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Most Boring OP AC : Pyro PT


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try with clicking, backpedaling and keyturning, your dmg drops about 20% a maybe it will not be so frustrating for you :p


or unsub like me and wait on gw2 or till they balance swtor, but i dont expect this till september, who cares during summer about games, developers prefer vacations with sea, woman, drinks instead to give us fun in pvp...

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Yes, but many are the times when I que for a WZ, get in, target an opponent and think 'Meh' and /dance instead of melting his face off.


Works best with a body type 4 Twi'Lek using the racial dance.

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This class has no challenge and can kill anything if they "really" want to.


My first main character was a Pyro PT and I simply don't play it anymore because it's so overpowered. I routinely top dmg/kill, solo cap Alderaan against 2-3 (because I can adrenal 4 shot any non-tank class and kill the other with one heal potion)


The thing is, the AC is relatively balanced from 1-49, its the elimintor set bonus (+15 crit rate to railshot) that push them over the board (that and explosive fuel which increase your crit rate by 25% for a time)


With Explosive fuel + relic + adrenal... there is NO way you don't kill someone with your proc combo.


A dot class should not have the 2nd best burst in game (behind one hit wonder, aoe smash)


Pyro has :


a) elemental dmg, they can kill tank just as easily as they can kill cloth

b) 30 yard range... ALL their ability can be fired from 30 yard... this is where assault tree is bad because it work only within 10 yard, it is just as squishy as sentinel but deal less dmg while having few defensive cooldown

c) spammable ensnare as part of their main dmg ability from 10 yards, high chance of ensnare from 30 yards

d) aoe stun to get out of group melee gank and act as extra interrupt

e) an enemy pull so people can't get away from you. Remember you can perma ensnare them as per point c)

f) four interrupt, melee interrupt, aoe stun, stun and pull

g) best AoE dmg in game... on top of everything (death from above)



a) heat management - juggle your ability wisely = good/bad player

b) kinda squishy... but considering your main attack can be fired from 30 yards away... you are usually quite safe from mobbing


Here's the combo (WITHOUT any relic or buff)

From 30 yards away:

Incendiary Missile - Railshot - Grapple/pull - Thermal detonator (FYI, this ability can not be cleansed) - Flame burst (ensnared) - Rocket Punch - (insert railshot at any point when you proc) - carbonize (aoe stun if sentinel or anticipate defensive cooldown) and flame burst until dead


Notice how you are in NO DANGER from this combo. Your set it up from 30 yards, pull the target to you and finish him off.


Remember your eliminator set bonus as 15% crit on railshot? With operative buff + BM gear... you will be at 30% + 15% = one in half of your railshot will crit... and each railshot ignore 90% of armor.


So essentially any none 30 yard encounter are like this. Dot-Crit RS... so you start at full where as enemy are at 7-80%...


You can proc your RS again by flame burst kiting them in 10 yards and weave in rocket punch (this hits hard, 2.6k crit... so use it often)


If against range class, just pull or stun them and apply same combo while walking to them.


Getting group ganked on? AoE stun, defensive cooldown and kill at least one before you die.


All those people who said to kill us before we kill them, impossible... we out dmg ANYONE 1v1 except for sniper. (this is assuming we see each other and start fight on equal footing)... except we can LoS-dot-RS-hide to kill them instead.


PvP balance is bad when you have a much better AC than rest, stacking Pyro is better than stacking sentinel... because we have better peel and better burst, your healer will die within 5 seconds with 2 pyro on him from 30 yards... where as sentinel deal significantly less dmg when they are not in melee range.


you will find the ones that are suffering right now are commando and mercs.


sith warriors and jedi knights are good

imperial agents and smuggler are good

power techs and vanguards are good

inquisitors and chanselors are good


and that leaves mainly commando's and mercs which are pretty much useless in pvp.ive noticed the most that are complaining about things being OP are players that are undergeared or commando and mercs.


so i came to the conclusion that bioware just need to buff commando and mercs.

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Sorry, by assault I meant Advance prototype.


My point still stands, all the hard hitting pyro ability can be fired from 30 yard (or meter if you guys really care about ARTIFICIAL game measurement)


Pyro can start the battle 30 yards away and pull or walk close to 10 yard to use his other abilities only to proc the 2nd RS and pressure/finish enemy off.


