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How To Balance Huttball: Ball Carriers Can't Leap or be Pulled


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They need some kind of barrier between goal line and pit with 1 or 2 opening that also have insta kill fire traps on faster rotation than the walkway traps. It's simply too easy to intercede or leap from pit.


Pull? Definitely. There should only be one carrier. Pulling makes non-carriers effectively carriers as they are controlling the movement of the ball.



One could also argue that aoe knockbacks are cheap. And should only effect 1 or 2 people in huttball. Or the walkway needs some railing at certain points to act as safe sections.

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Nerfing class abilities doesn't seem like the answer. The Huttball field just needs to be bigger.


Force sprinters/pullers/leapers are game changing (not breaking) because they can cover so much of the playing field using their abilities. Throw in all the stun locks and slows, and it's difficult for others to catch up to even attempt to make a play on the ball.


Double the size of the arena and add more obstacles. Problem solved.

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Listen, whether you think it should be bigger, longer or whatever. If your angry at pullers pushers leapers or grapplers. If you feel you've been marginalized, left behind or simply overlooked. If you feel others are stronger, have more endurance are more coveted or faster to get to the goal...


One thing is for sure...


Huts love us playing with thier ball.

Everyone can play with it,

don't be jealous!

Edited by VoidJustice
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Nerfing class abilities doesn't seem like the answer. The Huttball field just needs to be bigger.


Force sprinters/pullers/leapers are game changing (not breaking) because they can cover so much of the playing field using their abilities. Throw in all the stun locks and slows, and it's difficult for others to catch up to even attempt to make a play on the ball.


Double the size of the arena and add more obstacles. Problem solved.


Do you seriously think that would even the playing field? By making it harder than it already is for certain classes to traverse the field... making the arenas larger would make things infinitely worse as the classes that already have an advantage would even more of one. Those game breaking abilities you mentioned earlier would completely dominate...


Worst idea ever...

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There are too many CCs in this game. I think they should be reduced or the release skill have a 10 sec cd.


If you don't want the ability to force leap or sprint, then force pull is out too. Can't have it all. And if you can't have any of those, then the force slow you get when you get the ball should be removed as well.


I think Huttball is pretty frustrating, especially when you first start doing WZ. But it definitely is a learning curve and it is a great free-for-all. Great training for open pvp if u ask me. Besides taking away the overloading of CCs, I don't think anything should be changed.

Edited by Appletaz
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If your angry at pullers pushers leapers or grapplers.


I'm not angry. Not in the least. I'm a Powertech and take great satisfaction in pulling ball carriers into the acid and fire on a regular basis. And since others like to show off their e-peens in the PvP forums, I'll toot my own horn a bit and say that I'm one of the best mid controllers on my server. I actually like Huttball for the most part.


However, Huttball is highly class dependent. Something is screwed up when you can simply look at a team's composition (regardless of skill, gear, or level) and know with almost certainty who is going to win. Sorc/Sage in particular is overpowered in PvP as it is, but it's especially obvious in Huttball where they just dominate.

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Huttball is yet another product of a narrow minded design by BW. Don't get me wrong, I think that in principle it's a great arena type and not poorly executed either. It's the final touch that is missing.


I play a sniper and I can't play ball. I have no skills that would even remotely help when carrying the ball and I go splat in seconds. It sucks. It's fine and dandy if you have a class that has neat moves to move the ball around though.


What BW should have done is to replace the skill bar when carrying the ball with pre-determined skills. Lets say a temporary speed boost, cc removal, etc. you get the idea. The skills could even vary depending , f.ex., on your armor class. That way anyone could have fun and play ball, not just some *cough*force users*cough*. If there would be only couple skills in the premade bar, you would have to also pass a lot more.


I'm not saying that I'm not having fun in huttball, but sometimes it annoys the hell out of me too. Other warzones, although more boring they might be, are at least somewhat equal to all the classes.



