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New Race Hint?


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Couldn't that just be one of the already in-game races just face painted or something?


That's what I thought at first. Or that it was just a mix of someones tattoos (zabrak) and dark side alignment, but I don't believe the hair and the face markings support those theories. I think that the face markings match that of what is seen on Nadia Grell (similar markings on the cheeks and eyes). I can't find any more images of her race to see if they have skin that light though. I suppose it could also be a combination of legacy unlocks as well..

Edited by Sleggar
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it could just be early art assets, that is, at some point there was a model that looked like that and it was used for the loading-hints and was never changed later in development.


I suppose they could have a placeholder image for the character's portrait that they have had since early development, but I thought it was interesting since the hint and graphic of the rest of the actionbar are both post 1.2.

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  • 2 weeks later...
It's not Bioware's fault George Lucas made most of the species in SW humanoids.





Take a look, please, and welcome to the star wars universe:






Edited by rickyard
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It's not Bioware's fault George Lucas made most of the species in SW humanoids.


You seem to be thinking of Star TREK. Star Wars has a much more varied collection of alien species. Bioware simply did not choose to use any of them for playable species because story-wise it's more difficult for the typical player to relate to their character if it's not mostly humanoid.

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Nadia Grell's species is Sarkhai. Force sensitives are extremely rare among them (based on the Consular storyline), and they seem fairly insular, so wouldn't have a tradition of smuggling or bounty hunting, and they're decidedly Republic, so being agents is out too.


I think in this case, a cigar is just a cigar.

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If so why should we care? It's just another human with something slightly different like facepaint or horns or blue or red skin or whatever.


Where are my INTERESTING ones? Wookies? Droids?? I'd rather be a stupid Jawa than most of these species!

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It could be a part of a legacy update. If you get full affliction with a companion you can be that race, that would be cool (but unlikely).




I know it's a typo, but damn if it isn't also funny (it's funny because it's true).




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It could be a part of a legacy update. If you get full affliction with a companion you can be that race, that would be cool (but unlikely).


I'm totally rolling an astromech sith assassin.

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