Or, they can still fire from 30 yards, pull enemy to them and use their 10 yard ability while completely in the safety of backline.


Am i the only one to catch this. All of a sudden a meter isn't a real unit of measurement. hehe.

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I think my biggest problem with Powertechs and Vanguards is Rail shot being 30M



Consider this if you claim I'm QQing.


Sage can cast TKT and Project from 30M.


Shadow can cast them from 10M or use Force Potency to get TKT to 30M.


Commando can cast HiB from 30M


Vanguard can cast HiB freely from 30M including buffing it to obscene proportions on supposed Tank/MDPS 10M range class.



Also I don't know a lot about the Powertech or Vanguard but if Pyro or Assault is supposed to be the DoT Spec?!?!?!


What DoTs does this class have lol? Seems the build is centered around 30M ranged Rail Shot.


Yet they also have a Pull AND Storm?


I personally feel if any class needed a slight tone down with the new Expertise system it's this one.

Edited by Zintair
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I think my biggest problem with Powertechs and Vanguards is Rail shot being 30M



Consider this if you claim I'm QQing.


Sage can cast TKT and Project from 30M.


Shadow can cast them from 10M or use Force Potency to get TKT to 30M.


Commando can cast Rail Shot from 30M


Vanguard can cast Rail shot freely from 30M including buffing it to obscene proportions on supposed Tank/MDPS 10M range class.



Also I don't know a lot about the Powertech or Vanguard but if Pyro or Assault is supposed to be the DoT Spec?!?!?!


What DoTs does this class have lol? Seems the build is centered around 30M ranged Rail Shot.


Yet they also have a Pull AND Storm?


I personally feel if any class needed a slight tone down with the new Expertise system it's this one.


If you are at anything other than 10m you are doing it wrong and reduce your DPS by about 70-80%.

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If you are at anything other than 10m you are doing it wrong and reduce your DPS by about 70-80%.


Are you referring to the class as a whole or Rail Shot?


Because a 10M range class that can rock people still from 30M range and be outta the "Melee mosh pit" sounds like smart playstyle to me.

Edited by Zintair
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Am i the only one to catch this. All of a sudden a meter isn't a real unit of measurement. hehe.


OP has just been banned in Europe and the rest of the metric world!

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Not that I didn't agree with the fact that PTs are way OP and most the points you made, but....


Orbital strike > Death from Above.


Orbital strike with a 2 pc sniper bonus gives you a 12 sec "set it and forget it" aoe, which is great for keeping ppl off objectives for a long period of time whether you're cced, dead, or in range. On top of that, it hits like a truck. I routinely get 3k+ crits.


Besides that, I think a buffed smash from a rage marauder/jugg would be the best AOE in the game if you're talking pure burst from 1 hit.


Orbital strike may hit harder than death from above but i have only ever been hit with it in voidstar guarding the door. When aoe doesn't hit, it means nothing really.


Damage from Death from above comes immediately. You can't avoid the first tic, you can interrupt the 2nd tic only if you are quick and yes you can walk out of the three tic.


Smash hit from sentinel are great but require quite a lot of set up before you can do it and also its :

1) melee range

2) you won't hit moving target unless they are ensnared

3) poor single target dps outside of smash (the build is one trick pony)

4) you can only do it twice in a minute if i remember correctly (to get the smash dmg buff)

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did anyone read the whole thing or made it part way through but couldnt take any more of the BS?


Ya, didn't even make it 1/2 way. "Yards" was a big clincher for me, and "spammable snare". Clearly this guy has no clue what he's talking about, never played Pyro/Assault, and is just some newb getting owned by them and QQing about how OP they are.



Edited by TheronFett
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Are you referring to the class as a whole or Rail Shot?


Because a 10M range class that can rock people still from 30M range and be outta the "Melee mosh pit" sounds like smart playstyle to me.


I believe the term your looking for is called pre-kiting.


The PT needs to be at 10m (ion pulse) or melee (stockstrike) to refresh the CD of HIP every 6 seconds, and to keep plasma cell on the target (ion pulse guarantee). If he stays at 30m he isn't really doing any damage.

