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Warzone comms are too high now for losing


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I just KNEW you'd pick Daoc.... DAOC had PLENTY of helping in place to get people up in realm ranks fast.



Anyone that lists DAoC as a game that gave zero (or negative) results for PvP (RvR in this case) didn't play it but they want to sound cool.


I quit right after Trials of Atlantis hit.


RR 12 Sorc Bedevere

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Anyone that lists DAoC as a game that gave zero (or negative) results for PvP (RvR in this case) didn't play it but they want to sound cool.


I quit right after Trials of Atlantis hit.


RR 12 Sorc Bedevere


RR12 Krupt Mordred server, loved that game, still do ( Long live the true pvp server )

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Oh and I ask you, what games are you talking about exactly that give you ZERO or NEGATIVE rewards for losing in WZs (or BGs, or Warfronts, whatever). I've played just about every major mmo that has come out in the past decade that has some form of PvP in it (with the exception of EVE).... and they ALL gave awards to the losers as well.


So what game are you talking about, or are you just referring to EVE, which is definitely a niche game?


Anarchy Online... pre title change also use to be able to loot corpses


I like the changes though I think its a bit on the high side but, thats a good thing til they change it again the rest of my guild has time to catch upto my gear level.

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the 1.2 changed has unintended consequences.


1. Quitting warzones.

Rather than stick to it and fight it out it ws easier to just quit and requeue.

The only warzones worth participating in were when you won.


2. The cost of "doing business"

The WZ medpacks and WZ expertise adrenals cost 20 EACH.

I can burn through rather a few in any given warzone.

When you could only get 40 comms MAX for a loss it didnt cover the cost of consumables.


so are the comms you get for a loss too high ?



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When I see remarks like this all I can think of how people's e-peen needs to be stroked and how they love to ROFL stomp 400 expertise noobs against their 1200 with their premade groups.


But when 1.2 came out, if I came in late, I didn't even bother sticking around, if my group was had 3 or more new players, I didn't bother sticking around.


Me personally I love the challenge and a the best games are the ones that are close.


But today's world people just want things handed to them and want to take advantage of everything. What's next stealing ur neighbors kids bike cus your kiddo has one too?


Ding ding ^^^^^


Fresh 50 here in recruit gear... waaaay behind the gear curve and easily stomped due to gear only. It is no fun getting beat down like a red headed step child and then receive 0 comms for the futile effort. But ya, they claim I will get the gear someday when my skills stop sucking it has nothing to due with gear...

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I personally hate the fact there there is such thing as PVP gear at all. this is the source of the problem as it inevitably creates the oppressors and the oppressed. those who can play 12 hours/day will become oppressors simply because they will always have better gear. The others... too bad for them.


PVP should be an even affair with only personal skill deciding the outcome of the match. Some would say well why engage in PVP then? Well the rewards should be a status or a rank or a title that specifies how "awesome" PVPer you are not tools to make you stomp on those who don't have the same tool. If the title is not good enough for you then you are the problem. And Bioware will end up spending a lot of time and resources trying to accommodate such players. But in the end it will be a loosing effort...


So get rid of all PVP gear period and focus on developing an awesome, cross server ranking system that will display all sorts of win/loss statistics, provide PVP titles that can be gained/lost based on your PVP performance...


But knowing too well the average american mind my idea sounds too much like communism = equality for all so therefore it's bad bad bad. Why fight fair when I can have "The saber of 1000 suns" all to myself and then dominate the TOR world?!?!

Edited by MarkoJinn
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I personally hate the fact there there is such thing as PVP gear at all. this is the source of the problem as it inevitably creates the oppressors and the oppressed. those who can play 12 hours/day will become oppressors simply because they will always have better gear. The others... too bad for them.


PVP should be an even affair with only personal skill deciding the outcome of the match. Some would say well why engage in PVP then? Well the rewards should be a status or a rank or a title that specifies how "awesome" PVPer you are not tools to make you stomp on those who don't have the same tool. If the title is not good enough for you then you are the problem. And Bioware will end up spending a lot of time and resources trying to accommodate such players. But in the end it will be a loosing effort...


So get rid of all PVP gear period and focus on developing an awesome, cross server ranking system that will display all sorts of win/loss statistics, provide PVP titles that can be gained/lost based on your PVP performance...


But knowing too well the average american mind my idea sounds too much like communism = equality for all so therefore it's bad bad bad. Why fight fair when I can have "The saber of 1000 suns" all to myself and then dominate the TOR world?!?!


