go to, instead of just trying to funnel everyone to a second-tier or dead server and hope a community forms there.

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**** being patient. I was patient a few months ago when BW kept screwing **** up. As of now, I've had it with giving them time to get **** right. They have a week. Sorry to make one of these or else post..but at this point.. that's what it has come to. One week to get this **** in gear, or I'm off to Rift, where at least the dev knows a little bit about *** they are doing.


I hope you realize my post was sarcastic? Unless you're yelling at Bioware and not me?. :)

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funny that there are so many upset people because they are not on the list.


i am on the list and i am upset.


i dont think there is anythign bioware could do to make a good amount of the people happy at this point.


i have to leave the server they forced me to join (predestination for pre-order guilds) to goto a place where i have to change all of my character's names, and my legacy name (pretty sure... its Shan)


If i had foudn out we were a destination server, that would have made me happy... but the destination servers never needed to move in the frost place...

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Havent you figured it out yet? Even Bioware doesnt know what its doing. How can they tell you what they plan next when they do not even know what they are doing right this moment? I just find it hard to believe they did this.


I am sure you the same poster who whinned about the 2hr change of maintenance times a month or two ago cos it didnt sit well with your percieved peak playing times... are you like this in every facet of life.. cos really your acting like a spoilt child who's just been told you couldn't have an ice cream until after your tea..... just learn to be patient, its not the end of the world.. you have put up with it this long... a whiles longer is not too much to ask surely.

We all want the same thing.. just that some of us would rather not see the door slammed shut when the mechaincs get overloaded and the servers seen to be running smmothly....

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If I go to a restaurant and sit down, they come over and take my drink order and bring me the best tasting drink I've ever had, take my food order then disappear for 2 hours and for 2 hours they never come back then I'm out of there, same deal here, except in this case I'm at the table with 20 other people and 1 guy gets his meal and the rest of us wait.


Not even close to the same concept. Transfering toons is not near as simple as cooking you a steak. Stop being so ignorant.

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Day 1 of transfers and the crying, complaining, weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth has begun. The childish threats of "transfer us NOW! Or we unsub" sets to mind a picture of a small child stomping their foot and demanding their parents give them ice cream or they will run away. Rant & cry as you wish, those of us with patients will merely wait our turn. Until then please continue, I enjoy the entertainment.:wea_01:


1. I think most of the people have already unsubed, and are running on their last few days.

2. Why is it childish to demand something for the money we pay?

3. How much will you enjoy this, if you're left with no one around to play with?

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yes he does




they clearly say they will add more eligible servers on a regular basis and they clarify that regular means less then a week.



thanks for playing


It does not say that it only says "update". You are reading in things that are not there. They purposely use vague words like "regularly" so they arent trapped into anything. Ill believe its within a week when I see it. As it stands they should have already added more servers to that list. How many people could possibly be moving this morning off the lowest population servers they have? I mean come on how hard is it to move 10,000 or so people? You act like this is some huge complicated deal. Its nothing of the sort it should be something they could do blindfolded and drunk on the weekends.

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The Red Eclipse has been the most populated EU PVE server since launch, how is it luck?


Well... it clearly doesn't go by the highest population, since "The Swiftsure" for North American PVP West Coast servers is the highest of its kind, and The Bastion is the only destination server....so far.

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and then that one guys is all like "man just be patient...don't worry it'll come...DAMN THIS **** IS GOOD!"


Haha I know, it sucks, it's not th way to run a business, any business, capitalism is king, vote with your dollars.

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Day 1 of transfers and the crying, complaining, weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth has begun. The childish threats of "transfer us NOW! Or we unsub" sets to mind a picture of a small child stomping their foot and demanding their parents give them ice cream or they will run away. Rant & cry as you wish, those of us with patients will merely wait our turn. Until then please continue, I enjoy the entertainment.:wea_01:


I do have to admit I am having more fun reading posts today than I can remember for a very long time in ANY game! My favorite part is catching an new post RIGHT BEFORE it mysteriously vanishes from the forum! It gives me the same feeling as finding a rare world drop! :p

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