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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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When was the last time a new entry into the industry claimed one of the top three spots?


Yes, it would be a resounding success.


Not really. Many incoming MMO's take 2nd and 3rd and fall or rise. Once again not resounding.

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50-75 on fleet is low pop?


Since when do we judge server pops by some buggy zone count in a place where there are no quests, dailies, datacrons, etc etc you get the picture.



People don't seem to take into account that maybe there are 30 flashpoints going. That's like 150 people that you don't even see. Not to mention the pvp warzones.


It is a fairly accurate judge of a server's pop. Try getting a grp together for a Flashpoint on a low pop server ( 50 - 75 in Fleet ) and see how long it takes you. Sure there may be some allready in a Flashpoint run or many out doing quests in other zones, but without a way to join a grp for a Flashpoint, those who are outside the Fleet in other zones can forget trying to get a grp for one. They are adding a server side only tool in the future, but I am still not confident it will work well on a low pop server.

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BW moderator:


"We know that server population and related topics are of great concern to our community."


Yes, but apparently not of great concern to BW.


Why would it be?


If you are on such a low pop server as some claim to be, doesn't that mean there is no one there...thus no one paying...thus why would they care?

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How did their servers become dead to begin with if no one was leaving the game?


Can you explain how my server was one of the most heavily populated ones and now has 50-75 people a night on fleet?


Because some people (lots from what I've read) decided to be proactive and MOVE instead of sitting around waiting for something that they had been told would take awhile.

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I feel like I'm middle of the fence on this issue. I'm in The Constant, which according to that stats site someone posted a couple pages back is at the top of the grey/least populated servers.


I love this game. I love Star Wars. I love Bioware games. I enjoy playing this game and will continue to play it for a few more months to come (assuming nothing changes) because I am mostly enjoying it.


But I really AM feeling the effects of a low server population. I re-rolled into the Constant from Jedi Covenant which has a higher server pop so I could play with a friend. So, fine, my choice. I have no right to complain. Fair enough.


But the difference between the two servers is palpable. I'm not interested in PvP (only PvE) On Jedi Covenant, I was always able to find people to do heroics, flashpoints, etc. When I am on The Constant, other than my friend, it is very difficult (not impossible, but difficult and time consuming) to find people to quest with.


I'm fairly new to MMOs, so this isn't a huge deal. But there are servers out there that are just empty. That's a fact. I'm on one of them right now. It's not a deal breaker - but it might be in a few months.


I was really hoping Bioware/EA would merge some servers (although I heard they wouldn't because it would send the wrong signal to stockholders). So if that's not a viable option, I hope they allow server transfers in the next month or two.


Help me Bioware employees, you're my only hope :(

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lol @ low population on servers not being a deal breaker.


That's like saying your wife cheats on you, rubs it in your face, but it's not a deal breaker, it's normal.


I'm roaring with laughter right now.


The very meaning of MMORPG's is massive amount of players playing together to conquer massive amounts of content.


Which this game doesn't have.

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SWTOR will continue to survive and operate within its scope and operate at the standard of which SWTOR management team has set for themselves.


to quote american dad... swing low, chop low, chad lowe...




aim low and your gonna go low..


nuff said.. the game is dead


swish... killed the fish (fish named wanda)



Edited by trueanimus
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oh btw.. last time i check MMORPG meant massivly multiplayer online role playing game... soo


wheres the masses? btw.. it also meant doing something other than playing solo so you could get good fps...




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lol @ low population on servers not being a deal breaker.


That's like saying your wife cheats on you, rubs it in your face, but it's not a deal breaker, it's normal.


I'm roaring with laughter right now.


The very meaning of MMORPG's is massive amount of players playing together to conquer massive amounts of content.


Which this game doesn't have.


That's fine. Everyone has their preferences. The reason I'm playing this game is a continuation of the KOTOR universe. The MMO thing just happens to be the gaming format they've decided to use to continue the story. I'm not an MMORPGer.


Still, I agree with the basis of your post, if not the extreme analogy. I was under the impression that the game would be more active and I do think Bioware is in the position to do something about it.

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That's fine. Everyone has their preferences. The reason I'm playing this game is a continuation of the KOTOR universe. The MMO thing just happens to be the gaming format they've decided to use to continue the story. I'm not an MMORPGer.


Still, I agree with the basis of your post, if not the extreme analogy. I was under the impression that the game would be more active and I do think Bioware is in the position to do something about it.


I loved KOTOR 1 myself (Let us not talk about KOTOR 2) but if I played this game on the basis of playing that game, I would be disappointed ten-fold.


To see what they did to Revan.. It makes me shed manly tears.


And manly tears are not easily shed, my friend.

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lol @ low population on servers not being a deal breaker.


That's like saying your wife cheats on you, rubs it in your face, but it's not a deal breaker, it's normal.


I'm roaring with laughter right now.


The very meaning of MMORPG's is massive amount of players playing together to conquer massive amounts of content.


Which this game doesn't have.


For some people it's not a deal breaker... it's completely subjective.

For you it seems to be (and it is for me as well,) but what's the point harping on people for what they enjoy, or how they enjoy it?

(a little overboard on the cheating example btw... but that's just my opinion)

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Because some people (lots from what I've read) decided to be proactive and MOVE instead of sitting around waiting for something that they had been told would take awhile.