Now I am usually on the new pvp'ers side on most things.


But pvp is optional, nothing forces a player to do it. You have to give a reward for people's time an effort in to the game, especially on non open pvp servers. Because of that, someone who plays more pvp than the pve'er should have better for it. Otherwise you will have people that do more pve come in fresh pve gear and suck but still own, then you will have the same dilemma about gear disparity.


I would highly doubt those in full rakata gear would appreciate if they suddenly made it drop in a HM BT/Eselles run.

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yup... like has been said above, the amount of leavers in warzones was getting outrageous.. It is way better now. I feel, as a pugger, like if I make a difference in the warzone I will get rewarded no matter what. so I do my best to get the coms and I am more than pleased with the changes.
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Where's the reward for winning, now? You get 80-90 comms for a loss with proper medals, and 120-130 for a win... may as well not really care about the objectives again anymore :(? I liked that 1.2 originally was making people TRY to play better because they got little reward otherwise. Back to no-skill headless-chicken circles now if I'm not in a preformed group at any given time.


Winning and a good fight is good enough for me. The other junk is just a bonus.

Edited by CommunitySupportEN
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Come on man. Let the carebear baddies have their rewards for losing. Who cares? Really. All the gear in the world won't make them good. It just doesn't matter.


Winning and a good fight is good enough for me. The other junk is just a bonus.


Outside of the name calling. I completely agree.


There are few people that actually get better just because they have gear.

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The desire to be good, and get rewards. Rewarding bad players keeps them bad. Not rewarding them gives them incentive to be good.


If they are literally incapable of ever learning how to play, then they should probably stick with pve.


Most of use "hardcores" just come from a generation where you got ZERO (or negative) rewards for losing. And yet we all played then. And yes, I have a full time job, a girlfriend, i'm an amateur investor, bodybuilder, and I have friends and hobbies. I also play 3 others games besides swtor. But keep blaming badness on time invested.


sorry but that made me laugh valor 70+ 3 other games and all that other stuff you do how many hours does your day have? fulltime job is 8 hours to me then i guess you sleep 8 hours? that leaves you with 8 hours to do all that play 4 diffrent games grind pvp spend time with girlfriend work out hang with friends do your hobbies eat shower and so on pls be realistic

Edited by mamosh
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I like the new rewards for losing. Before the minipatch, when it looked even kinda bad, everyone just left. This caused spawn camping and a lack of medals for us, which means even if we DID stick it out, we'd get little to nothing. Getting 3 medals while going 2v8 is really, really hard.


Since the patch though, there have been games of us losing Alderaan by quite a bit that we've turned around and won, Voidstars where a sudden and unexpected surge of coordination allowed us to overpower the winning team so bad we capped the door in the first push (compared to their second or third), and even when we'd lose a Huttball 3-2, we'd still come out with a big pile of rewards for our effort.


Win or lose now, everyone is better off.

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I am a big fan of the changes.


Same here. Now if I get backfilled into a match, I don't mind sticking it out because I know I'll get some reward. That's good for everyone: the team getting rolled gets some help, the team doing the rolling has a more even fight/competition and I still get some points.


I also like it than when occasionally (not blaming my team every time) I get a lousy team, I can still do my best and get good rewards. It feels right.

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Why do you care what people get anyway?




Obviously, he wants to stroke his e-peen by rolling over undergeared people and making himself feel like a PvP god. But, the game is not built for the 1-5% who want to feel all warm and fuzzy about their e-peen. It's built to make money and for people to play it because they have fun. Not because they want to feed your ego.

Edited by Kahldor
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sorry but that made me laugh valor 70+ 3 other games and all that other stuff you do how many hours does your day have? fulltime job is 8 hours to me then i guess you sleep 8 hours? that leaves you with 8 hours to do all that play 4 diffrent games grind pvp spend time with girlfriend work out hang with friends do your hobbies eat shower and so on pls be realistic


If you must know, I work until 5, go to the gym until 6:30, come home, eat and play tor until about 10:30, (3.5-4 hrs per weeknight), play other games until about midnight. Then I spend the weekend with my gf and friends, with maybe a sunday play session. It doesn't take a lot of time to be competitive in TOR. That means I get 5 dailies and the weekly done, plus about 17.5-20 hours of warzoning. I have 1 war hero piece so far.


