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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Worst/Most pointless companions in the game?


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I have a tendency to forever and ever roll with my companion spouse. Doesn't matter what he is, dps, heals or tank.


My Gunslinger Smuggler will always use Corso because she's married to him.


My Sith Warrior Juggernaut will always use Quinn because she's married to him.


My Powertech Bountyhunter will always use Torian because she's married to him.


My Assassin Inquisitor will always use Andronikos because she's married to him.


My Sniper Imperial Agent will always use Vector because she's married to him.


My Vanguard Trooper will always use Jorgan because she will eventually marry him.


My Jedi Knight (who is the same as a Sith Juggernaut...I forget the name) will eventually use her future romantic companion. Same with my Shadow Jedi Consular.


As for companions I detest and think are worthless. I detest Mako. All throughout Chapter 1 and 2, she's been nothing but whiny. I made sure I romanced and married Torian before I even finished her first companion quest. I was NOT letting her have my future spouse at all.

During a part in your class story, you are invited to a party, which is actually a trap, and she whines when I choose Torian as my arm candy. Torian offers to stay and help her and I picked the option that basically said 'hell no you're with me'



Kaliyo was annoying and I hated her class story. I finished it because of the bonus you get with the Legacy system, but I'd boot her scrawny *** out of the nearest airlock if I could. Broonmark just chills in my cargo bay. Bowdaar doesn't do anything for me except for the 'weee! wookie!' aspect.


Khem Val and Qyzen are two very annoying characters. Is very hard to be light side when one wants to eat everyone and the other wants to squish things for points in the afterlife.


I do like Vette and my Sith considers her her little sister. Jaesa, light sided version, was always off looking for others like myself. Blizz is too cute. Gault is funny as hell!

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I say M1-4X is by far the most useless companion for a Vanguard, if only because he is completely redundant, and Aric Jorgan runs a close second, having not used him since Taris.
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I say M1-4X is by far the most useless companion for a Vanguard, if only because he is completely redundant, and Aric Jorgan runs a close second, having not used him since Taris.


You are missing out! Jorgan's awesome, seriously, put some good gear on him, and it's like having a second player running with you. Plus, that way I get to hear his voice, and that makes me happy :)

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I think that regardless of class, there are going to be at least two companions that will be mostly worthless to you. For example, I am a Sith Juggernaut, mainly with Immortal and a bit of Vengeance. That makes me, more or less, a tough melee fighter able to withstand damage with my many defensive abilities. Great, what partner do I need the most?

A) a sharpshooter who is able to dish a lot of damage from afar (Vette).

B) a healer whose many abilties make it very hard for me to be killed (Quinn).

C) a tough melee fighter who is able to withstand damage (Broonmark).


You can see it pretty easily, C) stands out like a sore thumb. It's redundant and doesn't bring anything worthwhile on the table that I can't already do better. But with Vette or Quinn, I am complemented by their abilties.


And it's the same for every other class. Hey, if I was a Sith Marauder invested in damage-dealing, then Vette and Jaesa would have become obsolete for me while Broonmark would have been useful for tanking and soaking up damage. Since every class has pre-determined roles and every companion is either a tank, a dps, or a healer, it's inevitable that you'll find those that are from the same archetype as you to be redundant.



That's as far as the gameplay is concerned. As far as the stories go... Can't say much, I've played only through one story from beginning to end (the Sith Warrior), and I have to say that Broonmark again draws the short stick. I don't care about the guy. I'm not even sure why would I want him on my crew, to be honest. You get way too late in the story, when you've already invested your emotions in probably Vette, Quinn and maybe Jaesa. So, he's a big, homicidal fighter. Okay. Why should I care?

It's kind of similair with Pierce, but he has a more interesting personality. And in his case, being actually voiced and speaking in a human voice unlike Carpet Boy there, really helps.

