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I hate Kaliyo.


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I don't get Kaliyo at all. There were things she did that I liked...telling me we were going to girl talk, giving me 40 affection for having sex with the fat dude on Nar Shaddaa, giving me 40 more affection for telling Watcher X he was a creeper for watching, etc.


But then I lost affection with her on that Balmorra quest where I refused to kill children. That really bugged me. How psychotic can you get?


I guess she just likes femagent for being kinda skanky. :(

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Kaliyo is totally Saffron from Firefly only with bloodlust. I feel like that explains a lot. It doesn't make me like her anymore, and if anything it makes me find it less believable that she is on the ship(unlike when I realized Skadge=Jayne), but it is an interesting observation. *shrug*


I personally think Kaliyo is 50% Jayne, 50% Saffron, all evil. (She's really not as subtle as Saffron.)


I've always wondered a bit why Keeper hires her. I almost wonder if he isn't like, "Well...as a positive, at least she's not loyal to the Sith..."


But I do find her interesting. Don't trust her at all. But she does amuse me. (And Kaliyo is often pretty okay with being told, "No, you don't get to be a total psychopath when I'm in charge", which I find faintly entertaining.)

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The thing I really hate about her is how she always drops her pronouns. "Wanna blow something up." "Feel like killing something now." "Wanna go to the bar".




I, you, he, she, it, they!


Learn these words, Kaliyo, or so help me, I will shoot you in the face!


PS - Kira Carsen is also guilty of this, and if she isn't more conscientious in the future she will go from Jedi to je-DIE!



Edited by DarthRobert
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Mechanically, she's a good tank - I made it to 50 with her as my only companion on my operative.


Story-wise, she's a psycho, but then,



All the agent companions are mental cases. Even Temple, who seems normal at first, turns out to be so rules-obsessed she kills her own father. Vector's joined to a bug hive mind. Lokin voluntarily turns into monster and has more skeletons in his basement than a division of stormtroopers can kill in a day. The psycho killer droid speaks for itself.


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Mechanically, she's a good tank - I made it to 50 with her as my only companion on my operative.


Story-wise, she's a psycho, but then,



All the agent companions are mental cases. Even Temple, who seems normal at first, turns out to be so rules-obsessed she kills her own father. Vector's joined to a bug hive mind. Lokin voluntarily turns into monster and has more skeletons in his basement than a division of stormtroopers can kill in a day. The psycho killer droid speaks for itself.


i cant wait to see what happens when we have 2 physco droids on our ship, i can see scorpio really being a romance intrest for hk-51

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Imperial Intelligence sees that she could be a useful asset.


She could be.....or she could completely F them up. Or to be more precise it is an inevitability that she will try to mess them up, the only question is how long will it take for her to get bored. I can live with Imperial Intellegence hiring her, but it boggles the mind that they would assign her to work with a Cipher on some of the most sensitive missions that they run.


I personally think Kaliyo is 50% Jayne, 50% Saffron, all evil. (She's really not as subtle as Saffron.)


I've always wondered a bit why Keeper hires her. I almost wonder if he isn't like, "Well...as a positive, at least she's not loyal to the Sith..."


But I do find her interesting. Don't trust her at all. But she does amuse me. (And Kaliyo is often pretty okay with being told, "No, you don't get to be a total psychopath when I'm in charge", which I find faintly entertaining.)


I'd put her at least at 75% Saffron. I mean Saffron is certainly the more capable con artist, but their general method of operating is the same other than Kaliyo's bloodlust. I don't really see any Jayne in her though. While Jaybe was a brute, he didn't really have any kind of bloodlust to him. I could maybe see an argument that she has some of Niska's personality in her. Although once again he is the more capable individual at what he does.

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man, everyone is messing with the imp-agent. The Sith, the SID, the own agency. Getting Kalyio as a companion is maybe the most sane development in the whole agent-story


I love my operative with kalyio as a tank. At least in German her Lines are top-notch.


