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Everything posted by MightyHalo

  1. Well at least they admitted something. I dealt with a trooper healer the other day that could not be killed. I am relentless when I get on someone and you couldn't get this guy below 40%. It was crazy.
  2. It's because Sorcs got nerfed and they have been crying ever since and they choose their counter class, Marauders/sents as the class that should be nerfed next. meanwhile the most powerful classes, shadows and assassins are flying under the radar.
  3. Yeah this is just more fail with the augments.
  4. And they have already re-rolled since they realized it isn't as easy as it looks.
  5. My sniper and assassin destroy marauders. It isn't even close and I have a marauder too.
  6. yeah I think WH gear broke me.
  7. Tera sure is pretty yet people whine about the grindfest that it is. At first I bought that line, but then I realized all the crybabies say grinds are bad, so it might actually be a great game. Secret world looks stupid and once a few builds are figured out everyone will have the same type of build. GW2 looks interesting and it probably the one that will hurt swtor the most.
  8. Assassins are EZ mode. No doubt about it. As an Anni marauder I have to work my butt off, but as an Assassin not so much and I am far more powerful.
  9. Case appears to be closed. The supporting data clinched the deal for me.
  10. And the OP is why MMO's have been dumbed down so badly. You can't even pull off an event without incessant tears.
  11. I want a full set as compensation.
  12. What I would give to feel how afraid I was running through Kithicor forest at night in original EQ. And to feel my heart race after aggro'ing something racing to the zone line with it on my back, picking up others along the way. One mistake with my path and I was dead with some exp loss to boot. To hear someone cry out, "Dorn is Loose!" in a low level zone, and preparing yourself to run for your life if he starts coming your way. That NPC would kill anyone it saw. Games are just too EZ now. It's going to take a fringe game that brings these elements back to a game and it catches on. I sure hope I find it when they make it, because the thrill is gone from these games. I used to be scared out of my mind in some places in EQ especially. Thoughts of dying and corpse runs added even more horrors, but that's what made it so fun. Sure it hurt to lose exp, but it made staying alive a battle in itself.
  13. You don't really need them in this game. We are in the era of easy mode MMO's.
  14. Wait im not wasting 300k on that gear when I can get bm pretty easy. Just be patient with us noobs.
  15. Que's wouldn't be hurt if premades were forced to wait Most premades only do it to roll pugs. There are a handful at best of really good premades on a server, probably only a couple, so by forcing premades vs premades, the majority of bum like premades will end up solo queing once they get dominated by the elite premades and the ques will go down in a hurry. premades love pugs and fresh 50s. Remove them from the ability to que with solo quers and PVP will be far more enjoyable for the masses.
  16. afk'ers and bads hate the idea of a penalty.
  17. It's funny but I dumped my full bm marauder for a lol assassin.
  18. Went to valor 65 or so with sniper well before 1.2, then wanted a melee(marauder) to stay on healer and he is war hero now, so then I start leveling an assassin and omg this is total face roll class. Way OP so far unless that changes at 50?
  19. Only for easy comms running premades vs the pathetic pugs. So easy a chimp could do it.
  20. Idiot mods got a new cancellation. **** you and your game and your support for this whiner.
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