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patch 1.3, savior or RIP?


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This is a ridiculously overdramatic, and false, dichotomy. Why must 1.3 be either? You place it in either of two ridiculous extremes.


It's a patch. That improves the game. Like all patches for all MMOs.

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They need to decided what this games strength is suppose to be IMO.


Pretty much this.


Right now, SWTOR strikes me as a game that doesn't really know what it wants to be. The endgame is the usual hardcore-oriented instance grinder we have seen 10,000 times before in MMOs - but with not enough instances to grind for those people who love that content. On the other hand they make the legacy system that tries to emphasize the casual side - but then again fails to deliver even to the casual group, because of the lackluster rewards it provides.


What does the game want to be? At this point I don't know. I don't think it's possible to please both the hardcore and the casual players. Hardcore players want difficult content and worthwhile rewards coming only through said content. Casual players want more accessible/entertaining content, but without playing second-fiddle behind the raiders all the time (which is the case in ALL MMO endgames having raids).


Bioware needs to make its mind up. Casual MMO or Hardcore MMO. The game cannot be both. And 1.3 won't answer this question at all - so the uncertainty will remain.

Edited by Kimyrielle
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This is the best post I've seen on any of these "BW is dead" ******** posts!


To you sir, I say thank you for that!


I hope you two enjoy when the game as many threads as RIFT about wanting new people to play with. Not addressing the reasons people left doesn't make the game better. Patch 1.3 can't save a flawed concept, Bioware needs to give people what they want and not those who are currently content since you are pretty happy no matter what happens.

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I pretty happy with the game over all i am also old enough and realistic enough to realize no system is perfect. BW is fairly timely with little updates and patches so i dont get all the grief i think they really are trying to improve things over time. Sooner or later they will release a big addon that will eaise the lvl cap and have new content. In the mean time i will make a new character and play that story.


What ireally find annoying is the constant "i hate this, this game. Suck, i am unsubing." Tell customer service and leave then the rest of us dont care. I know it is asking for a lot but lets think about why nk one has made that "perfect game" . It cant be done! Things take time also so maybe they are working on all those little things we keep coming up with, but since 90%+ of us are not game designers or programers we dont realize the amoint of work that adding something seemingly simple requires, especially if they are trying to exceed the expectations.

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I think this patch is vital. It's heading in the right direction. This game needs more features than content right now. I'm just wondering if the features being put in are just bandages.


1.3 is the LFG patch. And sence the LFG feature will be limited to the same server for PVE, I would'nt get too excited about it. How much it will lead to the real issues fixer...time will tell.

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I just wonder who are those people who seriously say that they are waiting for Elders and Scrolls Online.

1. It's not made by Bethesda

2. It uses same engine as SWTOR

3. It's purely hotkey based MMO, IN 2013. SWTOR has a whole year to make this game better than ESO will ever be.

4. Other than lore it resembles nothing from old ES games. Even the lore wasn't one of the Bethesda's strong points.


And saying that this game is the biggest failure in MMO genre is so wrong. AoC, WAR... were so bad compared to this. They were buggy and so badly executed. SWTOR is far from that. It isn't perfect, but everything can be fixed in time.


D3 and GW2 might lower the subscription base for sure, but GW2 isn't coming for months. I think it will come at the same time with Mist of Pandaria. Plus don't count too much on Diablo 3. It might have a huge number of players playing it at start, but after a few weeks many players go back to other games. Most players stop after they finish normal difficulty.


SWTOR still has a good future a head of it if Bioware doesn't screw it up.

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its not going to matter becuase of how the game is desinged..i dont like it and i put up with it from the start.


What is the point of having an engery pool source if you cant use it as you see fit? Meaning spam your skill till its empty. Instead they put every damn skill on the same cool down except 1 skill depending the class your playing. Thats dumb and ontop of the that there is no auto attack while the cd is in effect so you are standing there like a dummie.


That is the tip of my iceberg. Many many more reasons why ive come to hate this game.


Then WHY are you still trolling the forums... go away...


If you don't like the game, that's your choice. But if you care enough to stay here after you've unsub'd and whine about how much you hate the game, then why don't you put the energy towards offering suggestions for improving it? Clearly you'd like to see the game improve...

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but i have read more anger and complain threads and more people unsub.

so i wonder what you guys think?


