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Bio says no to macros at Guild Summit.


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the reason for no to combat macros seems clear and understandable to me


when ppl start yo use macros it makes certain aspects of combat easier. the only way to balance this is to make battles designed around using macros. which then leads o it being to difficult for ppl athat don't use macros.


so the safest way to keep us all on a level playing field is, no to macros.


good choice BW


I guess you can't read. Macro's are already in the game via hardware.


You being against BW supplied macro's really means you're all for a select few having access to macro's while the majority do not.

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I guess you can't read. Macro's are already in the game via hardware.


You being against BW supplied macro's really means you're all for a select few having access to macro's while the majority do not.


macros might be in the game via third party. but its is a very small amount of ppl using them. my point is, content has to be made to take into account the advantage macros give, if macros are supplied by BW. as it is with 3rd party macros only being used by a select few the content is made to target ppl that don't use macros. in this way your casual players (the mayority) doesn't have to learn how to use macros, and will never be at a disavantage against content by not using macros.


also if you are using 3rd party macros for a game that is deemed this easy for casual players,,,,,, well i'll let you finish that sentence, so i don't insult any1

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You can postulate whatever made-up reasoning you want but in the end you're advocating that a select few be allowed to have macros and the vast majority be denied them.


Macros are already in the game for a select few. If you are against BW supplying them you are simply against everyone having access to them without having to pump more money into BW's or Razr's or Logitech's pockets.

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I don't understand why people would be against them; all they do is close the gap between keyboard turning casuals and the so called "twitchkiddies" that all the senior citizens playing MMOs like to whine about.


I mean, I understand not wanting mods that do all the work for you (I agree those have no place), but surely there's some middle ground between QoL combat macros and full-blown mods that do everything for you.


Not that it matters to me; they'd be a huge help for my poor jugg, but I really don't need them on my shiny new BH.

Edited by Ansultares
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You can postulate whatever made-up reasoning you want but in the end you're advocating that a select few be allowed to have macros and the vast majority be denied them.


Macros are already in the game for a select few. If you are against BW supplying them you are simply against everyone having access to them without having to pump more money into BW's or Razr's or Logitech's pockets.


you understand nothing...


gold sellers are already in game so why don't make them legit? same as macro who is doing it is CHEATING that's not a good reason to make it legit.


who is buying gold have an advantage as well as the one that use macro cheating is in fact gaining advantage in a way that is agaisnt the rule


but because a person cheat you dont have to allow everybody to do so.

Edited by Pekish
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While I don't know what BW's specific reasons are for not developing macros, I can guess. After having played 3 classes to 50, I am starting to see the issue. Some of the classes would benefit greatly from macros (Sith Warrior springs to mind) while other classes would not (BH Mercenary for example).


While it can be argued that even the Merc could benefit to some small extent, it wouldn't be to the level of Sith Warrior. So, by adding in combat macros, they would be favoring certain classes over others.


The reason I think the two are different is this:


The Sith Warrior combat mechanic is rage which is something he builds and uses. Because of this most warrior skills could be prioritized by ordering them from most damaging and highest rage cost down to most rage generating. Skills which depend on state of the opponent could be prioritized at the front. Using this system one could just about create a one button warrior.


On the other hand Mercenary is more fickle. Since his mechanic is heat (a negative) and more heat starts to negatively impact his DPS or healing potential, he cannot just mash one button since this could never be nuanced enough to account for his current heat situation. Further, the mercenary has a few mechanics that depend on the buff/debuff level he has achieved through his skills. Thus the mercenary would have to use at best several macros, and in the end he is almost certainly better off just selecting his skills manually.


Anyway, that's my two cents.

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no macros? whats the point of having a gaming mouse with extra buttons then.


another genius... u can bind thing on the mouse extra buttons instead of using the keyboard...


I have money what the point in not buying gold on line... just because you can doesnt make it right


a soccer player have HANDS but he cannot touch the ball with the hand (except goalkeeper) why god made soccer players with hands?




i can't belive people is this....

