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Everything posted by lijahrobinson

  1. Firstly, this message comes from the 3rd GSF week in a row. Obviously people are extremely unhappy with this. That is because none of us pay a subscription for a flight simulator game. It should have never even been added in the first place. Secondly, even if GSF is running you can't get queue pop to save your life. Let alone enough of them to get 3 WINS..most people show a ratio of 18:3 matches to get the mission completed. Also I have seen several cases of wins not counting towards the mission parameter. It shows in the ranking records that you got the win, but not updated on mission itself. Proposed Solutions in order of importance: 1. Remove GSF from rotation completely. 2. Lower the chance of GSF drastically to where its only seen every few months. 3. Change the mission parameters to something more acceptable. i.e Play 3 GSF matches instead of WINNING 3 matches. 4. Change the weekly entirely to allow players to get a crystal from the quest that they choose..pvp, mm, gsf, ops. Give people the option to choose instead of forcing people to play something they don't like/want. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  2. On my tank juggernaut i can survive a firetrap if i am full. Before they upped the damage they were laughable. almost any class could sit around in teh fire and use a medpack and live though it. Its an equalizer vs heal heavy teams and i think its good the way it is.
  3. I love the idea but the execution would be too time intensive for most guilds to do. There is always the PTS i guess.
  4. They should learn all those things from level 1-49 pvp. This change is to make it left frustrating for everyone involved. If you have 2 or 3 recruits on your team as of now, you pretty much know you are going to lose. Its that simple. This causes alot of people to leave those games and a negative experience for everyone. This change doesn't balance it all out, but it does give them a better chance than they have now. They may not be recruits for long, but the period that they are is one of the most negative experiences in an MMO that i have played. You shouldn't have to put up with a week of misery before you can have fun. Getting face stomped isn't fun. it shifts it a little ways back toward skill than gear balance. Just because we had to go though it doesn't mean it is the way it should be.
  5. http://i.imgur.com/pkckw.jpg 2nd Place on largest Crit.
  6. The changes to rage separates the good smash jugs from the bad ones. Its alot more difficult to get the rotation down now with the time reducing abilities if you want to be as efficient as possible. There is a lot of smash jugs at the moment i agree. Just like there was alot of consealment ops at launch, arsenal bounty hunters back in jan, then tank assassins, then PTs, then Marauders. People will try to play what they believe is the best class. The changes have increased the number, but really put smash on par with Pyro PTs and Carnage Marauders.
  7. http://goo.gl/8igaT 1119 Damage per second
  8. http://goo.gl/9z9gZ I am sure it will get beat quickly but lets kick off warzone wins with 1264.
  9. The massive increase in power seems to outweigh the loss in critical chance over the long run. I say he is easily running in the 1200+ range on power with those stats.
  10. Isn't that what rateds are supposed to do? The problem is that casuals have to grid out in rateds for gear as most dont have time to trade wz comms 3:1 for ranked to get WH.
  11. My guess is they want DPS to be around where Maras and Powertechs currently reside. Rage is a little bit weaker than these two classes so to adjust it they had to give it a little nudge. Its not going to be noticable of an increase if you think back to the days before their earlier smash nerf. What i am baffled about is why they didn't give Vengeance a bit of a damage increase so it could be more competitive (actual or perceived).
  12. Are you talking full tank or is hybrids acceptable? 27/12/2 Juggernaut. The sheer amount of stuns you have makes taking a node almost impossible as long as your team isn't a complete bunch of idiot and don't ignore your yells of inc. You get the added bonus for being the best ball carrier in huttball and you can really lock out healers for quite a while with your stuns, slows and pushes.
  13. I run the linked spec and have been for probably the past 10 valor levels (82-92). It is very viable and very good as long as you have a good group. If you are running with a group you know consistently then it is an amazing time but if you you solo queue alot, prepare to be frustrated quite a bit.
  14. On my Juggernaut tank i have been running at 1100 Expertise for more endurance. While i don't have any number to support the decrease from mid/upper 1200s, it is noticable.
  15. Alot of servers have had so few queues they are way behind the curve gear wise. they will catch up.
  16. You must not encounter very many good ones. I play a vengeance juggernaut and i have no problems at all with Mercenaries. Tank assassins can be a pain and if i dont have a cool down or two i am probably going to lose but Any other class i feel fine going against. Unstoppable makes knockbacks useless vs Ravage and interrupting tracer missile makes all your other abilities weaker (due to no target lock and the armor debuff). A quick push and jump to refresh unstoppable and its usually over.