That doesn't answer the question.


Why did my fleet and server size shrink considerably if no one left the game?



Nobody decided "well, my server has a healthy pop, time to go reroll to another server and leave my legacy and my other toons behind!" Its like you are answering questions I didn't ask. Yes, I know people are being "proactive" and doing Bio's job for them. That still doesn't explain where all the people went. Something caused them to move servers to find more people.


The only thing (to me) that makes sense is saying that people are now playing less then they were before. While I can agree with this, I still don't understand how less then 4 months into a brand new game are not logging in for weeks at a time.


Look people, I never said the game is dying, or dead, or terrible. It does alot of things that piss me off and leave me shaking my head, but I find it hard to believe that anyone can sit around and tell me that one of the most populated servers after the first free month now is down to standard and has around 50-75 people on fleet during primetime and that this has nothing to do with people leaving the game.

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For some people it's not a deal breaker... it's completely subjective.

For you it seems to be (and it is for me as well,) but what's the point harping on people for what they enjoy, or how they enjoy it?

(a little overboard on the cheating example btw... but that's just my opinion)


Umm? I used the cheating example because it's something 80% of men have to face in their lifetime. More people can relate.


And I wasn't harping. I was engaging in intelligent conversation with a mellow minded individual.

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For some people it's not a deal breaker... it's completely subjective.

For you it seems to be (and it is for me as well,) but what's the point harping on people for what they enjoy, or how they enjoy it?

(a little overboard on the cheating example btw... but that's just my opinion)


I'm one of those who is perfectly content on a low-population server. Few things irritate me more than fighting through some enemies and then watching some bonehead run up and grab the goods I was fighting to reach - or constantly peck at me to join some mission they're on - or the constant invites to guilds, for which I've no interest. I want to play cooperatively with just my wife. That's the reason I got the game in the first place.

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I loved KOTOR 1 myself (Let us not talk about KOTOR 2) but if I played this game on the basis of playing that game, I would be disappointed ten-fold.


To see what they did to Revan.. It makes me shed manly tears.


And manly tears are not easily shed, my friend.


Well, you have me there. :p




Umm? I used the cheating example because it's something 80% of men have to face in their lifetime. More people can relate.


And I wasn't harping. I was engaging in intelligent conversation with a mellow minded individual.


And no offense was taken. The bottom line is that this game is an MMORPG and I agree with you. It promises a massive multiplayer experience and I dare say the diffusion of players amongst a slew of low populated servers is not delivering that promise.


I know people have chimed in with anecdotal evidence that their servers are fine and have often unhelpfully suggested that we re-roll, but I think the point of this thread is to relay our frustrations to Bioware (which we are entitled to do as consumers of the product).


Unfortunately, at this point, I feel like the only catalyst for change will come as a result of dwindling numbers. As someone said a few pages back, it's going to get worse before it gets better. The problem is recapturing part of that lost audience that decided to leave and unsubscribe because of server population issues. SWTOR will lose momentum and I honestly believe it will not recover.

Edited by Seraphixis
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Umm? I used the cheating example because it's something 80% of men have to face in their lifetime. More people can relate.


And I wasn't harping. I was engaging in intelligent conversation with a mellow minded individual.


Hmm... telling someone that you're "roaring with laughter" because of their comment is insulting and rude at best... Most certainly it is not what I would consider intelligent conversation. But hey, I guess that's your opinion. (I guess it could be intelligent if your intent was to put the other person on the defensive, or get under their skin... for whatever purpose.)


Edit: Btw, I agree with your point of view that this low population stuff stinks. I'm just saying you're not going to win anybody over by talking to them that way.

Edited by Snibb
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Not really. Many incoming MMO's take 2nd and 3rd and fall or rise. Once again not resounding.


Can you back this up with some facts please? It's hard to have a serious discussion with people who make unfounded assertions.

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lol @ low population on servers not being a deal breaker.
Not really. Once the servers are consolidated the population will be reasonably spread out; the only reason it's such an issue now is that we're spread too thin. Even conservative estimates indicate the game as a whole boasts enough active subscriptions to be successful indefinitely, and based on models of an MMORPG's lifespan we're at the lowest population a game reaches other than its death throes several years after launch.
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Ula Vii has 2 people in Republic Fleet at 21:00, at weekend it has 5.

Population is dropping severely and if server mergers dont happen this game will probably go down to 5 servers max, thats 5 servers of a bad game, if it was good then population wouldnt drop.

90% of European population is playing on Tomb of Freedon Nadd and rest of servers are slowly dying out, patch 1.2 is next to a bad joke, such incompetence is just amazing.

I applaud Bioware and EA on such epic fail.

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lol @ low population on servers not being a deal breaker.


That's like saying your wife cheats on you, rubs it in your face, but it's not a deal breaker, it's normal.


I'm roaring with laughter right now.


The very meaning of MMORPG's is massive amount of players playing together to conquer massive amounts of content.


Which this game doesn't have.


bad analogy. You can't compare entertainment to something emotional. You should not be emotionally invested in a video game unless you physically helped create it.


WoW has more dead servers than SWTOR so what does that make WoW?

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The RP servers. They rerolled. You were left behind. I guess they forgot to tell you.


Not to antagonize you, but a comment like that is eminently not constructive in a thread that is meant to find/ask for a solution to what you yourself recognize is a problem.

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