You should understand that, when it comes to most anything, you will not hear a peep out of people when things are going well. The only time you really hear from anyone is when things are not going their way. Thus, you will always, ALWAYS see more NEGATRONS than OPTIMIST PRIMES on the forums.


To give you an analogy (and I'm sorry if I offend anyone with this, it is truly not my intention), imagine if the hijacked planes on 9/11 had the safeguards (that were implemented after the attacks) in place before hand, would it have gotten as much attention? Imagine if there was some sort of deterrent in place that stopped the hijackers at pretty much their first step, and did no harm. Well, it could have been a catastrophe, but it was deterred. Would you hear much about it? Probably not. You would not hear much in the way of what a great idea that deterrent was, or how effective it became.


In the public, you will always hear more negatives than positives.

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People seem to want some kinda of God of all patches that will revolutionise the game. Just stop it. The game will not dramatically change with 1.3 for anyone other than those struggling on dead-beat servers with tiny populations. Granted that affects a lot of people - but other than population, and ability to group easier - it's not gonna change anything.


This game is not a gift from the Star Wars heavens for you to grow old playing. It's just a game. A good game. But not a perfect game.


And 1.3 is, as other said - just another patch attempting to improve the game. Ranked WZ may intince more PvPers, and Transfers/LFG tool will generally help things.


But OTHER than "my server is dead" if there is any other reason that you currently hate this game, then 1.3 will not change your mind. I said the same for 1.2, but people have a bad habit of believing these patches will somehow transform the game into something its not.


1.2 brought a ton of content, a lot of fluff, but end of the day, the people who didn't like the game didnt really like it any more so after 1.2, and quit. So as others said, if you're not liking the game, just unsub for a while. If they work on the things you dislike in future - then you can return and be happy.


And yeah - Hype leads to disappointment. People hyped the crap out of SWTOR, and many were disappointed when it was released. Then they hyped the crap out of Patch 1.2, and it led to disappointment. Now they hype the crap out of GW2 and ES:O and TSW and Tera. And from what I've heard, some people love these games from the beta, others not so much. Such is life, and the same applies for Swtor.

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Wasnt 1.2 suppose to be the savior?


With all the damage done to SWTOR these past few months, not having basic features i doubt 1.3 will do any good now. D3 is coming in 3 days, Guild Wars 2 is on the way. I doubt the people that quit will return anytime soon.

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I don't see another game killing this one. If you enjoy this game you will be back. I really enjoy this game and will keep subing. Some months I will play more and some months well I could get distracted and play another game. I look forward to the future of the game and know it will evolve over time. I also know that some changes will be great and some will not be to my liking, but in life that is true about most everything.


1.3 is going to have a LFG tool and for my server that will be great as we have a heavy population and I am hoping to actually get to enjoy more parts of the game.


Future - well, I want to see the game evolve with re-rolling characters - how? - how about when you choose your speciality class the story branches off to something different. This will double the story lines. Possible different companions when this happens.


2nd - some companions have side stories that are interesting, but really the game doesn't go into them as much. I would love some serious side long quest involving your companion


but otherwise I hope Bioware keeps up the good work and I am looking forward to the new legacy items and LFG tool. I don't think the update is consider a savior or RIP. If you enjoy the game you will stay and if not, there are a lot of games out there that people can go play and complain about - DCUO for example.

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savior of what...


This game is amazing for a lot of people. I know a lot of people just come on the forums to complain and the ones that are enjoying themselves don't really come on that much. And when they do it's nothing but supportive threads that get buried in the MOUNDS of negative bashing threads. 1.3 doesn't need to "save" anything. This game is an amazing piece of work that caters to casuals who want an impressive story, and choosing what they say in an mmo atmosphere. That's exactly what it is.


This game is really a pve/rp game. Yes, it has pvp in it. But it's not directly emphasized on pvp. It's just another patch that has cool features people want and will continue making the game better. long live TOR in which it will live a great life.

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I don't see another game killing this one. If you enjoy this game you will be back. I really enjoy this game and will keep subing. Some months I will play more and some months well I could get distracted and play another game. I look forward to the future of the game and know it will evolve over time. I also know that some changes will be great and some will not be to my liking, but in life that is true about most everything.