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Smuggler- Bowdaar, his only purpose is the recreate the smuggler/wookiee relationship. His conversations lead nowhere and always fall back on how his master was a gambler and he was a slave. He's also a crappy tank and trumped by corso in everyway. The other companions are okay, Akaavi is a little bland, but eh not as bad as Bowdaar.


Trooper(Up to Alderaan)- Honestly i'd say the Trooper has the best companions, Dorne, Jorgan and M1-4X are all pretty interesting. That being said the last two companions are probably very bland.


I'd mention the inquisitor and consular(up to Hoth), but i didn't care for the class story or the companions, it was all very bland.

Edited by namelless
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You are missing out! Jorgan's awesome, seriously, put some good gear on him, and it's like having a second player running with you. Plus, that way I get to hear his voice, and that makes me happy :)


^ This


Jorgan is a damn good companion for a Vanguard. He does some good damage and I kill things super quick. Sure sometimes I have to heal a bit more, but then again, like my Smuggler, even if I never had to be healed, I have to use the ability to reload my guns.

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Oh Catboy er... Jorgan... <3


Heck, he's great even if you play a healer. I honestly think he's the only companion that I've run with on my FemTrooper.


Worst companion though, I'd have to say is Ashara for a female neutral SI. She makes no real sense to me. I understand that she's there to provide a foil or atleast a light sided companion for a LS sith but.. ugh...

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Oh Catboy er... Jorgan... <3


Heck, he's great even if you play a healer. I honestly think he's the only companion that I've run with on my FemTrooper.


Worst companion though, I'd have to say is Ashara for a female neutral SI. She makes no real sense to me. I understand that she's there to provide a foil or atleast a light sided companion for a LS sith but.. ugh...


Ashara is even worse if you are a DS si.

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As a LS Sith, I feel that Broonmark is pretty out of place on my crew. He's easily the darkest person on my ship, even counting Pierce. (Who, really, isn't that dark at all.)


Also, his spider-face creeps me right the Force out.

Edited by Velaran
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For the classes i played I'd say:

JK - Rusk - hated his attitude from the first moment. Wish i could just go with Doc's plan to fire him.

JC - Qyzen - a reptilian redneck, BW? Seriously?

SW - Broonmark - could understand having a pet monster as a DS, but for me it just doesn't make much sense.

SI - Xalek - wish i could just make Ashara my official apprentice, even though she's whining about being a jedi all the time. Xalek just seems kind of... nothing against mentally challenged people, but a sith lord having one for an apprentice just doesn't make sense to me.

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Been working on my SI, but every time I log on I remember why I never play this class. Khem Val is SO ANNOYING. Every time we go anywhere it's Tulak Hord this, Tulak Hord that. I can't get Andronikos fast enough.
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Been working on my SI, but every time I log on I remember why I never play this class. Khem Val is SO ANNOYING. Every time we go anywhere it's Tulak Hord this, Tulak Hord that. I can't get Andronikos fast enough.


Khem actually won me over with his extremely dry sense of humor. In fact, I used him pretty much religiously as a double tank with my Assassin until I got LT Drellik on Hoth. Now, THAT guy is a riot! He's in the running for best Healing companion just for his sense of humor. :D

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iuno.... in one cutscene there was a fight outside my ship, and her and lokin come running out at the same time... naked

Similar happened to me.

I remember on my Trooper, I flew to Taris, stuck around for a while, got bored, and left without completing the class quest. Got to Nar Shadaa, cutscene engaged, and there was a random (almost) naked girl, between me and Aric. I was surprised, to say the least.


My least favourite companions, for some reason, are mostly tanks.


Khem Val: Rarely agrees with me, if ever. Was shelved the moment I got andronikos, who, despite being almost as dark sided, I actually tolerate. Talking him out of killing his rival, and getting affection for it, to boot? It helps that his voice somewhat makes me think of Wolverine.