'This is ower party!' / 'Who wants to see my gun?!' ^^


Her anti-duty / ant-authority habit makes playing an imp.char acceptable

Edited by Moitteva
avoiding lang. filter/edited
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I, simply put, hate Kaliyo as an agent who was generally loyal to intelligence, but hates the sith with a passion. I hated having her along for the ride, her deception, and several times I wished I could just shoot her. I traded her for Vector as soon as I got him. That said, she was extremely well written. It's been said before that you can't hate a poorly written character, they evoke no emotions. So while I hate Kaliyo as a companion, I don't think she is a 'bad' companion for the Agent and I'm certainly not going to fight for her replacement. Giving her a rather tragic end out in the deserts of Tatooine is something I'd be willing to do though.
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I will start with my personal opinion. I hate companions who are against Empire. :)


Now what makes it even worse is that she is an incredibly stupid choice for a starting companion of an Imperial Agent. Her anti imperial stance, low-life character, no sense of honour and loyalty just makes it the worst possible choice for an Imperial Agent. If you are actually an imperial agent type of player (or just trying to get into being one) she is just repulsive and ruins quite a few moments for you.


Now I wouldn't mind her being a companion to a BH since when you play that class you kind live its mentality. But she just doesn't fit with IA.


I have to disagree, OP. But only because my agent's loyalty to the Empire is very thin. He's a homicidal psychopath. He's in it for the body count. The Empire pays him (very well in fact) to murder people. Once that's no longer the case, the Empire can kick rocks.


That said, Kaliyo is awesome. Though I know she's going to stab me in the back. That b***h.

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I will start with my personal opinion. I hate companions who are against Empire. :)


Now what makes it even worse is that she is an incredibly stupid choice for a starting companion of an Imperial Agent. Her anti imperial stance, low-life character, no sense of honour and loyalty just makes it the worst possible choice for an Imperial Agent. If you are actually an imperial agent type of player (or just trying to get into being one) she is just repulsive and ruins quite a few moments for you.


Now I wouldn't mind her being a companion to a BH since when you play that class you kind live its mentality. But she just doesn't fit with IA.


Have you finished the Agent storyline AND the Kaliyo Story ( gotten to 10K rep affection ). If you haven't then really your opinion is lacking. Without revealing too many spoilers I will say the following:


1.) You say she is not loyal to the Empire? Yes it "seems" that way but your character does have influence over her.

2.) You say she is not Loyal at all? Yes it "seems" that way but your character does have influence over her.

3.) Worste Character for an IA? Not really in tank mode she is awesome for a sniper (until you get scorpio) (and yes my mind has changed if you look in my posting history). If in DPS mode for an op you will eat alive gold level elites like candy up to 3 levels above your current character level IF you know how. So she is an great choice for agents mechanically.


YOU may think she is the worst companion but then again you may have either NOT finished the entire story for an IA and or Kaliyo, don't know how to play your agent and or made POOR choices when leveling up your character.


In short if you know what you are doing Kaliyo simply rocks hard in game and in story.


/thread. ;)

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I actually like Kaliyo. Her snarky personality fits in well with my agent's equally sassy tone. They have fun joking about guys and teasing each other. I could see why many people would find her difficult though. I certainly wouldn't want to live with her in real life. In he game however she makes me laugh and my agent thinks she's a lot of fun.
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Okay finished her companion quests last night(just one companion short of a full deck now!). I admit that she does does have more character growth then some other comapnions even if it didn't really make too much sense given the context. So that has improved my opinion of her slightly. I still find her completely immersion breaking at the beginning of the game though. She is still the one companion I would be perfectly fine with killing if the ability were ever brought back. Whether I still hate her....I dunno.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I will start with my personal opinion. I hate companions who are against Empire. :)


Now what makes it even worse is that she is an incredibly stupid choice for a starting companion of an Imperial Agent. Her anti imperial stance, low-life character, no sense of honour and loyalty just makes it the worst possible choice for an Imperial Agent. If you are actually an imperial agent type of player (or just trying to get into being one) she is just repulsive and ruins quite a few moments for you.


Now I wouldn't mind her being a companion to a BH since when you play that class you kind live its mentality. But she just doesn't fit with IA.

I find Kaliyo ti be very funny. She is may favorite first companoin for the Empire. I like her attitide compared to the other goodie-goodie companoins. She ofter agrees with my blood-thristy agent.

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My agent and Kaliyo have an understanding, they're girl buddies, they get drinks, they get men, they pick a fight and then they find men to rub kolto on the bruises.

Kaliyo doesn't like a lot of my agents lightside decisions and encourages her to be a little more trigger happy, my agent in turn sorts out her messes on the condition that it's done her way.

