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Warzone comms are too high now for losing


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Where's the reward for winning, now? You get 80-90 comms for a loss with proper medals, and 120-130 for a win... may as well not really care about the objectives again anymore :(? I liked that 1.2 originally was making people TRY to play better because they got little reward otherwise. Back to no-skill headless-chicken circles now if I'm not in a preformed group at any given time.
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I liked that 1.2 originally was making people TRY to play better because they got little reward otherwise. Back to no-skill headless-chicken circles now if I'm not in a preformed group at any given time.


Then you apparently are in the minority. If you were on the forums at the end of last week to the beginning of this week, you would know why they made these changes. If you weren't, I'll go ahead and clue you in - everyone hated getting nothing for a loss, and rage quit the round, guaranteeing their team a loss.

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Where's the reward for winning, now? You get 80-90 comms for a loss with proper medals, and 120-130 for a win... may as well not really care about the objectives again anymore :(? I liked that 1.2 originally was making people TRY to play better because they got little reward otherwise. Back to no-skill headless-chicken circles now if I'm not in a preformed group at any given time.




Ok , so you think someone completely fresh to pvp that spends 6 to 15 min in a pvp match that gets own should get nothing or by little when the no bridge of armor between the recruit armor and BM gear which takes a 1000 coms on average :wea_04:bare minimum?


Let's see old math math, let's assume you get 3 medals every match and get 30 coms per match, taking you 2 or more days getting lucky I with the wins. Which would take 30 matches per pice of gear. The weapon is 1500 coms for each hand and the chest is equally expensive.


Sooooooo it would effectively take a recruit about that focused pvp playing ten games a day losing and getting 30 coms and 10,350 wz coms would take 345 matches, would take over a month for the dedicated pvp'er.


This was assuming they actually medaled enough to earn something every match too.

Edited by Blloodbane
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The difference between 80 comms for a loss, and 120 for a win, losers have to play 3 games for every 2 games a winner plays for same rewards.


That's a HUGE difference.


OP is mathfail.



BW please keep comm significant for losers, but with enough extra for winners to make people want to win.

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You guys will never be satisfied. Wether you think it's right or not, people need something in return for their time. One person that gets 10+ medals (for lack of any beter metric) on the losing side should not be punished for having a bad team.
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Where's the reward for winning, now? You get 80-90 comms for a loss with proper medals, and 120-130 for a win... may as well not really care about the objectives again anymore :(? I liked that 1.2 originally was making people TRY to play better because they got little reward otherwise. Back to no-skill headless-chicken circles now if I'm not in a preformed group at any given time.


OP I agree with you, it's stupid.


I personally think you should get negative comms for a loss, and a ban for a day for quitting.

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Apparently the OP doesn't realize that a blowout loss still only amounts to about 40-50 comms tops.


I rarely lose as a blowout loss even when solo queueing... you shouldn't do so either. If you're losing so badly, why should you be getting huge gains for doing so anyway? What do you think, that getting the gear's going to magically make you not suck? :eek:

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Where's the reward for winning, now? You get 80-90 comms for a loss with proper medals, and 120-130 for a win... may as well not really care about the objectives again anymore :(? I liked that 1.2 originally was making people TRY to play better because they got little reward otherwise. Back to no-skill headless-chicken circles now if I'm not in a preformed group at any given time.


You buddy are what is known as the "Me first only crowd."


PVP is suposed to be for FUN, not your personal gratification of stomping fresh 50s with no gear.


Fun is the whole point and should not be exclusive to just those at the top. Sorry but we pay to all have fun.

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I disagree with the OP. Winning still gives a good bonus and daily credit without leaving the well performing losers in the dust. If you shaft the losers (low quality) people just leave games early and often causing a worse experience overall.
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When I see remarks like this all I can think of how people's e-peen needs to be stroked and how they love to ROFL stomp 400 expertise noobs against their 1200 with their premade groups.