Qyzen Fess: I see my consular as a manipulator, who says just the right things to get people on her side. Unfortunately, doing that with this guy makes me feel like my character is a teetering-on-DS arrogant Jedi. In all honesty, I'd prefer him on my Juggernaught. He feels like a brilliantly written character, who got shoved into the consular because everyone else already had a full crew.


Kaliyo: Go away. Every time you drop affection, makes me like you less and less in return. You have no skills to contribute, you're a horrible tank, and you seem too much effort to romance. I'm sticking with Vector.


M1-4X: (Kidding, my only problem with him is that I'm a tank-spec, so his only use is scavenging bonus)


Quinn: I dunno, this guy is just confusing. I can't really tell what will build and lose affection, he's obviously a spy for old whats-his-name, and tends to hang back in a fight, which means anyone who slips out of aggroing range makes a beeline for him, and then he starts worrying about his own neck instead of mine.


Gault: Gives me negative affection on things I have no choice about. Steals anything that isn't nailed down. I'm not sure why I have to take him, but on a heal specced merc, I was glad to get anyone that isn't Mako. No offense, girl, but you're a bit redundant. Still don't like Gault.


So, that's all from what I've played so far.

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Its almost as though BW forgot you needed 5 companions.


Just look at how many levels it takes before you're allowed to send out almost as many as you have, and it becomes painfully clear that they did know you needed 5 companions. It's just they didn't think you need that many until you're at the endgame. Just look:


1 companion at level 10

2 companions at level 26

3 companions at level 35

4 companions at level 40

5 companions at level 44


I'm ignoring the droid, because there is no reason to run with him when you have a healer, he's terrible to gear, and gains no affection from cutscenes, whatsoever.


And those are rough averages, although some get a second companion at 24 (Knights at 15, warriors and troopers at 20). You should get more companions at the beginning than at the end, and yet thy've written it to be the exact opposite.



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Since my main (and my proxy in the SW Universe) is a Jedi Knight and the only character in my roster will all his companions, I will base my opinions on his characters more than the others because I've gotten to know them a little better than say Vette, Jaesa, Khem, Qyzen, Theran, Jorgan, Corso, or Mako. So with that said, here's my least favourite companions for the Jedi Knight:




I've geared him to SO BAD! He's (in theory) a Tank version of my DPS Guardian and HOLY CRAP is he super tanked, stats are proper and everything for what I should be if I was a tank. Means nothing cause I can't heal him and he dies a lot quicker because his threat generation is INSANE. Plus he's a skriffin' Sith despite spending time with Revan and the Exile and believing some aspects of the Light Side have purpose, so it's pretty much "be evil, rawr."... twit. Not great when you want to be a light side Jedi or even a Gray Jedi. PLUS HE DIES SO FAST! I've found T7 to survive longer in a fight than him! AND HE WASN'T AS GEARED!


Rusk also sucks because he's supposed to be a good guy but goes in guns blazing all the time and doesn't think of the safety of others. I'm willing to put my life on the line to do what I have to, but I will not sacrifice innocent people to get the job done. Gameplay wise, he's ok, but he's not worth the attitude. Even a lot of Dark Siders I've heard dislike him, so that's not so bad.


The ship Droid is a C-3PO proxy, and I do like that aspect, but like 3PO, his dialogue does get grating after a while everytime you walk past him, plus he can't fight and he gets 0 affection. Screw him.


the rest of the companions come down to personal preference of either who you are (I tend to assume mains are the closest approximation to you the player personally, though i can understand if the fat crowd, no offense, don't make themselves fat, it is a game after all, but I digress.) or who you want that character to be. If you choose to go Dark Side as a Sith Warrior, Vette will get annoying very fast. Mako gets annoying for a Dark Side Bounty Hunter (though that class really is best played as a neutral class, like a true Mandalorian.) and a Dark Side Sith Inquisitor, the Jedi chick will get annoying fast. And vice versa. Light Side Sith will find nearly all their companions grating on the sould and Dark Side Jedi will find a lot of their companions grating on the soul (but for the record I UNIVERSALLY DESPISE Dark Side Jedi and Light Side Sith, so meh.)

