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Everything posted by karasami

  1. I'm very skeptical about the end result here. I remember reading that they were not going to open transfers to the servers that already had heavy populations (i.e. Fatman, Jedi Cov, etc), because they didn't want overcrowding or a mad dash by everyone to get in. Instead, they allow one server to one, another to another, etc. How exactly does this solve the problem? What I'm guessing is they are using a matching (read that: guesstimating) system. Server X has 600 active subs and server Z has 150. Z moves to X, full server. Server L has 450 and Server B has 95, etc. I know these are low ball numbers, but the idea is that they figure out what servers combined, if the players actually do transfer, would maximize the population. Maybe, depending on how many transfers do occur, they review and find Server T will now fit on Server X, too. They open that up. It's just a guess of course. The reason I am skeptical is the lack of honest communication. I don't mind waiting a few days or a week to find out about the server I play on. I do have a problem when it is stated they don't want to open the heavy pop servers as a destination to avoid everyone flocking to it. So, you open one server and their people basically get a guarantee they will be on a severely high population server. What a crock! That doesn't bode well for the rest of us waiting unless, at the very end of free transfers, are there only a dozen or so servers that are all at a "Heavy" status when you log in. I just don't appreciate that they have already contradicted themselves on the transfers. With all of the unhappy folks still holding onto their subs by a thread, hoping BW will get things straight, you would think they would want to make something as important as population adjusting, golden! As for changing guild or toon names...big deal. If it means getting onto a populated server where there are people to complete group objectives, pvp queues are much faster, etc, great. I guess we'll see the results in the next couple weeks.
  2. It will probably just be something to keep people paying for a game that is broken, missing common features, etc. And, there will be no date attached. It will say "soon" or in a few months so people will keep hanging on longer while they figure out how to code using the Dummies books.
  3. Let's look at the main reason for the complaint: Mommy and Daddy, I want the ball and I want the glory of scoring!!! This isn't about bias, OP, or anything else. This is about those people that feel no matter what the situation is, they should be the one getting the glory. Mom and Dad, someone else, whoever, didn't give them the attention they need and now they must absolutely get said attention or they will do whatever is takes to get that attention, even if it's negative. This is something I consider to be childish trolling. There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of the WZ's with regards to each class. I don't have any Imp's, but I do have a toon for every class in Rep. All of them are 30+, 1 is 50, and 2 are 45. This is about realizing glory doesn't all come from the score. If you can effectively help the team by stomping the enemy so they can't get the score, helping your team by strategic placing, passing, etc, that holds glory, too. Some of my toons are great for ball carrying, passing, scoring, or variations of each. The point is, I know what my class if for. Stop crying for change just because you can't handle the fact that you don't get to score every goal. You are a just a selfish person that needs to grow up! Here's the truth. WZ's and Raids are exactly the same in every way, with one exception. It's people you fight against, not NPC's. That's it. You must know your class and you must be situationally aware. It really isn't that difficult. Yes, there are some folks that are not that good at pvp. It's okay. However, you should practice outside of pvp so you don't negatively impact the team. By practice, I mean setting up keybinds, trying different combinations, understand your skills and skill tree, and what rotations play each skill off each other for maximum damage, healing, etc. Please people. Stop complaining about non-existent bias and everything else. The truth is you want all the glory of crossing that goal line. Nevermind that you can get as much glory by stopping the enemy from scoring, too. I've seen my score, medals, objectives equal on defensive priority as I have on offensive priority. Everyone on the team plays a part. Learn yours and accept it and you will feel much better! P.S. I do agree you should be able to queue for certain WZ's as everyone does have favorites for different reasons and there should be a couple more WZ's. Also, servers should be merged and cross-server pvp should be implemented more for the fact there will be less concern with what WZ you get put into if you aren't waiting 10-30 minutes on average to actually get INTO a WZ.
  4. I didn't real the whole thread. Did anyone see an in-game announcement regarding the ending of the event or would you have to come to the forums, blog, twitter to find out?
  5. Depending on how many buttons your mouse has, bind one of them to autorun. I have a several additional buttons on my mouse and since autorun is so far from all the other keys I use, I used the secondary bind to a thumb button. I could bind one of the thumb buttons as secondary for run and another for autorun I suppose.
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