1.3 is going to have a LFG tool and for my server that will be great as we have a heavy population and I am hoping to actually get to enjoy more parts of the game.


Future - well, I want to see the game evolve with re-rolling characters - how? - how about when you choose your speciality class the story branches off to something different. This will double the story lines. Possible different companions when this happens.


2nd - some companions have side stories that are interesting, but really the game doesn't go into them as much. I would love some serious side long quest involving your companion


but otherwise I hope Bioware keeps up the good work and I am looking forward to the new legacy items and LFG tool. I don't think the update is consider a savior or RIP. If you enjoy the game you will stay and if not, there are a lot of games out there that people can go play and complain about - DCUO for example.


for your future comment. BioWare is going to do that later on :D They said they are going to open up new story lines, possibly of the advanced class ones to. Now..if people complained about THAT? then....THEY are the ones with the problem...


wait...aren't people complaining there is a long story in a story driven mmo in the first place kind of...odd? That's like going to a place that specializes in fries and going "WHY DOES THIS PLACE HAVE FRIES!! YOU LIE!!" LOL

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1.2 was suposed to save the game and it didn't. It was nice but I don't see 1.3 doing much unless they are doing server merges and cross server pvp.


Agreed, 1.2 was supposed to be the big fix patch and bring people back to the game. That didn't happen. I don't see how 1.3, which is a feature patch and not a content patch, is going to accomplish what 1.2 couldn't. Who cares about more Legacy credit sinks? My sub runs out long before 1.3 will even hit the PTS and I have no reason to renew it.

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If the social armors start increasing in scale, that'll be an awesome addition. LFG tool doesn't sound bad either.


I'm thinking 1.4 or 1.6 will be the bigtime content update, with Chapter 4 and perhaps more of our story lines.


But that's just my guess. :)

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If the social armors start increasing in scale, that'll be an awesome addition. LFG tool doesn't sound bad either.


I'm thinking 1.4 or 1.6 will be the bigtime content update, with Chapter 4 and perhaps more of our story lines.


But that's just my guess. :)


Most of the social armors still look awful and bland, and grinding social rank is awful. I could care less about ever wearing social gear personally, but I know the turbo nerds out there love it.

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The patch notes need to stay stuff like this.


Rated WZ IN.

Illum fixed and viable

New Story content added.

New world pvp quests

New Operation.





We are still working on sever transfers

LFG tools

and giving you a few more buffs thanks to legacy before we can even start worrying about the stuff above

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1.2 was BW's chance to keep this thing going and they blew it. Just killing time until D3 takes another chunk out of it and then GW2 puts the final nail in the coffin. So much potential, yet so much fail.


This. Been saying this for a month now.

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I say something like this on every doom and gloom thread; give it time. People want everything handed them -right this second- on a silver platter. MMOs take time. As much as people like to complain about it, WoW is a good example of how to succeed in an MMO. And remember, WoW has been out since, what, 2004, 2005?


IT TAKES TIME to make a good MMO. BioWare made a pretty darn good MMO their first attempt.

IT TAKES TIME to make a good MMO great. TOR isn't great right now, but BW is trying their best to make it great.

Let me reiterate. IT. TAKES. TIME.

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I say something like this on every doom and gloom thread; give it time. People want everything handed them -right this second- on a silver platter. MMOs take time. As much as people like to complain about it, WoW is a good example of how to succeed in an MMO. And remember, WoW has been out since, what, 2004, 2005?


IT TAKES TIME to make a good MMO. BioWare made a pretty darn good MMO their first attempt.

IT TAKES TIME to make a good MMO great. TOR isn't great right now, but BW is trying their best to make it great.

Let me reiterate. IT. TAKES. TIME.


The problem is some people don't want to pay 15 bucks a month for a game that MIGHT be good in 2 years. They need hope now and right now the patches are just damage control to add things other games already have.


When your charging 15 bucks a month there is only so long you can tell people to just keep paying.

Edited by Lt_Latency
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I have like 15 days left of the free time they gave me, and honestly I don't think I'm going to resub. However I love what they could do with this game, so I am not going to completely check out, I will be keeping an eye on the forums and the game to see if something bigger than what they're doing with 1.3 comes up.


Until then, I hope this game keeps as many players as it can, because I really want to be able to come back to something later on!

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