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Has this game turned you "off" to MMOs in general?


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SWTOR is my game, period. WoW has died for me long ago and with the new expansion and what I saw in beta makes it even more sure I will NEVER go back to that game.


So if Kung Fu Pandas and lame Pokemon pet fights are your thing then go for it.


Actually Kung Fu Panda and lame Pokemon pet fights sounds more enjoyable then being an errand boy and beating on maintenance droids all day :p

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I am actually starting to like Guild Wars 2. They have made combat really interesting, and the art in the game is wtice more creative than what we have here in SWTOR (Lulz, everyonez hoimans).


BioWare has done nothing new except voice-overs (which gets pretty dull after you have done the content once, since it will be the exact same thing except for class quests).

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What SWTOR has done to me is show me how you can have "too much" of something and it can have a negative impact on it.


In this case, too much emphasis on being forced to spam the spacebar or sit through the endless sea of voice over dialogue and dialogue options has discouraged me from leveling alts to max. I just can't sit through that much waffle anymore. Come back text based mission objectives, all is forgiven.

Edited by Tarka
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I would say "Yes" that SWTOR makes me never want to play any MMO besides it. My roommate asks me constantly to check out the Flavor of the Month he's into and asks if it looks interesting. I always want to fall asleep after 3 - 5 minutes. So I think I will turn around and go play some more SWTOR. Thanks.
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Tera sure is pretty yet people whine about the grindfest that it is. At first I bought that line, but then I realized all the crybabies say grinds are bad, so it might actually be a great game.


Secret world looks stupid and once a few builds are figured out everyone will have the same type of build.


GW2 looks interesting and it probably the one that will hurt swtor the most.

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I despise MMOs and the design principles/ marketing behind them for the most part.


But this is star wars...


so I tolerate this crazy made up world...for now, even though its a huge waste of real time.


But much like the real world, someday I will be gone, and no one will miss me.


So i am trying to enjoy it while I am here.

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SWG...My first MMO...... After that, they all pretty much let me down. I had to come to relize it was because my first had spoiled me. Now I spend my time comparing what I had and liked to what I cant get.


MMO's are only part of the problem. Community as mentioned before is a big part. PvP vs PvE, Young vs Old, Immature vs Mature, and I hate to add this one, mainly because I have played both wiseman and the fool, but , Smart vs Stupid


I feel it comes from many things but boil down to 2 basic play types, the go go go type, usually pvp, but not always, and the , hey whats up type, the ones that hang out and like being art of the scenery as the gameplay goes on, usually pve, but once again not always.


Far as this game, well OP already let the cat out the bag for me when he said he played WoW, so pretty much, his comparison is WoW, and the stuff in SWTOR that reminds him of that game

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Well i dont play any other mmos anymore and im not looking forwad to any of the comming once.

so yes to all other mmos exept this.

this game have potential to become something HUGE, we just have to give it time to grow. and im having Loads of fun with it tbh and i played from day 1.

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I hadn't played any MMOs for a few years before SWTOR... last one being WOW which well... you can only play for soe long before enough is enough.


SWTOR got me interested in MMOs again, but sadly not the way I was hoping... It made me look for a proper MMO, one with an actual open world that's not 100% static dressing and has a proper in game community with something to do.


I tried Rift for a week as I loved the idea of the Rifts but the game felt as dated as SWTOR, finally settled for PVP Tera after playing the betas. Cancelled my TOR sub yesterday in preparation for Tera's release this weekend.


I'm in part sad because I really wanted to like SWTOR, then again I'm happy because Tera was a blast (for my taste).

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It seems to have turned me off yeah.


I will give TSW a good run, it seems to me more to my liking as a whole. Though I'd prefer a good Star Wars mmo but this is just to generic, static, copy/paste, numb.. but then again, it is Star Wars... what to do :jawa_confused:

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Not sure if serious... :mon_confused:


Yes, I'm very serious. Some games that are exclusive to consoles are quite good. The Uncharted series is one of the best that I've ever played.


As for graphics, the graphics on my computer are horrible. The details on my armour in TOR look nothing like they are "supposed" to because it would be too graphically taxing on my system to produce armour that looks good. I've never had that problem on a console.

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Not at all, this game is pure filler for me until gw. I think I even hate star wars just a little more now lol. Not to mention I have to sit and listen to jennifer hales voice on my trooper with its ever increasing monotonous tone. It so doesn't match the cute face I tried to give her. BUT the guys voice in mass effect 2 was hands down the worst voice acting job ive EVER seen.


