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Server population is dropping...


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Imagine the dropoff once GW2 joins the party


Diablo 3 and GW2 is a double whammy. Both games are going to hurt SWTOR unless Bioware smartens up, but from what looks of it they arent. Let This game die for all i care, if Bioware isnt doing anything to make their players happy this game deserves to end up like Warhammer.


Remember Warhammer had a ton of hype, better reviews, and too many problems ingame yet people were like, "its only 2 months old", "its only 3 months old." Just like you see here.

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Diablo 3 and GW2 is a double whammy. Both games are going to hurt SWTOR unless Bioware smartens up, but from what looks of it they arent. Let This game die for all i care, if Bioware isnt doing anything to make their players happy this game deserves to end up like Warhammer.


Remember Warhammer had a ton of hype, better reviews, and too many problems ingame yet people were like, "its only 2 months old", "its only 3 months old." Just like you see here.


This game was released with missing features bottom line. its largely a single player game with lobby like multiplayer features. not my cup of tea two thirds of my guild quit before lvl cap can barely field our 8 man raids.

This is a reroll game its not a true MMO expierence like EQ 2 WOW Rift or even AOC for that matter.

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Like the now sparse server pop - hundreds of threads about wait times, they open more servers, guess what? Now pops are down and everyone is too spread out. This was entirely the fault of all the whiners.


This can't be farther from the truth. Blaming gamers for misdeveloping and bad management is just blaming the victim. Bioware simply believed that their game is so great that the trend will be only in up direction... People are spread out because the servers can hold maximum of two thousand people instead of ten. Such server, if not having the maximum number of players, quickly begin to look underpopulated. And then it starts a chain reaction. And of course the zone limit - only 100 people in a single instance. One gets to wonder why all the people are not on a single server when they are separated by instancing, like in Guild Wars 1.


The other major feature of the game is that the majority of investements have gone for recording of quest speech. Personal stories are good, but the rest of the quests are all the same and include some military conversation about targets, units and special forces. They are crap. There are no huge open spaces for people to wander, gather/grind and accidentally meet someone else for party or pvp or anything. Dynamic events obviously are off the schedule for Bioware. There are planets completely off reach for the opposite faction and almost all of them have empire and republic territories situated at the same coordinates which is absurd and ruins all the illusion of a consistent world. You simply cannot attack any base, because it is beyond the event horizon. In essence, this game is a massive single player game. Once you eat all the content you're done.

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This can't be farther from the truth. Blaming gamers for misdeveloping and bad management is just blaming the victim. Bioware simply believed that their game is so great that the trend will be only in up direction... People are spread out because the servers can hold maximum of two thousand people instead of ten. Such server, if not having the maximum number of players, quickly begin to look underpopulated. And then it starts a chain reaction. And of course the zone limit - only 100 people in a single instance. One gets to wonder why all the people are not on a single server when they are separated by instancing, like in Guild Wars 1.


The other major feature of the game is that the majority of investements have gone for recording of quest speech. Personal stories are good, but the rest of the quests are all the same and include some military conversation about targets, units and special forces. They are crap. There are no huge open spaces for people to wander, gather/grind and accidentally meet someone else for party or pvp or anything. Dynamic events obviously are off the schedule for Bioware. There are planets completely off reach for the opposite faction and almost all of them have empire and republic territories situated at the same coordinates which is absurd and ruins all the illusion of a consistent world. You simply cannot attack any base, because it is beyond the event horizon. In essence, this game is a massive single player game. Once you eat all the content you're done.


Very well said.

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This can't be farther from the truth. Blaming gamers for misdeveloping and bad management is just blaming the victim. Bioware simply believed that their game is so great that the trend will be only in up direction... People are spread out because the servers can hold maximum of two thousand people instead of ten. Such server, if not having the maximum number of players, quickly begin to look underpopulated. And then it starts a chain reaction. And of course the zone limit - only 100 people in a single instance. One gets to wonder why all the people are not on a single server when they are separated by instancing, like in Guild Wars 1.


The other major feature of the game is that the majority of investements have gone for recording of quest speech. Personal stories are good, but the rest of the quests are all the same and include some military conversation about targets, units and special forces. They are crap. There are no huge open spaces for people to wander, gather/grind and accidentally meet someone else for party or pvp or anything. Dynamic events obviously are off the schedule for Bioware. There are planets completely off reach for the opposite faction and almost all of them have empire and republic territories situated at the same coordinates which is absurd and ruins all the illusion of a consistent world. You simply cannot attack any base, because it is beyond the event horizon. In essence, this game is a massive single player game. Once you eat all the content you're done.