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They all pretty much stink because they don't do what you want them to, they do whatever they feel like at the moment. I don't feel like I'm any authority to them at all.


I like Vector because he is complex and in the end he seems to be a real ally for the Agent, I have no use for him in combat but his story is good. The trooper droid I cannot stand I wish I could melt him.

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Vette - My Sith Warrior would have killed her long ago....


Mako - Too goodie goodie for my bounty hunter. He would have killed her by now too.


Guss Tuno - This guy is a total wuss. He may be a con man but has none of Gault's suaveness.


Khem Val - Would have fit more with my Sith Warrior.


Bowdaar - I do not see my female Smuggler rubbing elbows with Wookies. You know the only reason they made this up was because of Chewie/Han.


Adronikos - Better paired with either my Smuggler, trooper or Bounty Hunter.


Aric - My somewhat prudish female Jedi Knight would have actually been willing to romance him since she can't romance Rusk.


Doc - My smuggler would have liked him.


Kaliyo - Wish my Bounty Hunter could have blown Mako out the airlock and hire this one instead. Perfect romanceable companion for him too.

Edited by AhsokaTanorules
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Going mostly from the story perspective here:




Skadge (BH) -- pretty much for the reasons already mentioned in this thread. His ick factor is off the charts and there is absolutely no way my BH (and many other BH's, I'm sure) would even let this guy set foot on her ship.





I had to totally disagree with this. When I finally got to Skadge the first thought out of my brain was...where have you been all my life? I hated having whiny, liberal, goodie, goodie Mako in the beginning, particularly since the BH story revolves around killing people anyway and I do rp my BH as a total stone cold convict, Ron Perlman wannabe. So Skadge is like totally his bro and I wish you got him earlier.

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I had to totally disagree with this. When I finally got to Skadge the first thought out of my brain was...where have you been all my life? I hated having whiny, liberal, goodie, goodie Mako in the beginning, particularly since the BH story revolves around killing people anyway and I do rp my BH as a total stone cold convict, Ron Perlman wannabe. So Skadge is like totally his bro and I wish you got him earlier.


My BH was the exact opposite - A guardian of justice who lived by a code of honor. For him, Mako was the perfect companion and Skadge came out of left field. Still, it does strike me as somehow in character that he would keep Skadge around. Kinda like how Mal kept Jayne around - He makes things interesting.

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The biggest problem with Skadge, for me at least, is his introduction. I can live with a psychopathic foil to my Bounty Hunter. But introduce him threatening an innocent woman in a manner reminiscent of a sexual predator...



I wanted to shoot him right then and there,

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I loved Bowdaar as my companion. He is the perfect sidekick for my character and I love his dialogue while I am romancing an npc. Didn't like Akaavi much though, it's weird for a bounty hunter to join a smuggler crew.
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The biggest problem with Skadge, for me at least, is his introduction. I can live with a psychopathic foil to my Bounty Hunter. But introduce him threatening an innocent woman in a manner reminiscent of a sexual predator...



I wanted to shoot him right then and there,


As I've said before, Skadge is a creeper and definitely needs to be put down. I'm hoping that in a future story content patch, they give us the option to shove him out the airlock while in Hyperspace. :D

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In order:


1. Corso Riggs - After the major twist at the end of Ord Mantell, and the death of someone I actually liked, Corso proceeds to lecture me on killing the person that committed the betrayal. I can't forgive him for that, and his "down on the farm" naivety is too much, to the point it grates on me.


2. Vette - I leave the shock collar on. That's how annoying I find her.


3. Khem Val - If this lizard thing threatens me one more time, I will find the deepest darkest reactor pit on the Imperial Fleet and push him over the railing.


(Dis)Honorable Mention: Sgt. Rusk

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