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Server population is dropping...


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Things are going improve when 1.2 hits but i would still like the option of server transfer.



this may look like optimism on my but it isnt not really. Im a kotor fan who played on xbox so was disappointed when they said pc only. I bought a video card for my pc so i could play that was £80, i bought the game full price and with sub as well it's not cheap.


I have no real interest in other mmo's im not going to pay sub for either d3 or WOW. However guild wars 2 is f2p and i could play TOR AS WELL AS GW 2. So tor is the only MMO sub for me so im optimisic only because i dont have much choice. Ive invested in this game and im subbing until it dies.


Even my brand of hopeless optimism doesn't dispel the feeling that the horse i bet on has veered of the racetrack straight into oncoming traffic on the local motorway.

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When they launched this game, they should have had WAY LESS servers than they did. They overcompensated for the huge initial rush of players and now everyone is paying the price for it. I don't know why they couldn't have just made it so a server was actually an entire cluster of servers and the load was balanced via instances. It would have allowed them to have a lot more players available per server and the populations would still be sufficient now that the initial hype has died down a bit.


Now, they just have a mess to deal with and will have to consolidate players or implement some kind of cross-server grouping. There's really no practical way to just simply merge servers, as you would have tons of duplicate names, legacies, guilds, etc. to deal with. Just seems like this wasn't very well thought out.

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got to hope for 1.2 but really i dont think its going to fix this at this point


we need server transfers and or just shut down 1/2 or even more then 1/2 of the servers


as is i only log in 3 nights a week my self and thats only to raid with the guild otherwise i am done with the game i have most of the 58 gear you can get i have 56 gear for my pets


with out shuting down the low pop servers and moving people things will only go down hill

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When they launched this game, they should have had WAY LESS servers than they did. They overcompensated for the huge initial rush of players and now everyone is paying the price for it. I don't know why they couldn't have just made it so a server was actually an entire cluster of servers and the load was balanced via instances. It would have allowed them to have a lot more players available per server and the populations would still be sufficient now that the initial hype has died down a bit.


Now, they just have a mess to deal with and will have to consolidate players or implement some kind of cross-server grouping. There's really no practical way to just simply merge servers, as you would have tons of duplicate names, legacies, guilds, etc. to deal with. Just seems like this wasn't very well thought out.



To be fair it was us,the players, who wanted to get more servers in the launch, everyone's qqing that queue times are too long and "this game needs more servers". Also all servers were instanced in the launch and everybody was qqing over forum "they can't see any player because of instances"

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Sitting at 23 on the station, 61 50s on.


Less than a month ago, there would be over 215 people on the station. Way more than half not even 50.


oh, duh. Prophecy of the five.


Guild used to have around 40ish active players?


There might be three of us left.

Edited by Swanea
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Guild used to have around 40ish active players?


There might be three of us left.

Perhaps the real issue, at least with regard of these two lines, has more to do with the quality of the guild in question; it is highly unlikely that such a drastic drop in a guild's population is due to people leaving the game. Build a community, give people a reason to play, and folks will stick around. Edited by HeavensAgent
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Sitting at 23 on the station, 61 50s on.


Less than a month ago, there would be over 215 people on the station. Way more than half not even 50.


oh, duh. Prophecy of the five.


Guild used to have around 40ish active players?


There might be three of us left.


I wish I was on your server


Last night, uthar wynn during prime time (10PM): 4 lvl 50s on Empire side

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Same here. Whats the point in playing a MMORPG when there is no one to play with? Thank god SWTOR is a good game and the solo leveling is fun. But what happens when you reach 50 and you never ever managed to find anyone to run flashpoint? Let alone operations? Where you do one at best two warzones a night otherwise stay in an empty queue forever?Where guilds is an abstract concept or a dozen of lowbies together?


And thats the second server I roll on I already have a 50 char I stopped playing with.


I love this game but Bioware please implement server transfer (paid or free whatever) and /or merge low pop server or people will quit.

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People think of cashshops as p2w. For some games it is true, but every game needs to addressed separately. All cashshops are different. WoW has a cashshop and also has a subscription. You can buy mounts and server transfers from what I understand. I've never played WoW, just things I've heard from browsing/trolling forums. Are mounts and server transfers p2w? I don't think so, just things that people can buy if they so choose. Everyone views it differently.

If EA/BW brought a cashshop into this game and offered the same things, would anyone complain about it becoming p2w? Probably because of their pre-conceived notions of a cashshop.


You are mixing two different things here. I am not talking about cash shops as such, but the payment model of games.


WoW has a cash shop, but it is still a subscription based game. Blizzard makes its money from the subscriptions and then adds a cash shop for extras, but the items there never influence the gameplay. It's 'outside' the game so to speak. You can only buy 'fluff'.