Edited by Krystaf
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Counter Argument:


Cover in Voidstar is too strong. If I'm defending the doors and a sniper/gunslinger goes into cover and starts shooting me, I can't (as a melee) beat him without leaving my post, which leaves it open for someone to get a bomb planted. That's not fair to someone like me who has only one ranged attack above 10 meters.


So tell ya what, you can have them removing a set of class abilities in Huttball if cover mechanics stop working in Voidstar. What's that? It's sounds silly to limit what a class can do because another class has difficulty with it? Specially since with teamwork and tactics it can be overcome? Yeah...nuff said.


And before you say it's two entirely different things, think on this. You say it's unfair for me as a Jugg, to have an enemy leap and a friendly leap while carrying the ball. I say it's unfair to be unable to stop a ranged character from killing me while guarding a door because they can hide behind a chest high wall. Both situations are tactically sound (me for leaping the gunslinger for using cover) and are both being used in the manner they are intended for. Every class has an advantage in a certain situation. It just so happens that in Huttball, leaps and pulls are the advantage. Gunslingers/snipers have the advantage in Voidstar. Talented healers have the advantage everywhere. Smurfs have the advantage in tall grass.


All this hate over one warzone of (soon to be) four. You know, come to think of it, if this is the biggest issue the game has, it must be doing something right. Or everyone is tired of all the other wrong stuff being "discussed" and are looking for something different.

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Ive come to the thought process that it is pretty much the stragedy and set up of the game


Imo it is the opposing teams fault for allowing anyone on their rafters but hey that could just be me


The pull is not even the biggest issue in that BG


I would love to see it be enemy only, but I dont mind it really

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All this hate over one warzone of (soon to be) four. You know, come to think of it, if this is the biggest issue the game has, it must be doing something right. Or everyone is tired of all the other wrong stuff being "discussed" and are looking for something different.


Well, this one warzone happens to be basically the endgame for a lot of PvP players atm. On my server 8 matches out of 10 are huttball if you're an imp. Things will be better after 1.2 though.

Edited by Krystaf
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So much rage, but some well thought out responses as well.


I think the main point quoted earlier is correct. Huttball is very class dependent. If a team rolls out with 6 troopers and another team has 6 sages...you already know who wins the match.


A single class should not be able to skip across the map in 10 seconds.


Bioware should be encouraging ball carriers to pass the ball to their team mates.


To those advocating removal of snares/stuns/KB's: This is why we have the ability to pass the ball.


Teams should be talking about the epic pass made to win the game, not the Jugg who leapt twice and got pulled to a goal 11 seconds after picking up the ball.


- W.

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Yeah, remove the abilities that help, but natually it's completely fine for me to be yanked back into the fire and essentially one shot killed?


Sorry, if you want to take away one part, you lose the other as well.


The entire point of huttball is stratigic placing of players, keeping control of ramps and the ball so you can get it to the other side as fast as possible.


Don't like leaps? Don't have no stealth classes stand up on your goal line. Don't like friendly pullers? Have a stealther wander over and sit behind them, then when they pull the carrier up, boot both of them off. Or just knock them off right away.


The list of ways to counter it is endless... it's called stratergy, rather than just giving the tank the ball, having another tank guard him and run over as a group. That would literally be the ONLY strat you needed, ever.



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Counter Argument:


Cover in Voidstar is too strong. If I'm defending the doors and a sniper/gunslinger goes into cover and starts shooting me, I can't (as a melee) beat him without leaving my post, which leaves it open for someone to get a bomb planted. That's not fair to someone like me who has only one ranged attack above 10 meters.


So tell ya what, you can have them removing a set of class abilities in Huttball if cover mechanics stop working in Voidstar. What's that? It's sounds silly to limit what a class can do because another class has difficulty with it? Specially since with teamwork and tactics it can be overcome? Yeah...nuff said.


