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Everything posted by USLeatherneck

  1. I absolutely love the direction Bioware is heading with their UI and opening combat metrics parsing. Would Bioware open up further and allow for LUA add-ons / mods in the future? Raid alerts, in-game combat logs, raid calendars, and threat warning mods are something many devoted fans in the community would be eager to share with each other. Thank you.
  2. I think light servers are hurting the perceptions of the game. My friend who is on Harbinger -- a high population server -- experiences none of the problems I have experienced on my light server: empty worlds, sparse GTN, and impossible pvp queues. I honestly hope Bioware considers server consolidation.
  3. Though I primarily enjoy end-game content in MMOs, I must say that side dailies, Easter Eggs, and social activities help break some of the monotony or downtime inherent in this genre. Because of this, I believe Space Missions and Datacron hunting were great features in SWTOR and the MMO space. My question is: will Bioware feature some new social activities (with rewards) such as podracing, casino gambling, holiday events, mini-games, team Space Mission battles, or world events (which would require a server-wide effort to complete) outside of PvP, Flashpoints, and Operations in the near future?
  4. I rolled two Republic characters because there were simply fewer Republic players on my server. I tend to do that for most MMOs. And, so far, I am enjoying it.
  5. My question is: will Bioware implement Target of Target (including a visible cast bar above the portraits) in the new UI? As a veteran raider of two other popular MMOs, this tool is highly invaluable in PvE. PvP players will also find it useful when somebody switches focused targets. Thank you.
  6. It sounds like you are completely burnt out from the entire genre. Perhaps scale back on play? I don't get a chance to play this game as often as I would like -- only once or twice a week -- I haven't experienced a similar surfeit. However, I do miss the illusion of an open world presented in many MMOs as you mentioned. This was partially the reason why Guild Wars never clicked with me. Its restricted paths made progression feel much more linear than average. I think by streamlining space travel much more, TOR can escape this rigid atmosphere.
  7. So by understanding the necessity for an emergency patch for any game instantly makes you a fanboy? I would hold this opinion if it were Battlefield, CoD, WoW, or whatever game that hinges on online play. Sometimes it is necessary to have these fixes; there's no subtext to read beyond this discourse.
  8. So a fix for players getting disconnected should wait until Tuesday just because they waited this long already?
  9. I agree with this disagreement. This was a necessary fix.
  10. Sometimes sexuality has nothing to do with the characters you play. Most of my buddies and I just play depending on which character trope we want to control, i.e. if we play military type of characters or classes, we tend to roll male characters; if we play stealth type of characters some of us prefer rolling female. Sometimes I roll a character to resemble my physical appearance, or, sometimes my girlfriend's appearance. Sometimes I just use a quick roll option. Sometimes I roll a character to resemble a famous real-life person, e.g. creating a Michael Jordan look-alike in NBA2K10. Thus, analyzing the subtext of gender choice in application to real-world sexuality is ridiculous.
  11. Bioware, I understand that you will be implementing moveable and scalable UI modules, which I highly applaud. However, I would like to know if 'Target of Target' will be available with these changes? As a healer, watching health bars and managing my rotation for ammo/force regeneration, it becomes rather difficult to see the party's target, whether or not that target is casting or channeling. Having this knowledge is highly important as it can help us anticipate the incoming damage for the appropriate healing response (burst or steady or regen). Please include Target of Target if it is not on the priority list! Thanks!
  12. I agree. There should be a way to get back to your ship faster if you want to leave the planet. In addition, there should be a way to summon a party member through some world device or something. My party member took forever to get to us when we needed help with a 4-man heroic.
  13. 8.5. I love the game -- it's probably the best MMO launch in a long time -- but there are a few things that concern me, including lack of combat log, rigid UI, lack of PvP level selection, and the drone Jedi armor aesthetics on the Republic side.
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