Then there is a cash shop in a 'free' game, where players don't pay a subscription. In that type of game there is a constant need to push players to spend money, and it permeates the mechanics of the game. Content becomes increasingly store driven. Player's decisions of what to do in-game become increasingly wallet driven. You can't only buy fluff, you can go and buy stats, special potions you cant get within the game, etc. Hence p2w.


I am not particularly against the WoW-style cash shop. I am very much against the second type.

Edited by Ceox
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I think light servers are hurting the perceptions of the game. My friend who is on Harbinger -- a high population server -- experiences none of the problems I have experienced on my light server: empty worlds, sparse GTN, and impossible pvp queues. I honestly hope Bioware considers server consolidation.
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The real problem is lack of end game, there is not a lot at all. I have nothing at all to do on my main, full Rakata and I haven't even played that much. Easy content, too easy to get loot and not enough content. Got to rank 40 on my main, then PVP just bored me to tears, so i won't be doing anymore of that (I've never been a huge fan of PVP in MMOs anyway, I use Battlefield for that).


Balancing classes from PVP as well just breaks the game.


Bioware seemed to think we would be happy levelling each character with the exact same levelling routes.


No thanks.


Also doesn't help that my server is dead due to Bioware releasing far too many. Merges or free transfers is a must.

Edited by Tekkoclarky
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BW needs to completely restructure the server system, it simply does not work. They must have estimated ten times as much active players per server as there are in reality.


Heck, in Star Trek Online you can "change instane" by the click of a button and even look for groups easily with a tool, what is wrong with this big budget game to screw up even the core features?

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got to hope for 1.2 but really i dont think its going to fix this at this point l



Patch 1.2 will bring a lot more activity from players on most servers. But its a long term thing, if Bioware patch in content in a regular fashion then we should be OK.

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BW needs to completely restructure the server system, it simply does not work. They must have estimated ten times as much active players per server as there are in reality.


Heck, in Star Trek Online you can "change instane" by the click of a button and even look for groups easily with a tool, what is wrong with this big budget game to screw up even the core features?


The problem is that they've painted themselves in to a corner with their current architecture. It worked well in STO because that game was developed from the get go with a mass-server in mind.


Changing over TOR would require restructuring the internal network architecture behind the scenes as well as reorganizing the database so that all server DBs can be merged in to a single Super database, and that carries its own hassles (Primary key mismatches and dupes, duplicate data in records, a more robust thread-pooling scheme to name a few).


Unfortunately, its simply too late for TOR to adopt the mass-server system that STO uses. It's just not economically viable.

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In an MMO without instant gratifaction tools like LFG. People would know who was what on your server. If you were a ninja, Your name would get around the server, which would get you black listed. A community built, people got to know peoples rolls and classes. Idiots would be outed and black listed and the server balance would take effect. At the moment in WoW, people log in, push a button, jump in an instance with no community ties. people ninja with no back lash. people act like idiots with no back lash as they know all that they have to do is join another queue.


No thanks!


Server merge yes, Cross server LFG no thanks.


Lol server reputation? Doesn't matter, as I was playing on Wall of Light for a while and degraded every player I could. I call everyone names, I kick people from groups for being terrible, but no one argues it because I'm one of the few tanks left on the server. So yeah keep your server community and rep because it doesn't really matter.

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Bioware will never have a server merge as they simply do not have the technology to do such a thing. Remember so far its taken them a month to move around 30 level 50s to the ptr. Can you imagine how long its going to take them to move a couple hundred people!



Good Rule of Thumb


Fatman if your East Coast


Swiftsure if your West Coast

Edited by Icysunx
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Bioware will never have a server merge as they simply do not have the technology to do such a thing. Remember so far its taken them a month to move around 30 level 50s to the ptr. Can you imagine how long its going to take them to move a couple hundred people!



Good Rule of Thumb


Fatman if your East Coast


Swiftsure if your West Coast


Would also suggest Sith Wyrm as well. Fleet usually maxes at 150-200, averages around 100, planets never have less then 50-60. Best bet to find a more populated server is the check the status page during peak hours, the servers at the top of the list are likely to be bigger.

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I have not been playing for a week and cancelld yesterday, but have 25 days remaining.

If update 1.2 is good i will re-sub, otherwise.....


I'm in the same boat. I'm officially done April 18th. 1.2 needs to be a small miracle to get me to resub. Not a troll post, good first try BW. Definately do things different next time though ;)

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The idea of separate servers is outdated, it always ends up with some empty and others too full. Instead everyone should be in instances on the same "super server", kinda like STO. Some say they don't like instancing but face it, it's here to stay and the benefits outweigh the drawback. Can just use schemes to do a best effort in getting to see the same people often and could separate EU from NA and AU etc for response time and such.


Always populated sever is worth the cost of a few instances.

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