And before you say it's two entirely different things, think on this. You say it's unfair for me as a Jugg, to have an enemy leap and a friendly leap while carrying the ball. I say it's unfair to be unable to stop a ranged character from killing me while guarding a door because they can hide behind a chest high wall. Both situations are tactically sound (me for leaping the gunslinger for using cover) and are both being used in the manner they are intended for. Every class has an advantage in a certain situation. It just so happens that in Huttball, leaps and pulls are the advantage. Gunslingers/snipers have the advantage in Voidstar. Talented healers have the advantage everywhere. Smurfs have the advantage in tall grass.


All this hate over one warzone of (soon to be) four. You know, come to think of it, if this is the biggest issue the game has, it must be doing something right. Or everyone is tired of all the other wrong stuff being "discussed" and are looking for something different.


QFT. Different classes are fun. Want every class to be exactly the same? Go play WoW.. that's why I left :/

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I'm SOOOOO tired of these whine threads about huttball.


Yes some classes have more utility and can manage better than others in this specific wz. Accept it... the sooner you do it, the sooner you will enjoy the game.


I don't like being pulled into fired, knocked off the platform, stun-locked in acid or seeing a well organized team score in 15 secs... but these mechanics is what makes it fun!!! The unforeseeable stuff is what makes each game unique. I don't want the dps race where all you can do is trying to kill a ball carrier or the 3 healers spamming him. If you remove the mechanics one thing is sure... tank + 2-3 healers will be unstoppable.


Leave huttball as it is... it is AWESOME now!

Edited by valleee
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this is the worst idea in rotworms history!!1!


and i play a scoundrel, hutball is fine, just learn how to use your teams strengths. Obviously some classes are better suited to different warzone maps. The team the works together will win. It's really that simple

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this is the worst idea in rotworms history!!1!


and i play a scoundrel, hutball is fine, just learn how to use your teams strengths. Obviously some classes are better suited to different warzone maps. The team the works together will win. It's really that simple


I would have taken him for a Frogdog....



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Typical whiner.


You want all the things you don't have removed to make it 'fair', and you want to keep the ability to drag people into pits (which is just as 'fair') You need to stop being a whiner and play with your t e a m.


um, hate to break it to you but ranked pvp is going to be a joke if warzone objectives are unchanged. some of them blatanty favor force using classes.


right now, you dont have to play as a team in huttball. 3 players can completely dominate almost anyone, assuming theyre all jedi/sith.


movement affecting buffs/debuffs should not affect the ball carrier. that places the entire game on team communication, positioning and passing, rather than a couple of guys with sorc pull and force run just cruising along scoring every 60 seconds.

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It would be nice, but would render certain classes useless, lol.


So what you're saying is any class without those skills is useless? You sort of proved the OP's point right there.


No class is useless in huttball with or without those mentioned skills. It is however, unbalanced that some classes have game changing skills whereas others do not. A team of Consulars and Knights will DESTROY a team of Bounty Hunters and Imperial Agents simply because of the skillset differences. That's not a good thing for PVP at all.


Either way I personally enjoy huttball no matter what they do and I'm a Merc...One of the few classes with NONE of the awesome ball handling skills. I just see both sides of the story and tend to side with the people that consider it to be unfair, which it is at times. (not ALL the time, just some times.)

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I really hope this thread is completely ignored, the worst idea that could ever happen to huttball. Who the hell would enjoy slowly creeping across the map with no worries about anything other then watching the damage you take?


As an Operative, I enjoy the challenge of reading the other team's strategies and planning ahead of time to prevent those positional advantages. Would I like some unique utility like a pull, leap or knockback? Sure that would be fun, but I don't consider myself at a disadvantage.

Edited by senojones
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um, hate to break it to you but ranked pvp is going to be a joke if warzone objectives are unchanged. some of them blatanty favor force using classes.


right now, you dont have to play as a team in huttball. 3 players can completely dominate almost anyone, assuming theyre all jedi/sith.


movement affecting buffs/debuffs should not affect the ball carrier. that places the entire game on team communication, positioning and passing, rather than a couple of guys with sorc pull and force run just cruising along scoring every 60 seconds.


^ This.

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