This is absloutely the truth of SWTOR it is a massive on line single player game. everything is designed around a single player class story. it has forced seperation and segregation of factions which is absurd considering the premise of the game being faction based and race restrictive.

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I have noticed a steady decline on Mind Trick but today was probably the biggest moment of concern. I visited Voss around 12:00 Eastern time and there were 3...count em', 3 people on the planet. The Galactic Market has started to get low on crafting material and other supplies too. Its pretty bad when there are as few 3 crafters selling material. Edited by Hyryu
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I haven't logged into the game in almost two weeks. I have been posting a bit on these forums though, so that's something I guess. Even still, I cancelled my account last night and there are 15 days left on it. I doubt I'll log in before it expires. Despite that, I will check the game out again next year. Who knows, maybe next year this game will be super awesome with all their updates. But for now, this game just doesn't have the "It" factor to make me want to continue playing, let alone log in. For those of you that continue to play, enjoy the game and I hope you have a good time with it.
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I haven't logged into the game in almost two weeks. I have been posting a bit on these forums though, so that's something I guess. Even still, I cancelled my account last night and there are 15 days left on it. I doubt I'll log in before it expires. Despite that, I will check the game out again next year. Who knows, maybe next year this game will be super awesome with all their updates. But for now, this game just doesn't have the "It" factor to make me want to continue playing, let alone log in. For those of you that continue to play, enjoy the game and I hope you have a good time with it.


Yeah, this game doesn't have that "vaccum suck" that other MMORPG's have had on a lot of people. I think it's what happens when you focus so much on the single player that we get an inferior single player game. I don't even want to think about how much development time was spend on space combat, it would truly upset me. I'm sure this time next sure though with a dungeon finder and a stream of new content this game will be something truely special.

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Well they closed a thread I started requesting a response - of course.


So I will post this here:


Love the game. I have three 50's, geared and an assassin who's almost 50 - along with countless of alts from 13 to 30. Legacy 40.


The server I am on, Hedaar Soongh is DEAD.


Recently I rolled some alts on The Fatman server, with the origin planets having around 70 people on them at all times! What goes on in general chat? Everyone amazed at how many people are on the origin planet because their server is dead!


I find it hard to want to level on the fatman, even though its jam packed. Warzones are insta cue, you can find heroic groups EASY and you can even do flashpoints while leveling - something I have not been able to do on Hedaar since the month after Launch.


When I leveled my first char and my current main, I made lots of friends. When I log in every night for raids now, which is really the only reason TO log in (and not so much since I don't need anything) - I have maybe, AT MOST, 3-4 people out of around 45 people online - on my friends list.


People have left or quit.



1.2 is coming, you have had free weekends to hype the game up. But the fact remains, that 1.2 will not make the 30 percent or so of consistently light servers suddenly booming again...


I cannot bring myself to roll alts, which is want you want me to do with legacy, on a server that has around 10 people on each planet. It's a 15-50 journey with no general chat or grouping. It's 15 dollars a month for a single player game aside from Raiding.


There have been so many posts about this in the server merge thread and others, with no reply.


Honestly, i think merging dead servers is, if not a higher priority, then 1.2.


This should be done in conjunction with 1.2, and you will make a LOT of people very, very happy.



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We might hear a response about mergers after 1.2 is released. If fewer people than anticipated come back to the game, then we might get mergers. As a public company they can't do anything that makes it look like the game is failing unless they absolutely have to, even if doing something sooner would be good for players.
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well they got till may 15th if nothing happens by then i will cancel and move on to diablo 3. instead of keeping my sub and playing TOR and Diablo 3. I had 27 people on fleet last night during prime time hours and its only getting worse. This game is going the way of DCUO same damn thing happened there servers were gost towns. My only hope is they will announce this as thier next priority after 1.2 i would be happy with that.
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One more for supporting merging servers.

I JUST started playing on the free weekend, bought the game, and paid my monthly.

Now that the weekend is over, the server I chose is dead, but I'm level 19.


There's no way in hell I'm going to pay another dime just to transfer my character to another server just because they flooded the game with too many realms. There was absolutely no way for me to know that there would be such a drastic drop in population after the weekend... I couldn't even ask people what it was like before the weekend, thanks to the limitations they put on the free accounts. (I understand that... but you can't fault ME for not knowing...)


