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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Give us 1.2 as it is FAST !!! Too many players leaving the game !!!


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um....you know that the creation of daylight saving time actually threw the whole Mayan calander thing out of whack?...


technically the date passed 9 months ago...and we're still alive ;)



the world isnt supposed to end when the mayan calender stops. its the end of a galactic day which is 25625 years divided into 5 cycles of 5125 years. we are living in the time of the final cycle. the world isnt going to end. they never said it was going to end. there are long count calendars all over the world and none to my knowledge say we are all going to die. if anything i think the calendar just starts over.




























OR ALIENS.......

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Its become apparent to me that Bioware are not catering to the "I want it all now" or the "were Hardcore and need new Ops/Flashpoints every month" crowd's...


Personally I think they know where they want the game to go , I think they know the target audience they are aiming at, And also know how many subs they need to retain a profit.


If you think they are going to cater to the Hardcore Raidier's, PVPers and Players that spend 12 hours a day in front of there screen's...Your very much mistaken.


they are not the players who retain subs. Its the players who take there time, have jobs, family's and limited gaming time. Players that craft, that explore, that enjoy the Star Wars universe and will stay here simply because its the only Star Wars MMO...Player's that understand that Rome wasnt built in a day, Not whinny kids crying for there sweets.


The base of this game has been set, It will get better, But to make it better it needs time. Abd in that time space will get expanded, Crafting will become more player involved, PVP will expand, the game may develop some atmosphere in the form of weather and day/night cycles, Guild's will be made better....And all in all a community will start to form....


To build a beautiful garden.....First you need to get rid of the weeds (wow kiddies), then the annoying stones (players who will consume anything new in 1 week), once that is done you plant your seeds and start to build a thing of beauty...


Ask yourselves a question....does a huge sub base make a game great.....????


EVE (awesome game) to complex for my liking.....over 500k subs

SWG (brilliant game,best sandbox MMO ever released, even after the N.G.E) over 300k subs


WOW (to childish for my liking, complete tosh IMHO) over 7 million subs


I'm definitely on this guy's team.

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Its become apparent to me that Bioware are not catering to the "I want it all now" or the "were Hardcore and need new Ops/Flashpoints every month" crowd's...


This is true, because they dont cater to any mmo players at all.

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The sky is falling....


So about these massive amounts of fleeing people; I started on two servers, 1 PVE, and 1 PVP. I guess I am the luckiest man alive becuase both are always pretty well populated with typically 150 + on the fleets.

Recently, some friends who all play and I decided to form a guild together so we can help each other see all the content. We picked a server due to the name. I was worried becuase I had heard, but not felt, the comments about the low pop servers.


Luck strikes me three times in a row (not likely). I roll a sith and there are 100+ people on KORRIBAN. So I say, hmmmm... maybe the free week population boom. I level and go to Dromund Kaas...whoa, what....150 + poeple there too. 160+ on th fleet. My luck hold true.


Gang, I am simply not that lucky to strike three out of three completely at random. I think the server pop things i part myth, part reality that MMOs DO see a pop drop after the initial couple of months.


The desperate cries that people are fleeing in droves just does not seem true to me at all.

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The sky is falling....


So about these massive amounts of fleeing people; I started on two servers, 1 PVE, and 1 PVP. I guess I am the luckiest man alive becuase both are always pretty well populated with typically 150 + on the fleets.

Recently, some friends who all play and I decided to form a guild together so we can help each other see all the content. We picked a server due to the name. I was worried becuase I had heard, but not felt, the comments about the low pop servers.


Luck strikes me three times in a row (not likely). I roll a sith and there are 100+ people on KORRIBAN. So I say, hmmmm... maybe the free week population boom. I level and go to Dromund Kaas...whoa, what....150 + poeple there too. 160+ on th fleet. My luck hold true.


Gang, I am simply not that lucky to strike three out of three completely at random. I think the server pop things i part myth, part reality that MMOs DO see a pop drop after the initial couple of months.


The desperate cries that people are fleeing in droves just does not seem true to me at all.


On my fleet there is never 100+

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Its become apparent to me that Bioware are not catering to the "I want it all now" or the "were Hardcore and need new Ops/Flashpoints every month" crowd's...


If they made ops difficult then people wouldn't complete them in a month. Instead of making them hard, they went the.. I guess casual route, and ended up making them super easy - even nightmare mode.

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It's in the line of:


1. Release bad game because you are greedy.

2. Fix the bad game before people leave.

3. People leave anyway cause there's no new content.

4. Rush new content




1. Release one of the smoothest MMO launches in history

2. Sell 2 million games and convert to 1.7 million subscriptions

3. Release regular patches to fix bugs

4. Release first major new content within four months of launch

5. Watch disgruntled minority take over forums

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1. Release one of the smoothest MMO launches in history

2. Sell 2 million games and convert to 1.7 million subscriptions

3. Release regular patches to fix bugs

4. Release first major new content within four months of launch

5. Watch disgruntled minority take over forums




All of these undertakers writing eulogies and pre-post-mortems.


Why would they ever let facts get in the way?

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It's to late for this game.


MMOs have a limited window of opportunity these days. First impressions are very key.


Star Wars: The Old Republic failed at every turn.


This will go the way of Warhammer/Aion. You'll get a few big patches, they'll continue to bleed subs, and eventually they'll switch to a F2P model, with Legacy requiring real money to unlock content (Flashpoints, Warzones etc.)


