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Everything posted by MarkoJinn

  1. They still, 5 years later, have not yet fixed the codex entries for each planet. I mean I can't get all codex entries for Dromund Kaas which is essentially a starter planet. I mean what else is there to say??? You could've taken 2 computer science interns for unpaid internship and have them fix something so trivial as codex entries. Instead you probably have them working on the next cartel market package.
  2. This is still an issue since it just happened to me. If you don't do the planet bonus series chain in the proper order you will get stuck. Abandoning or resetting the chain does not fix the issue. In other words you are stuck for good... Here is how it looks: https://i.imgsafe.org/c2aed103e1.png
  3. Yeah typical... when trying to describe something bad invoke Soviets and Russians. Dumbness to extreme.
  4. If this is true then that really sucks... Half of the reason why I play is to hear my bounty hunter say: "Credits always make me happy..."
  5. Found the chassis on Taris at -39, -147 at the edge of the bigger pond next to the destroyed building wall...
  6. I would think that they will leave all the quests but somehow the decisions you make in them will tilt you towards one faction or the other for the sake of attracting these late game companions. So if you finish a non main story quest and you choose option A instead of B then your align more with Hutt faction so you can get the HK-Hut-1000 advanced prototype companion droid later on...
  7. I have read your original post about server "hitching" as you call it and I believe that the problem is deeper than you think. For example you say that it has to do with number of players and that one of the 1st things you did in patch 3.0.2 I believe is reduce the number of players allowed in the instance. Well I am currently on Belsavis there is 9 players on the entire planet (single instance) and the lag is still there. It is 7:30 AM on Sunday morning and the server population is light. So I submit to you that the lag problem is not really related to population or at least not to the extend that you believe it is... Belsavis is practically unplayable. The skills fire some 2-3 seconds after the button is clicked. It is awful. It is interesting that is affecting some planets more than others. For example on Yavin I don't lag at all. On Belsavis I have 2-3 seconds delay majority of time.
  8. I know this is off topic of SW but to me it's just another of my beloved franchises. And with that said I don't feel happy at all that one multi-billion dollar company will own everything that I hold dear from my youth related to entertainment. Where are we heading to? Is Disney going to own the exclusive right to making a movie next so that they are the only company in the world that is allowed to create any entertainment content? I'm sure they would love to but I think that's very sad. We need diversity not unity... Your thoughts?
  9. See that is the stat I would love to see. How many players who, when game was not F2P, complained how $15 a month is too much for this game, but are now dishing $600+ a month for various CM items... Oh the irony and the sickness of modern human condition...
  10. Yup this is exactly how I feel. I now I know that everything SW from here on is going to suck big time... Disney never made a movie with a good story that makes any sense. It's generally shallow poorly thought out story with special effects spectacle to shock and awe the masses who hate to think anyway... EA on the other side is just equivalent of that in the gaming world. Disney has to know that EA has been voted the worst company in the world for 2 years in a row and yet they didn't have the problem to give them this contract. Welcome to the age of "kitsch is cool" folks...
  11. I'll get straight to the point I am unable to reverse engineer certain items in my inventory even though I'm at 450 in Synthweaving. These are not special items but green junk items I find during solo questing. The level of the items does not matter either, today I had one in my inventory that was level 49 and still turned into a black icon when I clicked the reverse engineer button. This was not the issue prior to 2.0... When I try to reverse engineer these items I get no message of any kind it just does nothing... Is this a known issue and if so when is this getting fixed? Are game issues being fixed at all or are you just working on the next item to put up on cartel market? Funny how you told us we can't have more than 25 missions in the quest tracker because it would impede game performance but you can stash tons of stuff into CM and that's not an issue at all... I swear Star Citizen can't come out soon enough...
  12. Yeah too bad it's all only via cartel market. I wonder will they ever add any clothes in the future for free...
  13. With all due respect if your server is so under stress that a simple database query that is already happening anyway but it needs to bring additional 25 records is going to slow down the server then this game is in deep trouble. Whatever the scenario is, whether you're caching that info or need to fetch it from the database, 25 records should not be a problem in healthy system. I mean it begs the question how did you add Makeb and all the stuff that came with it such as achievements? So in short either this is the lamest excuse ever or this game is horribly designed/optimized/coded.
  14. And please DO NOT EVEN dare make this something attainable only via cartel market. This to me is a game mechanics issue and should be an improvement to the game for all, not something that we have to pay for. Especially not the subscribers. The maximum should've been 50 from launch.
  15. Yes this is an absolute must!!! 25 is pathetically low...
  16. If you find out let me know since I would like to know this too...
  17. I agree with OP. I would go a step further and say get rid of all asymmetrical outfits. They just hurt my eyes and the reality is that, in real life, wearing asymmetrical outfit would put you at a serious disadvantage in combat especially if, for example, you have a massively heavy shoulder piece...
  18. I agree with the OP post. The fact that the movie made a lot of money is not at all a measurement of its value. For those of us who grew up with Star Trek the new movie, while entertaining, is an insult to what Star Trek is all about. In short ST was never about mindless, fast paced, action packed madness. It was about who we are as a species and where do we fit into this cosmos. The dream of a better future where all are truly equal and have a chance to contribute. It was about hopes and dreams, it was about going to where no man has gone before. J.J. Abram's Star Trek 2.0 has more in common with Avengers or Iron Man than it has with any ST movie ever made. I suppose that is appealing to the new kids on the block who can't stay awake if there is a segment of the movie where they talk for more than 5 minutes. They get bored if someone is not shot or chopped to pieces in an amazing special effects sequence. To me that all is worth nothing without a good story and a great message. Case in point ST IV: Voyage Home has almost no action or very little but raises the important question of how do we treat our planet and other creatures on it and how that all might one day catch up with us. regardless of whether you agree with it or not it's a valid question. The new ST made by JJ Abrams asks no questions. There is absolutely no point to the story other than the old "good guys win eventually" which in actually not even true. It is actually an overly used cliche to give the desperate and the weak some hope and it's getting really boring. So I expect the same from JJ's Star Wars. Endless action sequences with amazing special effects but in the end, very little substance....
  19. I am all for shared banks... This was one of the features from LOTRO that I loved...
  20. ^ This... Just please don't go and make a post how servers are dead...
  21. Normal glow green, yellow and orange. And by normal glow I mean the one which is more like the current blue/red/purple - less blurry/fat and more skinny/sharp kind of look. Basically I want more skinny looking saber options...
  22. If the more adult look is really what they are after then I drink to that. But I remain skeptical until I see the final results.
  23. I'm not sure if anyone here has already posted this but here it is: http://www.cnn.com/2013/01/11/showbiz/tv/abc-star-wars-tv-series-ew/index.html?hpt=hp_t3 Didn't I say they are about to turn it into Jersey Shore... Ahhhhh anything for the mighty dollar...
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