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Free transfers in the future?


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It's been just over three months, but that's beside the point. I'm just curious: What MMO that provided server transfers within three months are you switching to?


Sorry, i doesnt work that way, You can't turn back the time and like compare Swtor to for example Wow at launch. People should be able to get quality service, if not they will take their money to the one who provides it.

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It's been just over three months, but that's beside the point. I'm just curious: What MMO that provided server transfers within three months are you switching to?
Rift had them at about the 3 month mark.


They were too late for a lot of rift's players as well at that point.

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Sorry, i doesnt work that way, You can't turn back the time and like compare Swtor to for example Wow at launch. People should be able to get quality service, if not they will take their money to the one who provides it.


How abourt Rift. You know.. one year old highly touted MMO. Server transfers did not come until summer (Late June to be exact).

Edited by Andryah
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Rift had them at about the 3 month mark.


They were too late for a lot of rift's players as well at that point.


Incorrect. It was the 1.3 patch in RIFT when they opened server transfers. Which was late June. ;)

Edited by Andryah
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Lol people should check my server the kumumgah...Weekends at primetime hours we are like 7 people on fleet and like 30 on entire server!We rock :D


On a serious note servers like mine need merges or transfers ASAP.No excuses no nothing.We pay for this product it aint F2P!


Their biggest fault is they fall for all the hype of pre entry before the 20th release.They brought a ton of servers for the official day since every other server had hours long queues to get in.Which someone with a half brain always knows it happens to new games.Everyday after that things gets settle down and evens out.They should have never brought online more servers than the original ones.

Edited by Ponos-Tromeros
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Sever merges are more likley. They would rather have a few highly populated servers rather than many underpopulated servers.


The free weekend/invite a friend IS a start but the free weekend is very limited. Because... well, its a weekend. I think they'll do a free 14 day trial next, then they will move to server merges.

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Sever merges are more likley. They would rather have a few highly populated servers rather than many underpopulated servers.


The free weekend/invite a friend IS a start but the free weekend is very limited. Because... well, its a weekend. I think they'll do a free 14 day trial next, then they will move to server merges.


I think merges will be an absolute last resort. Paid transfers seems to be the logical first step. That will placate the players who want off their current servers. However, I think they will soon be back to the forums to complain because either their new home is low population as well, or has so many players that there are excessive login queues.


The next logical step I see would be cross-server grouping tools. This solution wouldn't care how extensive one server's community is because it draws on players from a much larger inter-server community. This is a highly technical system though with some inherent flaws and a lot of coding to make work properly.


Merging servers without trying the other two approaches first could be quite messy though. First you have all the technical details such as unique names for all the players and guilds, then you have the whole issue with shareholders. Shareholders and stock market speculators would see merging servers as an indication that the company/product isn't doing well and it would have a negative impact of the company's stock performance and shareholder confidence.



It's a controversial topic though in more than one way. So I think it will be interesting to see how it all pans out. The poor dead horse has been beaten to a pulp by both sides in the debates about how to fix the population problems and whether or not cross server LFD is necessary, but I think at this point the only really productive thing to do is be patient and see which route BioWare decides to take.

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I think merges will be an absolute last resort. Paid transfers seems to be the logical first step. That will placate the players who want off their current servers. However, I think they will soon be back to the forums to complain because either their new home is low population as well, or has so many players that there are excessive login queues.


The next logical step I see would be cross-server grouping tools. This solution wouldn't care how extensive one server's community is because it draws on players from a much larger inter-server community. This is a highly technical system though with some inherent flaws and a lot of coding to make work properly.


Merging servers without trying the other two approaches first could be quite messy though. First you have all the technical details such as unique names for all the players and guilds, then you have the whole issue with shareholders. Shareholders and stock market speculators would see merging servers as an indication that the company/product isn't doing well and it would have a negative impact of the company's stock performance and shareholder confidence.



It's a controversial topic though in more than one way. So I think it will be interesting to see how it all pans out. The poor dead horse has been beaten to a pulp by both sides in the debates about how to fix the population problems and whether or not cross server LFD is necessary, but I think at this point the only really productive thing to do is be patient and see which route BioWare decides to take.


Server Mergers is a FAR BETTER solution than a cross server LFG and here is why.


Cross Server LFG does NOTHING to improve population for open world PvP

Cross Server LFG does NOTHING to improve zone population to allow players that want to do all of the daily Heroic 2+ and Heroic 4 content.


Share holder and investors - a lot of them don't even know what cross server LFD is. They couldn't care less. They don't even know what a local game server. They only know what $15.99 a month multiplied by X number of subscriptions is. That is all they care about. Less servers also means less hardware to run, less hardware to fix, less personnel to maintain it - again saving money.


Everything else you talk about is smoke 'n mirrors IMO. Shareholder confidence because of the number of active servers? I think that is a stretch. The only way to improve the bottom line, and improve shareholder confidence, is to improve the players experience.


And the way to improve the player experience is to create an online enviroment that has a high enough population so that players across the board - whether it be people looking to do FP's, people looking to do Heroic 4's, people looking to do Operations, and people to participate in open world PvP all benefit.

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the real question is will there ever be an official response to the issue? threads are still being posted in/started over by moderators that began in january and there's no response on the issue. At this point im inclined to take my 1 in 167 million odds to win the lottery over a response on this issue.
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the real question is will there ever be an official response to the issue? threads are still being posted in/started over by moderators that began in january and there's no response on the issue. At this point im inclined to take my 1 in 167 million odds to win the lottery over a response on this issue.