It's hilarious that some of you have actually convinced yourself that you lose because you're facing premades and you're undergeared and other people have no life. Trust me, if you were good, you would be invited to a premade, or you would reliably be able to build your own. If you were good, you would still win enough matches to get your rewards (not even counting loss rewards), and you would be geared by now. If you're having problems competing, it's because you're not very good.


That is a hard pill to swallow for a lot of the fragile egos on this forum. They want to pretend like its unfair, but the truth is that it couldn't be more fair. Enough with the excuses, accept responsibility for your losses, and GET BETTER.

Edited by Ahhmyface
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Anyone that lists DAoC as a game that gave zero (or negative) results for PvP (RvR in this case) didn't play it but they want to sound cool.


I quit right after Trials of Atlantis hit.


RR 12 Sorc Bedevere


This quote amused me, since RR12 wasn't added until much later than toa, and all of 4-5 players had hit R11. Nice try, liar.

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If you must know, I work until 5, go to the gym until 6:30, come home, eat and play tor until about 10:30, (3.5-4 hrs per weeknight), play other games until about midnight. Then I spend the weekend with my gf and friends, with maybe a sunday play session. It doesn't take a lot of time to be competitive in TOR. That means I get 5 dailies and the weekly done, plus about 17.5-20 hours of warzoning. I have 1 war hero piece so far.


It's hilarious that some of you have actually convinced yourself that you lose because you're facing premades and you're undergeared and other people have no life. Trust me, if you were good, you would be invited to a premade, or you would reliably be able to build your own. If you were good, you would still win enough matches to get your rewards (not even counting loss rewards), and you would be geared by now. If you're having problems competing, it's because you're not very good.


That is a hard pill to swallow for a lot of the fragile egos on this forum. They want to pretend like its unfair, but the truth is that it couldn't be more fair. Enough with the excuses, accept responsibility for your losses, and GET BETTER.


You play video games five an a half hours a day on weekdays? 3.5-4 of that on TOR? Wow...

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You buddy are what is known as the "Me first only crowd."


PVP is suposed to be for FUN, not your personal gratification of stomping fresh 50s with no gear.


Fun is the whole point and should not be exclusive to just those at the top. Sorry but we pay to all have fun.


I would stomp them (and do) regardless, the issue here is why people think they should get gear/rewards for FAILING. What next, raid bosses that give tons of loot just for trying to attack them? /loot-pinata-lol

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None of the games you listed have Warzones or BG's.


Now you might not think there is a difference between them and SWTOR, but again, you'd be wrong.


In DAOC for example, If I had to fight an 8 man who schooled me, I could ZERG them with a larger group of lower realm ranks... Which is really the only thing a bad player or a lower rank could do against an 8man, Which is group up and zerg the crap out of them.


You can't do that in SWTOR, it can easily put your pug team with no healers, against a premade team of 8 people with healers, and there isn't squat you can do about it except take it or leave.


DAOC, which I played from launch (Oct 2001) through 2008, was quite skill-based. RR past about 5 didn't make a huge difference... most of the time the issue was PEBKAC, and no, bringing a zerg did NOT help you against my static-running 8-man :D. It all boils down to an "L2P" issue, honestly, and that's being nice about it.


In SWTOR you can form up a quick group prior to queueing and voila, you know you'll have X, Y, and Z in your warzone party. No problem.




Anyone that lists DAoC as a game that gave zero (or negative) results for PvP (RvR in this case) didn't play it but they want to sound cool.


I quit right after Trials of Atlantis hit.


RR 12 Sorc Bedevere


Cute, but RR12 wasn't in the game at the time period you're listing, and only a handful (literally) had hit RR11. Liar = caught. P.S. DAOC gave basically nothing for repeatedly failing :).

Edited by Ancen
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It'd be interesting if this game went the old fashioned way.


If you die at any point (to anyone/anything), you're not allowed to respawn at the nearest most convenient place in the map. You spawn as a ghost in the Capital city and had to chase your body where it died. Good luck if it was at the bottom of a dungeon somewhere far away. Why chase your body? Not only do you lose Experience (and Levels if you lose enough), your body also becomes lootable. Everything on you is available for the taking (to use or sell) by whoever killed you. Or anyone passing by after a while if the one who killed you just left you there.


Now if you gank/pk too many people unprovoked/underlevelled - you get a flag on you branding you as some sort of criminal. You become attackable to everybody (including your own faction) and will not be able to enter any town without getting shot at by the really overpowered guards. To get anything done, you have to rely on other people to craft/sell/service things for you.


Hehe, just a thought. :D

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