But when 1.2 came out, if I came in late, I didn't even bother sticking around, if my group was had 3 or more new players, I didn't bother sticking around.


Me personally I love the challenge and a the best games are the ones that are close.


But today's world people just want things handed to them and want to take advantage of everything. What's next stealing ur neighbors kids bike cus your kiddo has one too?

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I rarely lose as a blowout loss even when solo queueing... you shouldn't do so either. If you're losing so badly, why should you be getting huge gains for doing so anyway? What do you think, that getting the gear's going to magically make you not suck? :eek:


Pre-patch, people would bail on groups if they didn't see the names of good players or saw the names of people known to be bad. Let's face it, losing pre-patch was a harsh punishment. I would lose matches while having the most medals and objective points and maybe get 50 comms. It was immensely frustrating to perform like that and get punished just because the team was a bunch of failers that wanted to sit on one turret for Alderaan. Losing streaks made it take forever to get comms to get gear and be competitive. That wasn't fair. The system actually encouraged dropping from a fail group since you could be requeued with a good team right away.


Since the patch, I have not seen one person drop group at the first sign of losing. Now, making a strong effort actually nets you a decent reward even if you're on the losing team. And there is still the incentive to win. Matches are fun because people compete now.


Exactly where is the problem?

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Where's the reward for winning, now? You get 80-90 comms for a loss with proper medals, and 120-130 for a win... may as well not really care about the objectives again anymore :(? I liked that 1.2 originally was making people TRY to play better because they got little reward otherwise. Back to no-skill headless-chicken circles now if I'm not in a preformed group at any given time.


No, it's wonderful actually!!!! I am PvPing more than I ever have.... in fact my biggest problem is picking which character to do it on.... I am constantly switching between 4-5 different characters/classes and having a blast on all of them, even when I am losing. Even the DPS classes I feel like I am getting somewhere, whereas before if I got in a bad WZ where I go all out, but only get 2-3 medals, I'd be lucky to get ANY comms at all.


The biggest plus to this system is that now I want to get all my characters to 50 to try them out in 50 PvP.... and I will probably play alot longer because of that. Right on, BW.... finally you do something right!!!

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I haven't played in a few days but I'm glad to hear you get something more for losing now. I kept getting into games where i was slaughtered over and over and got nothing at all. In fact I was in one game where nobody on our whole team got over two flags (no joke) wich means we all got zero coms, LOL.
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Me too. Let pvp become an adventure for the hardcore. Only play if you intend to win ;)



And people think the queue times are long now, would hate too see we're only the "elite" are only allowed to play. You need fresh faces to fill the ranks, if they get owned over and over and get little (if anything), what's to keep them continue playing, an overwhelming desire to be crushed for someone else's ego?

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Me too. Let pvp become an adventure for the hardcore. Only play if you intend to win ;)


Yep, and let *all* the hardcore stand around fleet for hours waiting on enough "hardcore" to have a WZ. Sounds fun.

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I rarely lose as a blowout loss even when solo queueing... you shouldn't do so either. If you're losing so badly, why should you be getting huge gains for doing so anyway?:


You sound like someone who lives in his own little world and expects everyone to view it exactly as he does.... I mean did you really just say that since you hardly see blowouts, that he shouldn't either?? As if you could possibly know what kind of server he's on, the quality of players he ques with, etc. etc.??


As for why he should get DECENT rewards too.... and BETTER rewards for doing BETTER (you know, like more rewards for each medal you get, which are independent to whether his team wins or not).... is because we don't pay to play this game just to be punching bags for you elite types (which for the most part, just means you grinded the gear before we did.... and you know it, and you feel threatened because now the gear gap is shrinking and thus your "skill").


And BW agrees that we shouldn't be uncompensated punching bags, and are helping the losers out. Why should you care?? By your own statements, we just lose cause we suck, so what difference does it make to you if we suck in better equipment too??

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