Look through the Devs posts there has been a response, one I have reposted several times but always seems to be missed but i will repost it again


From 3/1

"Hello everyone. I can absolutely understand the frustrations expressed here, and I appreciate that for the most part, you're being constructive in your comments. Here's a little more insight into the situation.


The character transfer system is being actively worked on by the development team. It's a large, complex project, made more complicated by the Legacy System - and it has to work perfectly. As always, it is not the only task the team as a whole is undertaking, but it's a priority. It has not been deliberately delayed, nor is it being 'held back' for any reason. As you know, the first stage of the system will be a one-off, optional transfer for those who are based in the regions defined in our FAQ. At some point after that, we'll bring a more fully-featured character transfer system online for all to use.


I can understand the frustration of those of you who have been playing on the US servers and waiting for transfers. We know your enthusiasm and excitement for the game - you wouldn't have taken the steps you did to get the game earlier than the official launch if you weren't enthusiastic. We're working as hard as we can to get the system in place. If we could have brought it online earlier, we would have. However, priorities post-launch had to be directed towards the game itself. The team's been working flat-out to improve the game, including bug fixes and additional content.


When we announced our launch territories last year we knew many more fans were excited to play The Old Republic. That's why we moved quickly to launch in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore, with more territories being lined up for future launches. Our primary focus when launching in any new territory has to be to reach more players. Ultimately, that's best for the continuing success of the game. We want everyone who wishes to play on the new servers to be able to do so, hence character transfer being offered. With that said, in this case we felt it was important to get the game into the hands of new players as soon as possible. That, combined with our post-launch development priorities, meant that character transfer did not make our launch date for these territories.


The development team remains committed to delivering a robust character transfer system for all, with our first priority being for Asia-Pacific players. If we can bring the system to you earlier than expected, we will, but for now we’re aiming towards late April.

Stephen Reid | Senior Online Community Manager

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Sadly, Bioware's response only refers to transfer to new servers in new regions. It doesn't make any mention over what most people are concerned about. They really need to address the issue of population on some servers. Opening up even more servers in new countries makes the problem worse on servers that are already hurting.
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It gives people an idea that it isn't going to be right now, which is something that everyone is demanding. It is also telling people that they are having issues with it and that they are most likely using the Asia/Pacific transfers as a test run.



I would guess that once they go through the data from the Asia-Pacific run they will open up the system for others. I have been guessing June or July myself at best, hence the reason ihave been suggesting making alt on a HIGHER pop server if you are living on the bottom 10-15. First week all we heard about was how easy it was to get to 50 and how everyone is done and now all i hear is that they don't want to reroll cause its too hard.too boring.


tdlr version: Its going to be a bit so suck it up and roll an alt on a higher pop server or take your toys and go home because it isn't going to happen tomorrow or next week or May2

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Also paid transfers would be much better... It would allow only those who have it as a large priority to do so at their choice...


If it was free, it would totally be a "free" for all transfer causing mass imbalances to many servers at once as many who could for free, would... And do so in mass numbers...

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Also paid transfers would be much better... It would allow only those who have it as a large priority to do so at their choice...


If it was free, it would totally be a "free" for all transfer causing mass imbalances to many servers at once as many who could for free, would... And do so in mass numbers...


I don't think it should be free but you're going to see outrage if it's 25 bucks cause in this game we're encouraged to play alts.

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personally i think free transfers are not the way to go, will cause more problems than solve them. make em paid transfers, ill gladly pay to move.


Why should I pay to fix a problem that isn't my fault? I pay anyway I shouldn't be expected to fork out again to make the game playable. Server Merges, server X (EU PvE) and server Y (EU PvE) mergered, like with like, minimal disruption, everyone wins.

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My server is so empty it's impossible to do the social bits of the game. so after hitting 50, the game is pretty much over.

Gonna play now and than untill my subscription runs out. But if no merges or transfer option is availible by then: Bye bye swtor.

After all Diablo 3 is comming.

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Why should I pay to fix a problem that isn't my fault? I pay anyway I shouldn't be expected to fork out again to make the game playable. Server Merges, server X (EU PvE) and server Y (EU PvE) mergered, like with like, minimal disruption, everyone wins.


how do you figure its not your problem? whos problem is it? if your thinking its Biowares problem then i think you are very much mistaken,


did they tell you to roll on that server?

did they make all the other players quit or re roll?

are they telling you you cant re roll on another server thats more busier?

are they bother that your not satisfied with the server you choose to be on?


grow up, the only persons problem it is is yours. just remember you pay that subscription to play THEIR game, its not yours they allow you to play it by paying them, your char is not even yours.


if your not happy then re roll, or wait like me and pay to move it.

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how do you figure its not your problem? whos problem is it? if your thinking its Biowares problem then i think you are very much mistaken,


did they tell you to roll on that server?

did they make all the other players quit or re roll?

are they telling you you cant re roll on another server thats more busier?

are they bother that your not satisfied with the server you choose to be on?


grow up, the only persons problem it is is yours. just remember you pay that subscription to play THEIR game, its not yours they allow you to play it by paying them, your char is not even yours.


if your not happy then re roll, or wait like me and pay to move it.


You do realize that part of staying in business as a business that relies on customer satisfaction, part of that is keeping your customers happy. It doesn't matter whose fault it is for rolling on a dead server (the percentage of doing that was 90% by the way since almost all servers are currently dead). The bottom line is that a dissatisfied customer will stop paying you.

BW should be going out of their way to appease the people on dead servers, because sooner or later they will just quit. I mean, they will anyways because the game stinks, but sucking as many 15 dollar monthly payments out of their customers should be important to them.

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