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Valis is not beatable @ 24


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I was level 26-27 when i faced this dude and he facerolled me the first time, i really do think it needs a slight tuning to make it more reasonable, since i have faced a champion that killed me slower then this dude did and i used every interupt i had.


I was only lucky the second time, i got a whole bunch of crits, its getting more and more like any other mmo, elites with loads of health, which is something they said they wouldn't have, but i guess other people wanted that stuff.

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I got him on my fourth try, and I'm not that good a player. He obliterated me the first three times, using everything I had. The fourth attempt, I stuck Guard on Kira, did exactly the same as the previous times, and the fight was over in moments - and that was with no Call on the Force available, too.


I've been wary of Guard (damage transferred to me when I'm far too squishy already? No thanks!), but I might have to pay more attention to it from now on.

Edited by Antonath
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First time I tried him as a Sentinel and with Kira. Got hit hard and lost. Switched to T7-01 after revival and crushed him. Interrupts are also very useful here. Use your abilities, don't just smash the 1, 2 on your keyboard.
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I got to him totally unprepared, when i realized its the guy i've seen named on forums as hard, i was kinda sacred at start. Personally i have developed a strategy to use first defensive cooldowns (opening with saberward), wait for it to wear off then fire offensive CDs, stasis then interrupts. In the mid i used warding call, then continue to interrupt whatever i could. I got him on the first try, with around 1.2k hp left, not used call on the force nor stimpack. I was higher level, i think 26 and my gear is nearly perfectly upgraded, i think i had over 5k hp at that time.

But i am absolutely sure that if was not interrupting and using defensive CDs i would be dead - the fight was intensive.


Actually right now this fight is tied with another Sith fight which i wont spoil since it happens later for number 1 fight in the game.

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I got him on my fourth try, and I'm not that good a player. He obliterated me the first three times, using everything I had. The fourth attempt, I stuck Guard on Kira, did exactly the same as the previous times, and the fight was over in moments - and that was with no Call on the Force available, too.


I've been wary of Guard (damage transferred to me when I'm far too squishy already? No thanks!), but I might have to pay more attention to it from now on.


What is this Guard you taking about? Kira has no such skill. What's this stasis skill. I don't have it either.


Edit: Never mind about the stasis. I just got it from my trainer.

Edited by JerokTalram
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I beat him at 24. Besides using a stim, maybe an adrenal, and spamming the best attacks as soon as their cooldown would allow, there was one thing I did that made a big difference in beating him. Before you approach him to fight, walk AROUND him, so that should you get tossed around by him, you won't have anywhere to go but maybe hit a wall. That way you can stay close throughout the fight and keep the attack on him.
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Yup, I died first time at 25 because I just didn't utilize my skills properly I didn't expect all his fancy powers. Saber Ward/Call Force, and the real key were the interrupts (stasis/kick) used properly and all work to get him down easily, add a med pack in there. I was Watchman specc'd also. Edited by ErisktheRed
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You should be fine if you use all ur interrupts. I admit I was 26 when I did this so I had 1 extra interrupt (force push) but even so I didnt need to use my super 20min cd or a medpack or even saber ward. Just charge in and make sure u use kick and stasis to interrupt his casting and ur set.
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I was kind of worried about the fight having read some of this thread before it happened. I basically rolled the poor guy. I don't think I even used a 3min+ CD either....not sure why people would have a problem with this fight =\


I was 24 as a Defense specced Guardian with Kira as companion.

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Like others have said, use your interrupts. I blew through Nar Shaddaa (and am currently going back to grab as much xp as possible) with my "new" strategy of doing all the class quests first and coming back later and hitting up everything else.


Kira and I hit Valis a mouse fart from 25, and we worked him. I was destroyed in the first attempt but as a Watchman Sentinel I beat him without any major cooldowns except saber ward the second go around. Seriously, force kick him, run out, and leap when you can. I think Kira finished with like a quarter of her health and I finished with like three-quarters.


I should add the twist was a welcome surprise for me. Best story element so far.

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I'm at level 26 and getting him down to about 10% health before I die. Kira is just about as worthless as she gets in this fight. I'm down about 4k in repair bills already to this b*stard.


This amazes me. Sorry but if you cannot kill Valis then you need to re-roll... he is by far one of the easiest bosses on the JK story. You simply have to use all your abilities when you need to. Its not hard just learn to play the class rather then being bad and then QQing that the class is broken when you just are not playing right.

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I finally brought in a guild mate, a level 24 Commando and we rolled him but Kira still fell. Problem, I was taking far too much damage from this guy and only had kick to interrupt him with. He kept on pushing me back and I would have to run or leap back in. The whole time he's doing major damage to me unless Kira's alive.
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I finally brought in a guild mate, a level 24 Commando and we rolled him but Kira still fell. Problem, I was taking far too much damage from this guy and only had kick to interrupt him with. He kept on pushing me back and I would have to run or leap back in. The whole time he's doing major damage to me unless Kira's alive.

Why didn't you use force leap and force stasis as interrupts too?

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I'm confused. People find this fight hard? I mean, I did it at 26 with decent gear, but I had no idea what the mechanics were, and I basically lolfacerolled through the fight. I think he might have gotten me to 70%. I actually walked away thinking "What a boring fight. Maybe I'm supposed to be doing this a few levels earlier."
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dps rota...WHAT?



Im a sentinel, beat him while I was one level below him and concentrated only on using 2 defense buffs, choke like thingy and the 90% enemy damage lower skill on the right time from the begining keeping him unable to deal serious damage for as long as I could



all based on their lenght, enemy current target and reload times


Wait... so you beat him while you were Level 24 (he is 25)... using a Level 26 ability (Pacify)? Mhm...


EDIT: Maybe he is 24, I don't totally recall - regardless, I was a level above him when I beat him, so you may have even been 23 and he was 24. Either way, there's no way you were using Pacify on him if you were lower level than he was.

Edited by MyNameIsViolet
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Finally beat him you definetly need to stay under the ship to have a chance. I don't mind having to develop a strategy when facing bosses I just find it seems to take much longer for my focus to build up than it does his. Need to find a good way to reduce the cooldown times.
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