It's weird. This wasn't their first MMO. Mythic has tons of experience in that regard. How could they mess up so badly?


Maybe they were better off rolling with an IP of their own? A Mass Effect MMO maybe.


Perhaps the restrictiveness of the lore kinda hampered their development.

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The problem is: there is nothing to have fun with...


If we had more of the sandbox features maybe, but so far...



I've been playing since launch and my highest level character is level 33. I have one of every AC in the game (both sides) all ranging from 17-33. I'm still having a blast and I haven't even touched end game yet. Unless you have all 16 ACs at level 50 with full end game gear, there's plenty for you to do as well. If you aren't having fun doing those things, take a break. There's nothing wrong at all with taking a break for a while.

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If Bioware realises this patch bugged and incomplete, they'd lose way more subs than if they were to wait.


Bad suggestion is really, really bad.


agree.. we know it going to have some bugs any way, but lets test and try to cut them down..

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All of these undertakers writing eulogies and pre-post-mortems.


Why would they ever let facts get in the way?


I know how ya feel. These Chicken Little "the sky is falling" threads crack me up. It's the same with the FPS issues some people have. Lets disregard the million plus people playing happily, with no problems, and post about how the game is bugged and doomed.

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The sky is falling....


So about these massive amounts of fleeing people; I started on two servers, 1 PVE, and 1 PVP. I guess I am the luckiest man alive becuase both are always pretty well populated with typically 150 + on the fleets.

Recently, some friends who all play and I decided to form a guild together so we can help each other see all the content. We picked a server due to the name. I was worried becuase I had heard, but not felt, the comments about the low pop servers.


Luck strikes me three times in a row (not likely). I roll a sith and there are 100+ people on KORRIBAN. So I say, hmmmm... maybe the free week population boom. I level and go to Dromund Kaas...whoa, what....150 + poeple there too. 160+ on th fleet. My luck hold true.


Gang, I am simply not that lucky to strike three out of three completely at random. I think the server pop things i part myth, part reality that MMOs DO see a pop drop after the initial couple of months.


The desperate cries that people are fleeing in droves just does not seem true to me at all.


Of course you have those numbers on your new server because you picked the name 'Very Heavy' or 'Heavy' instead of 'Light'.


And to contrast, my first server can sometimes hit 150 in Fleet prime time, but it is rare and doesn't last long. Usually it is hovering under 100 in the evenings, with around 10 people on the starter planets, maybe another 20 on Dromund Kass, and no more than 8 on any of the mid level planets, with some empty. You'll find one or two Huttball games going, and if lucky, a Voidstar or Alderaan match. Flashpoints are empty save one or two with a four person group, Operations are empty, and general chat is pretty barren.


My new server (that I chose like you by picking the name 'Heavy') will hit over 200 in Fleet, and will hold well above 150 most of the night. There will be 80+ people on the starting planets, 150+on Drumond Kaas, and even 40-50 on planets like Hoth and Voss. There will be multiple WZ matches going in all the maps, every Flashpoint has people - some with 20 plus, Operations have people, and general chat has people forming groups left and right for just about all content for all levels.


And to the OP, NO, they do not need to drop 1.2 as it stands. While it may help stem the losses, if it drops full of bugs and balance issues, it will push more people away than it will help retain.


Too bad they can't provide character copies to get more people of all levels and skill ranges onto the PTR to test all the various changes. We'll just have to cross our fingers and hope for the best.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Sorry to disappoint you but 1.2 wont save the game. Nothing new or exciting in that patch except things that should've been included at launch. Serious players have devoured their respective PvE/PvP contents and have moved on. SWTOR failed at its first impressions. Now BioWare is ignoring their active subscriptions and sitting around bleeding subs while they figure out how to fix themselves.
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game is broken.


no news.


no fun ( only pvp huttball good )


bad stability game for this...... graphics? 2006 mmo game?


see tera?




serious.... swtor realy 200M budject?


Tera sucks. I played the beta. No swtor wasn't a 200 million dollar budget. Yes I agree swtor has bad graphics and outdated game engine.

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This is true, because they dont cater to any mmo players at all.


I want some of what you are smoking, because I dont see it at all. Its an MMO no matter how hard people are trying to justify that it is not. Is it a grind fest like most MMO's? Not really. But thats a good thing.


Damn nice for once to have a game that doesn't feel like a 2nd job.

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Now BioWare is ignoring their active subscriptions and sitting around bleeding subs while they figure out how to fix themselves.


That is an awfully presumptuous statement coming from somebody who has absolutely no access to active/passive/cancelled subscription numbers.


With that said. EA has a habit of keeping the servers running until the population is in the 4 digits before selling off an MMO. eg. UO. So, as long as some people are still enjoying the game, it is not going anywhere soon if they keep with tradition.


I've been content so far and 1.2 will only improve on that. Doom & Gloom until you turn blue in the face. I have more productive ways to spend my time though.

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I've been testing the 1.2 patch, and I have to say the game actually feels more complete. Feels like we're not playing a beta anymore. Granted, they have some bugs to fix, such as a major sound glitch that continues until you exit the game and come back in, but overall the improvement is extremely noticeable.

The UI stuff is pretty slick, some of the gripes about crafting fixed, guild banks.

I don't have a 50 on PTS though, so I can't comment about fixes to endgame.


Edit: I wouldn't want 1.2 released with that sound bug... so I have to disagree with the OP. Don't release NAO.

Edited by Snibb
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