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Poll: Which Top Priority? - Content (from 1.2 Onwards) or Server Merges/Transfers?


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Mergers are the last of the major triage items post-1.2 that I'm most concerned about.


I realize it's a bit of a double-edged sword, but I honestly don't see any other way to get server pops to the level where people can more easily find FP/Ops groups to do things with.

Edited by OMGLasersPewPew
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Surprised this hasn't been locked by a droid yet lol


Server Merges/ transfers but I know that the teams working on content and the teams that work on systems are seperate and they can't exactly pull teams from one area to put them on server merges

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This is a nonsensical post and a waste of time.


It has been stated multiple times that BW has multiple teams working on SWTOR. There are Content Developers AND a server team for instance. There is no unreasonable expectation that BOTH could be achieved with EQUAL priority.





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I want everyone who is telling people to reroll to throw themselves down a flight of stairs.


That just makes the problem worse.


+1 for you...its easy for them to tell us that because they probably have been on a good server since the start...my server had standard pop the first month,but has been a ghost town ever since

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1 - Yes, Their top Priority should be on Server Merges / Transfers

2 - No, Their top Priority should be more content

3 - Don't really care about either option / I have another opinion


Lets see if we can get a Poll going. What do you think Bioware's top priority should be at the moment.. Content, Server Merges/Transfers or do you have another opinion?







Current Priority Poll Results


56 Votes - Mergers/Transfers


9 Vote - Content (from 1.2 Onwards)


21 Vote - Not Concerned / Other Suggestions / Game Polishing






(Ill try and keep it as up to date as possible)


Stupid poll...


Three choices:


1.) Latest complaint bandwagon.

2.) The right answer.

3.) Don't care, with a mix of the right answer.


I'm not even close to surprised with the results.

Edited by BlackZoback
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Sir, the players want the servers merged!


But what if we get people?!


Just do it! The players want it!!!


*servers merged*


A month or two later...


Sir..the numbers keep going up...there are more people coming in


Dammit...this is why we didn't merge the servers but did players listen? no...


Sir? Shall I open new ones?


No, let them suffer with queve times for a while, THEN open ones later muahahahahah


umm...ok sir as you wish

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Sir, the players want the servers merged!


But what if we get people?!


Just do it! The players want it!!!


*servers merged*


A month or two later...


Sir..the numbers keep going up...there are more people coming in


Dammit...this is why we didn't merge the servers but did players listen? no...


Sir? Shall I open new ones?


No, let them suffer with queve times for a while, THEN open ones later muahahahahah


umm...ok sir as you wish


i would rather have to que and be able to enjoy all of the game...3/4 of the game is unplayable on my server due to low population

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Because you can do both, they are doing both, and it's only a matter of time til it happens. You can't have everything immediately, sometimes it takes a bit of patience to see something you feel the game needs. Not everybody shares your opinion, not every server is dead. There are multiple teams that allows them to both work on content and handle the server situation. Patience wins the day.

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3. I'm gonna go with option 3 just cause well we basically need a mix of 1 and 2. We need server merges to get a nice number of heavily populated servers, making it easier to get groups and do stuff!!


Having said that, we need more STUFF to DO, so having extra people might not help as much as we'd like until more stuff is around.

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3. I'm gonna go with option 3 just cause well we basically need a mix of 1 and 2. We need server merges to get a nice number of heavily populated servers, making it easier to get groups and do stuff!!


Having said that, we need more STUFF to DO, so having extra people might not help as much as we'd like until more stuff is around.


on some servers we cant even do the stuff we are given to do because of a lack of players

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