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Massive E3 Announcement on Monday


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I would think they best thing would be an expansions. Even if it way to early to start talking about it.


People are worried about the future of the game right now. If they game out and said yes, We are dumping the the resources into a full x-pac people could hope again

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You don't go to the biggest gaming convention there is with no new information or hype about your game. Even blizzard will be there hyping something new about the Panda.


the commercials have been hyping the NEW starwars game...never did it say TOR...of course bioware will be there to tell you transfers/1.3 are coming...but who didnt know that

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Lets remember some of the '' hints '' that some of the devs gave us a few months back. Lets also place thoses '' speculations '' in a priority order :


:rak_01: - New playble species ( hinted a while back, confirmed for this year ) = very likely


:rak_grin: - Merging 1.3 and 1.4 into a single '' Mega Patch '' = very lilely for the simple reason to create hype and bring some people back in the game.


:sul_grin: - Official Server Transfer release date = very likely


:tran_default: - Vital information on the Mega Servers project = likely


:csw_deathstar_un: - Vital information on the so-called Secret Space Project = likely


:jawa_wink: - Roadmap for the next year ( patches content 1.5 and after) = unlikely but still possible


:rod_frown_g: - Expansion Pack = very unlikely


:mon_trap: - Star Wars : The Old Republic going Free to Play = Impossible while EA draws breath

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I would think they best thing would be an expansions. Even if it way to early to start talking about it.


People are worried about the future of the game right now. If they game out and said yes, We are dumping the the resources into a full x-pac people could hope again


While I would love for an expansion to be coming out(and if it was not half assed I would actually resub my account for it), there is just no way that there is one coming out any time soon. First the game has only been out for about 6 months and they are barely done ironing out stuff that should have been in at release. Second they just laid off a bunch of people so they are more than likely gonna be moving even slower than they were already. Third, given how much time it takes them to make a patch that barely has any content(coming up on 2 months now for 1.3 which is just server transfers, a server-side LFG tool, some crafting tweaks, some legacy perks, and rated warzones that were supposed to be in 1.2) I would hate to see how long it takes Bioware to make a full blown expansion or how little content an "expansion" from them would be.

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You don't go to the biggest gaming convention there is with no new information or hype about your game. Even blizzard will be there hyping something new about the Panda.


No. Blizzard along with many other developers are not even going to be at E3. Blizz really hasn't cared about E3 since Blizzcon turned out to be such a huge success. LA will be revealing info about 1313, but other than that, i'd be really surprised if much of anything new regarding TOR came out of E3.

Edited by Darthshnooky
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I'm not expecting anything ground breaking involving tor. They will probably continue to try to push eyes away from the construction tape around this game. It wouldn't be wise to draw too many eyes at this point in time.


They have other Star Wars news to talk about right now.

Edited by Celebrus
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Lol I am going to go ahead and say all you people saying "Free to Play" are waaay off. There is no way a game with over million subs that is six months old is going free to play any time soon.


My guess is server transfers and hopefully some info on these so called "super servers"

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It will probably just be something to keep people paying for a game that is broken, missing common features, etc. And, there will be no date attached. It will say "soon" or in a few months so people will keep hanging on longer while they figure out how to code using the Dummies books.
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Reports said that the game’s hero will use human skills and gadgets instead of supernatural force powers. Furthermore, it will feature a combination of platforming, cover-based combat and playable cinematic gameplay.


Oh joy. A Star Wars game where you're not allowed to play a jedi.


*YAWN* !!!!!

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Can we have a source of where they said massive swtor announcement at E3





I have seen announcements for things starwars but it was for 1313. I have seen nothing saying there was some major SWTOR announcement that was going to be made.


Sad thing is, people will believe the OP and then get upset at BW when they don't make some kind of announcement.

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Assuming this hullabaloo about a "massive announcement" is true, I wouldn't be surprised to hear something about the super secret space project Mr. Ohlen likes to mention they're working on.


Don't you just hate it when someone says, "I have a secret, but I'm not telling you"?

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Why do people think EA won't make SWTOR F2P? They made Warhammer Online F2P.


They might make it F2P, but not at this subscription level. Also, a F2P transition takes about 9-12 months, which means no other content during that time. There won't be anyone left try F2P if this game took a year off from content creation, its too new.

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Some time back Bioware was talking about they where working on some kind of new space game for TOR but did not say nothing about it other then they had something of a basic working demo of it. So what I think we well see is something about there changes to space. I could be off but what better time to come out with something new.
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