Sometimes it just shouldn't be done at all. This company made good games until it sold out. Good effort on trying to clone WoW though, the graphics are pretty solid it's just a shame you focused to much on scripting the VO. We could have had proper mounts and pets and armor and wz's and so on and so on if you didn't. I for one cannot be f***ed space barring anymore so f**k this game it's going on the shelf until gw2. BOOSH

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I hated WoW, seriously. Didn´t even play past the trial. I´m turned off by the oldschool "click x kill y" MMOs.

Secret World FTW, puzzles and investigation missions all over the place.


you want to play a "Funcom" game? you do know they are the same guys that did "Age of Conan"?

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Dude..... If you had a 38 Druid and couldn't kill a skelly.. It wasn't the games fault you ran for your life.. It was YOURS.. Know how to play your class.. Ever heard of the spell "harmony"?? USE IT!!! Plus, you had SOW and couldn't lose agro from the mobs? Please....





Ug, there were like 7 of them that joined in when I attacked the one. Also, there is no "losing aggro" in that game. They stay on you until you zone. Please tell me you haven't forgotten "Train to zone!! Run!!!"...? Also, I had just logged in for the first time in 7-8 years..... I had no idea what ANY of my spells did, lol.



My point still stands. That game is horrible now.

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I think 95% of the people here played World of Warcraft and had a great time with the game at some point. You get tired of a game and angry with the way the changes/expansions are installed which is understandable...


This game had so many Star Wars fans licking their chops and thinking that this would be the next great thing, because it's STAR WARS... and I had sworn allegiance to this game no matter if I hated it even before I played... but I hit Battlemaster about 2 months ago and stopped playing shortly after. Man I wanted this game to work.


I find myself still coming back to these forums because I care about the game and I invested so much to the forums leading up to the game.


I think we wanted this game to save us from the MMO genre that we knew as "WoW," but I think it turned me off to the whole genre as a whole and I have now lost faith. :(


I do however hope that this game succeeds (but I don't see that happening) and I hope people continue to casually have fun with it.


And seriously, you can have my stuff. First person to send me a message gets my stuff.


Good luck with the game!




wait wait wait...


You hit "battlemaster" after 2 months?


thats a PvP title... so... youre playing the game for PvP and now youre turned off from MMO's because youre bored with the game.

Im assuming you didnt play all 8 storylines?

Did you do all the OPS?

Did you play all the flashpoints as well?


Or did you simply play PvP with that one character and get bored once you maxed out your gear on him?

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No, MMOs are still my favourite type of games. Sure, SWTOR could have been much better, but maybe they will improve in time (but I guess it might be too late for many who would liked that the game was not that flawed already). Anyway, I think GW2 will be the MMO that might bring fresh air into the MMO genre, while SWTOR tried too hard to be WoW in space.


In order for normal people to play GW2, they are going to have to learn to deal with the obnoxious people who will be playing that game. It's playerbase is going to be a cesspool; the worst parts of COD, League of Legends, and 4chan all rolled into one.


GW2's playerbase is going to sink that game faster than its developers ever could.

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my first ever MMO was not wow or everquest but Lineage 2, a very harsh pvp heavy korean style grinder with open pvp and 4% exp loss upon death by a player or mob (at level 70+ this meant hours of lost time if you died) but i had alot of fun with it so i based my expectations on future MMOs on my experience with L2, which had launched the same year as WoW. unfortunately all the future MMO's i would play followed the WoW model instead of L2 and even to this day and ive been through alot of them since then (Warhammer,AoC,Aion,Rift). where have all the hardcore deathpenalty, and player looting pvp games gone? now PvP is in arenas and instances where everything is safe and the open world has become a barren wasteland for many games.
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wait wait wait...


You hit "battlemaster" after 2 months?


thats a PvP title... so... youre playing the game for PvP and now youre turned off from MMO's because youre bored with the game.

Im assuming you didnt play all 8 storylines?

Did you do all the OPS?

Did you play all the flashpoints as well?


Or did you simply play PvP with that one character and get bored once you maxed out your gear on him?


It doesn't take a genius to figure out that 80% of the quests are the same no matter what class you play.

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@OP: Nope. I love this game. I play with people I have been in guilds with in various games since 2005. We are having a blast. I actually wouldn't mind server populations going down. It happened in Warhammer and it cuts down on lag. I pay for this product. Quite bluntly, it's on EA/BW to keep this game attracting customers. I don't care if they make money or not. Why? I am paying them money, and I enjoy their game. The less people that are on, the more smooth my experience. Why would I want more people on when I have all the people I want in my guild to play the game with?
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