With such a recently released game, there shouldn't be more than a 5-10 minute wait to get a 2 man heroic together. Even that is a bit ridiculous. I agree that free transfers aren't the answer either, just merge the realms that are dead/dying.


This fairly basic economics. Too much supply, not enough demand. So what if some people have to wait occasionally to get on... when they do, at least there will be plenty to do. It really doesn't matter if we can get in right away if there's nobody on the server to group with. This is basic logic, a programmers most intrinsic tool. Clearly either the devs didn't make the call, or they are failing at their own tasks.

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I don't see what the issue is - there are plenty of people playing still.


The launched too many servers from the start.


Every game, whether its an mmo or fps looses peoples interest after awhile. The initial wow of when it first comes out, becomes repetitive and people look elsewhere for that factor.


I don't see how merging servers can be seen as a bad thing - there are too many, rid of them. Make everyone happy and you'l see a lot less complaining because with this issue resolved, there will be a lot LESS to complain about.

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Just to bolster support for the merge.. my servers #s since launch to now..

Fleet (after the opening groupings in the first week actually got to fleet) started holding around


Mid january


Late january


Mid feb


Early march


Now.. at primetime as of last night..

106 was the high between 7pm - 9pm server.


We have issues finding pugs for most groups, I've cycled through 3 raid groups only keeping 3 raiders with me the entire process. People are quitting, it's apparent.. but there are lots of people on small servers wanting to play that can't because their numbers are awful. A merge helps this, a lot. Their biggest issue is legacy names, once they figure this out I'm sure merges will be coming. I'm desperate for 1.2 to be good and have a bit more end game to allure the raiders to keep playing but with only 1 op coming out and a 16m world boss it seems unlikely.


All 8m nightmare content cleared, 3 geared 50s.. loving the game but needing more.

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On my server, Imperial fleet usually has 15-20 folks on. Occasionally it will hit 30. Most planets have <10 people on them. The same handful of people are the only ones (outside of my guild) running flashpoints. No one, NO ONE is running pug Operations.


A server merge is not only a good idea, it's absolutely necessary, AND SOON. I am considering not renewing my sub after it runs out this month, because right now it is a single-player game and I have finished the single-player content that I am interested in.

Edited by Frenden
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I just cancelled my subscription.

My Server is dead with 30 people in Fleet and 8 on planet most times. PUB


I hope to come back in 6 to 9 months.


The population is so bad on some servers that I'd recommend canceling for a few months and doing something else. That'll send a solid message to Bioware to fix the problem and when we come back, boom, better game

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I just hit level 50, there where 2 people on ILLUM and 24 level 50 on the server. That means I have 23 other people to play with =)


Something got be done, I am having fun with the game, but if nobody is playing I will to find the "next" big MMO.



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I just logged in to find, for the second time in a row, that all 35 of the items I had listed at the auction house ended without a single sale. Three weeks ago I would have sold mostly all of it. I know there are lots of reasons why this might happen but it *feels* like I'm the only one here. I almost never see any one around on the planets and it's hopeless to look for a group lately. It's been a week since any of my other guild members have logged in. Maybe it's just a slow spell but I wanted to post since it's a lot less fun this way; maybe Bioware can do something sooner. I think it would help.

I'll stay awhile longer then try rerolling on one of the busier servers or move on......

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I just logged in to find, for the second time in a row, that all 35 of the items I had listed at the auction house ended without a single sale. Three weeks ago I would have sold mostly all of it. I know there are lots of reasons why this might happen but it *feels* like I'm the only one here. I almost never see any one around on the planets and it's hopeless to look for a group lately. It's been a week since any of my other guild members have logged in. Maybe it's just a slow spell but I wanted to post since it's a lot less fun this way; maybe Bioware can do something sooner. I think it would help.

I'll stay awhile longer then try rerolling on one of the busier servers or move on......


I gave up on the GTN a long time ago, and I play on a relatively populated server. Not sure the GTN's issues are a result of population, but rather poor design. Good news is that 1.2 is supposed to improve the GTN.


That said, I really empathize with people faced with low population servers. You're caught between a rock and a hard place, and no matter what solution comes your way, you're going to have to bite the bullet. I wouldn't be very happy.

Edited by Dezzi
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