  17. Calm yourself. You are probably the 1st of 5-10 servers transferred to your destination. Give it time and it will be alright.
  18. I love the tank spec but i feel i can do more out of vengeance to be honest. Even if i just run in tank stance and guard switch and taunt casually you can do a ton of protection while keeping an excellent dps output. Example: http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh70/lijahrobinson/SWTOR/Screenshot_2012-05-31_22_50_52_697411.jpg
  19. Here is a large smash crit as requested. http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh70/lijahrobinson/SWTOR/Screenshot_2012-06-03_19_48_13_747943.jpg Funny enough, here is a crit for more out of the Vengeance spec (i am guessing this person had low expertise but....yeah) http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh70/lijahrobinson/SWTOR/Screenshot_2012-06-09_22_19_11_692980.jpg
  20. I play a Vengeance Juggernaut and i have to say that i love it. In a one on one situation, i have a solid shot at beating any class (requires cooldown management but its very doable). Its never going to put out the pure damage numbers of a powertech PT or Sniper. What you do get a a great set of utility and adaptability. You can easily pull 300k damage/ 150k protection if you want to run in tank form. You get most of the control of the tank tree to keep people locked down and you are arguably the best ball runner in hutball (well, except for immortal/veng hybrid). Veneance is best at getting on a target and making sure its dead. You can't burst like Rage can (although i have hit someone for close to 7k on the last tick of ravage somehow). It has great survivability too. being able to switch to tank stance, enraged defense and its slows, aoe mezz, and choke to buy time.
  21. Its going to take time guys. There are probably thousands and thousands of characters to transfer and you cant open all that up at once. You got to have a plan when executing things of this scale. Some got sent to fatman, it happens. I really believe that once all the transfers are said and done, the majority of those that switched to fatman months ago will go to their new server and play their old characters (becuase they have several 50s, legacy, and gear there). What it looks like to me will happen when this is all said and done is that there will be several servers the around the same size as fatman. Its the only way to support the groupfinder feature and ensure everyone can do what they want to do in game. Also, by doing it this way they can monitor more easily the populations and make adjustments accordingly.
  22. It is supposed to be the closest person to the center not CC'ed. It might be a server lag issue and they have already caught the ball when you cc them but on your screen they have not.
  23. I have had this idea: First, it would use the same map as huttball but the spawn points would be on the sides and not the ends. I would like to see three balls spawn in the middle and they are color coded. One is where the huttball spawns and one on the left side of each acid trap( so opposite sides diagonally, so each team can grab one of the side ones to prevent too large of a hole early in the game). You get points for holding the balls (scoring occurs every 5 sec, race to say 1000). Holding them causes DoT damage to the holder and you score points for holding the balls. If you die holding the ball, it shoots to the closest enemy (no throwing it away, but legal pass are still fine). You get maximum points for staying close to the middle with points decreasing as you get further away (to discourage grabbing the balls and turtling up in the pits or near the endzones as this would result in very few points a tick). Every minute or minute and a half a different color would become active. You have the opportunity to try to run that color ball to one of the endzones (which are still where they currently are, just not near the new spawn points) with the catch being it has to be the endzone you are furthest from (again, to prevent turtle'ing in the endzone areas). it will be worth significantly more points but the ball then shoots to the enemy team member farthest away from you. This has both elements of "hold a node" and "score the ball." The risk to take for trying to score is is less points than staying in the middle if you fail but significant points for being successful. It also adds in other elements of trying balance protecting your non active ball holders while trying to score. The "proximity scoring" to the middle encourages interaction and the moving balls/nodes add an element that the stationary nodes in other warzones lack. This warzone would have numerous different viable strategies (i.e. try to constantly run and score, or just turtle up with ball in the middle and score it that way). With the spawn points so close, would force alot of ball movement and optimal places to be with the ball may not always be optimal places to score.
  24. I think what is going to happen is we are going to go from (and just fabricating number for example purposes and excluding your 3 huge servers already) 100 light servers to 20 that run med to very heavy 24/7. This should be enough to have at least 100 people in the fleet during non-peak times. This will be similar to where we were at launch and no one was complaining then. I would love to play on Fatman but i see why they won't let me transfer there for free and right now. In the current environment its the "last Stand" server and a ton of people have migrated there to start new characters. I wonder what will happen to it once transfers occur. Will people who left 3+ level 50 characters on their dead server go back and play on a merged one or will they stick it out on fatman? I could easily see it losing 20% of its population (not that that is a huge hit for the size it is).
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