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Smash hit from sentinel are great but require quite a lot of set up before you can do it and also its :

1) melee range

2) you won't hit moving target unless they are ensnared

3) poor single target dps outside of smash (the build is one trick pony)

4) you can only do it twice in a minute if i remember correctly (to get the smash dmg buff)


You mean the best snare in the game that Knights get?


One Trick Pony that works for EVERY single warzone objective.


Alderaan? Fight on the nodes... Easy AOE

Novare - Fight on the node - Inside a bunker sometimes - Easy AoE

Voidstar - Fight near the door or on the middle - Easy AoE

Huttball - Grouping up around the ball carrier - Easy AoE



Not so one trick when it works in ANY WZ objective capture scenario.

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Are you referring to the class as a whole or Rail Shot?


Lets look at Rail Shot, or as I like to call it, High Impact bolt. The following assumes 100% crit chance


So requirements: you must have a dot on your target.


Fastest way: 10m, Ion pulse (2k damage + flame dot) = 2 ammo.

Worst way possible: 30m Incendiary round (600 damage + flame dot) = 3 ammo


Ok so now you can High Impact bolt. ~ 3.8K (on equally geared opponents) ~4.2K on unequally geared opponents


next hit:


Best: Stock Strike < 10m (about 4K damage) + 65% chance of resetting High Impact bolt (6 second cooldown) 2 ammo

Medium: 10m Ion Pulse (2K damage) + 45% chance of resetting High Impact bolt 2ammo.

Worst: 30m Hammer shot/Full Auto 700 damage (0 ammo) or ~1K dps for 2 ammo. NO RESET CHANCE POSSIBLE.


That is why your dps is abysmal if you are not in 10m range.

Edited by pwnshoppe
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The PT needs to be at 10m (ion pulse) or melee (stockstrike) to refresh the CD of HIP every 6 seconds, and to keep plasma cell on the target (ion pulse guarantee). If he stays at 30m he isn't really doing any damage.


Yeah but its a MDPS class, it's VERY mobile when it wants to be.


They can open from range, get of a HiB, Storm in, Pop Ion Pulse and StockStrike and then HiB cooldown resets and drops the target.


You act like people playing this class are forced to stay in 10M for the duration of a fight. They can easily bounce back and forth when DPS gets to heavy but still burst a target on a relatively cheap cooldown.

Edited by Zintair
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Yeah but its a MDPS class, it's VERY mobile when it wants to be.


They can open from range, get of a HiB, Storm in, Pop Ion Pulse and StockStrike and then HiB cooldown resets and drops the target.


You act like people playing this class are forced to stay in 10M for the duration of a fight. They can easily bounce back and forth when DPS gets to heavy but still burst a target on a relatively cheap cooldown.


Also, what exactly is the DoT or DoTs this Pyro/Assault spec brings?


A pyro can't possibly have storm. you would have to be 21/3/31

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Lets look at Rail Shot, or as I like to call it, High Impact bolt. The following assumes 100% crit chance


So requirements: you must have a dot on your target.


Fastest way: 10m, Ion pulse (2k damage + flame dot) = 2 ammo.

Worst way possible: 30m Incendiary round (600 damage + flame dot) = 3 ammo


Ok so now you can High Impact bolt. ~ 3.8K (on equally geared opponents) ~4.2K on unequally geared opponents


next hit:


Best: Stock Strike < 10m (about 4K damage) + 65% chance of resetting High Impact bolt (6 second cooldown) 2 ammo

Medium: 10m Ion Pulse (2K damage) + 45% chance of resetting High Impact bolt 2ammo.

Worst: 30m Hammer shot/Full Auto 700 damage (0 ammo) or ~1K dps for 2 ammo. NO RESET CHANCE POSSIBLE.


That is why your dps is abysmal if you are not in 10m range.




I don't think they are a 30M class I just don't think they should have access to burst from Range. Thats all.

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I get that, but they have a Pull AND Storm to counter any issues with Range or mobility.


If a targets getting low and HiB resets but the Vanguard is getting focuses they can just as easily Storm outta harms way and shoot off Railshot for the same bonus as 10M away.


I don't think they are a 30M class I just don't think they should have access to burst from Range. Thats all.


A pyro can't possibly have storm. you would have to be 21/3/31

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