The agreement is simple and mutual 'You have my back, I have yours. Just don't let me see your back or I'll put a vibroblade in it'.

I agree that there are parameters. Within those parameters Kaliyo is entirely trustworthy, outside them she'd betray you in a heartbeat (or lack of your hearbeat, to be more precise).

It's an arrangement they both like and feel comfortable with.

I'd like her to be a little less psychotic, but can't deny she's fun, and for the most untrustworthy person in the game, oddly trustworthy.

Would I trust Kaliyo with my life? If I knew my death wasn't worth anything to her, yes.

Would I trust her with my toothbrush? Dear god no, I dread to think what the woman would do to my toothbrush.

Would I trust her to help me steal credits from the empire/kill sith? Absolutely.

Edited by Aalexi
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I just don't get why an IA would put up with her at all. any agent. Ciphers, Watchers, Keepers, or Anyone else.



She is non committal to everyone she's ever worked with and pretty much says she will betray you at some point. Everyone seems to see this as well and tells you to watch your back with her. And all I can think is why?


Why do I bring someone along that has nothing I want or need but may put a dagger between my shoulders at a whim or for a small profit. Every quest showed her to be more and more untrustworthy and a sociopath.


I mean can you imagine James bond working along side someone like Kaliyo? Her constantly undermining everything he says or does while badmouthing MI6 and telling him she is going to betray him some day at her whim? I mean... What?:confused:


If he even tolerated her it would be long enough for a one night stand and to put a bullet through her face.


Edited by Emencie
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My agent and Kaliyo have an understanding, they're girl buddies, they get drinks, they get men, they pick a fight and then they find men to rub kolto on the bruises.

Kaliyo doesn't like a lot of my agents lightside decisions and encourages her to be a little more trigger happy, my agent in turn sorts out her messes on the condition that it's done her way.

The agreement is simple and mutual 'You have my back, I have yours. Just don't let me see your back or I'll put a vibroblade in it'.

I agree that there are parameters. Within those parameters Kaliyo is entirely trustworthy, outside them she'd betray you in a heartbeat (or lack of your hearbeat, to be more precise).

It's an arrangement they both like and feel comfortable with.

I'd like her to be a little less psychotic, but can't deny she's fun, and for the most untrustworthy person in the game, oddly trustworthy.

Would I trust Kaliyo with my life? If I knew my death wasn't worth anything to her, yes.

Would I trust her with my toothbrush? Dear god no, I dread to think what the woman would do to my toothbrush.

Would I trust her to help me steal credits from the empire/kill sith? Absolutely.


I acutally feel I can trust SCORPIO more than her lol

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Well she does approve killing but that comes from her low-life character while you do it as a duty for empire. A big difference (at least to me).


compared to corso smuggler companion i will take her any day

but i do get what you mean i feel that should of been corso for that path *change his republic to empire*

and give kalio to smuggler

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She would make a great sith companion. she is a pretty sick companion. she procliams time and time again she crule for the sake of it and for no real reason. I'm trying to unlock sith pure blood just so i can slap her around even with the cooldown and having to start agent all over again.


I'm about quater way in the 1st chapter does she ever have any feeling's for you? or cry? rattaki are a cruel species and make great sith. but I gotta agree for agent she sucks hardcore.


almost everyone I asked that is an agent of higher level hate her, and she pretty much stays on the ship once they get a replacement.


Can't freakin stand her. I hated khem val but he gets pretty awesome once he drops the whole tulak horde thing and starts to draw me in with how he's part of the classes story that and when he sez "myzen bomber" i start to giggle a bit.


It just occured to me!.....did BW try to make her a female riddick?

Edited by nartiuslightlord
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I'm about quater way in the 1st chapter does she ever have any feeling's for you?


Wait until you finish her storyline and you will see how she "feels" about you. You will hate her even more. As I do. :)

Edited by Path-x
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The Imperial Agent should have had Mako and the Bounty Hunter should have had Kaliyo. That would suit them both so much better. But I think part of the problem is that Templei is too similar to Mako for the writers so they gave the Imperial Agent Kaliyo rather than someone more suitable. I plan on killing Kaliyo if the option to kill companions is ever reintroduced. I think I'll make it quick - not out of mercy, but because I want that vulgar slime off my ship. Edited by AshlaBoga
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