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you understand nothing...


gold sellers are already in game so why don't make them legit? same as macro who is doing it is CHEATING that's not a good reason to make it legit.


who is buying gold have an advantage as well as the one that use macro cheating is in fact gaining advantage in a way that is agaisnt the rule


but because a person cheat you dont have to allow everybody to do so.





You do realize that at least one particular model of gaming equipment that provides these 3rd party macros has bioware/EA licensing for swtor. How is it cheating if bioware supports it?

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another genius... u can bind thing on the mouse extra buttons instead of using the keyboard...


I have money what the point in not buying gold on line... just because you can doesnt make it right


a soccer player have HANDS but he cannot touch the ball with the hand (except goalkeeper) why god made soccer players with hands?




i can't belive people is this....


Well written....

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you understand nothing...


gold sellers are already in game so why don't make them legit? same as macro who is doing it is CHEATING that's not a good reason to make it legit.


who is buying gold have an advantage as well as the one that use macro cheating is in fact gaining advantage in a way that is agaisnt the rule


but because a person cheat you dont have to allow everybody to do so.


I think you're a being a bit obtuse here, using macro's via hardware is not cheating, it's not against the ToS and Biware actually advertises for you to go out and buy the SWTOR sponsored hardware that you can use to Macro.


You think you are against macros, you are not. They are already in the game with BW's blessing.


You are, in fact, FOR a select few having them while the rest do without unless they pump more cash into BW/Razr/Logitech's pockets. Pull your head out of the sand.

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How would addons not be the same issue as macros. Wouldn't an addon that let you perform combat skills be the same thing as a macro?


In the end it would be Addon Wars of the Old Republic, I think. People who are against macros but for addons are not being intellectually honest.

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Macros do raise the skill cap. But they do not raise the barrier for entry if they are available to every player and kept fairly simple.


Allowing hardware macros but not in-game macros creates a player performance gap based on irl cash and not skill.

Edited by _gideon
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I think that macros need to be introduced not because I like them, but because some people basically already have them. Let me explain.


If you have a gaming mouse like the naga or gaming keyboard with programable gaming buttons like the Logitec G01, you can program those buttons to do anything that you can put on your hotbar or onto keybinds. With the G501, you can program a single button to target nearest friendly player and use hotbar button #3. Then put your heal spell on that button in-game. Now you basically have a macro to heal the nearest friendly target with one button push on your keyboard.


If they don't give macros, then you will have an imbalance in the game. If you want to be competitve, you will feel like you HAVE to buy peripherals that have programable gaming buttons. Those without the money to buy all that extra equipment will be at a disadvantage.


If you look at the other side, allowing macros will fix this issue. Anything that you can do with a programmable gamming peripheral, you can do with a keybound macro. What's more is that in-game macros are free. It takes work to learn how to write them, but everyone has access to them. No one will have an unfair advantage due to having more money to spend on the game.


If there is to be no macros (which I agree with) then BW needs to find a way to make the programable buttons on gaming peripherals not function with the game. Just because I can't afford a $150 gaming keyboard and you can does not mean that you should have an advantage over me in the game. We both pay the same subscription fee each month.

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Allowing hardware macros but not in-game macros creates a player performance gap based on irl cash and not skill.



Allowing hardware macros but not in-game macros creates a player performance gap based on irl cash and not skill.



Allowing hardware macros but not in-game macros creates a player performance gap based on irl cash and not skill.



I had to quote it 3 times because theres so much truth in it.

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I had to quote it 3 times because theres so much truth in it.


Ah, so by your reasoning because someone has and is willing to spend more money that they earned they don't deserve what they're buying, unless everyone can have it?




Don't you have an Occupy sit-in to attend?

Edited by Ebbikenezer
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WoW's macros were actually simpler than the fully automated strings of gaming keyboards. They were a TOS approved alternative and users of programmable peripherals risked bans if they got out of hand.


The average player puts in no less than 5 hours a day so just how casual do they think their subscribers are?


If Bioware implemented a macro system, Bioware can control it and define it's limits. Not doing so drives more competitively-minded players to MacroGamer and expensive peripherals that really can automate play.

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