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Legacy system a huge letdown. Nothing more than an Alt grinding feature


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They want you to see most of the story lines.


They have said this from day 1.


The legacy system would be completely worth it if it was only % increases to leveling just so you can skip half of the quests you did on your first toon and focus mainly on the class stories.

Edited by GeoLager
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It seems thats all Bioware wants us to do. Grind alts. No real endgame focus whatsoever.


If Biowares betting that most people will be interested in alt grinding then I have a bridge to nowhere to sell them.


Guild Wars 2 out yet? :rak_confused:


Question OP. You do realize that GW2 doesn't intend to have much of an 'endgame' as most MMORPG players understand that term?

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It seems thats all Bioware wants us to do. Grind alts. No real endgame focus whatsoever.


If Biowares betting that most people will be interested in alt grinding then I have a bridge to nowhere to sell them.


Guild Wars 2 out yet? :rak_confused:


We'll all miss you when you go.


lol j/k, we won't actually miss you ;)

Edited by kisharrr
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They want you to see most of the story lines.


Okay... why? That's not what MMOs are about. Hell, that's not even what this MMO is about. Just because Bioware says story is important doesn't suddenly mean that that's suddenly true. A lot of people don't want to face that grind again -- even once. And, make no mistake, 10% of 'unique' class story (especially in the cases where that story has been almost universally panned [consular or BH anyone?]) doesn't justify for a large group of people spending weeks pushing an alt to 50.


MMOs are about endgame. You may wish it wasn't so (and Bioware may scream it in your collective ears), but that doesn't change the reality of the situation one bit.

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It seems thats all Bioware wants us to do. Grind alts. No real endgame focus whatsoever.


If Biowares betting that most people will be interested in alt grinding then I have a bridge to nowhere to sell them.


Guild Wars 2 out yet? :rak_confused:


Someone obviously missed the part when he said "you can pay for the legacy items/abilities" ... people these days...

Edited by darthdoll
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They want you to see most of the story lines.


They have said this from day 1.


The legacy system would be completely worth it if it was only % increases to leveling just so you can skip half of the quests you did on your first toon and focus mainly on the class stories.


Pretty much this. The main problem with the legacy system is that they let people start gaining experience with it at launch (or before, for some of us :p)... but made us wait 3 months to actually use it! Hell, they kept what it does rather mum for most of that. All I know is that it will at least let you play faction specific races and tinker your experience gains (more from WZ was a dev quote). Oh and get speeders sooner.


However it was the rumor on the "let you play new races" that kept me from doing any alt activity. I kept waiting to see what new races would be unlocked before putting time into a character I'd just wanna reroll anyway :(

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The legacy system would be completely worth it if it was only % increases to leveling just so you can skip half of the quests you did on your first toon and focus mainly on the class stories.

Any chance that'll actually happen?

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Okay... why? That's not what MMOs are about. Hell, that's not even what this MMO is about. Just because Bioware says story is important doesn't suddenly mean that that's suddenly true. A lot of people don't want to face that grind again -- even once. And, make no mistake, 10% of 'unique' class story (especially in the cases where that story has been almost universally panned [consular or BH anyone?]) doesn't justify for a large group of people spending weeks pushing an alt to 50.


MMOs are about endgame. You may wish it wasn't so (and Bioware may scream it in your collective ears), but that doesn't change the reality of the situation one bit.


You seemed to have missed off the last 3 letters every time you said MMO for starters... RPG!


MMOs are not just about endgame, they have just been conditioned this way, more and more prevalent in games such as WoW where levelling is just a trivial, "it was here when we made the game so you'll have to deal with it even tho we don't care about it"

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For every non-alter out there who quits over the emphasis on alting, there is an MMO player out there who just read about the legacy system and now wants to play this game.


For the most part, the legacy system sounds fantastic.

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You didnt pay much attention since alot of the features that are alt based like races are purchasable with ingame cash. You can either level alts or spend alot of money. Level what you want to to Act 2 to get its buff n move on etc etc etc. The legacy system as a whole is pretty awsome in my opinion. Edited by Kindara
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It seems thats all Bioware wants us to do. Grind alts. No real endgame focus whatsoever.


If Biowares betting that most people will be interested in alt grinding then I have a bridge to nowhere to sell them.


Guild Wars 2 out yet? :rak_confused:


lol. i'm guessing you had that all ready to paste in before the discussion.

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Question OP. You do realize that GW2 doesn't intend to have much of an 'endgame' as most MMORPG players understand that term?


GW2 will be different but it certainly will have endgame. You know, things like instances and massive PvP.


Perhaps it's a different take on it, but that might be refreshing. Please stop pulling remarks like this out of a hat. You don't have a clue about this game, so leave it alone.



For me I like what I just saw in the livestream about legacy stuff. It's gonna be great and I will enjoy playing both these games, thank you very much.

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Okay... why? That's not what MMOs are about. Hell, that's not even what this MMO is about. Just because Bioware says story is important doesn't suddenly mean that that's suddenly true. A lot of people don't want to face that grind again -- even once. And, make no mistake, 10% of 'unique' class story (especially in the cases where that story has been almost universally panned [consular or BH anyone?]) doesn't justify for a large group of people spending weeks pushing an alt to 50.


MMOs are about endgame. You may wish it wasn't so (and Bioware may scream it in your collective ears), but that doesn't change the reality of the situation one bit.



Grind? This is the easiest MMO to reach level cap I've ever seen.


That being said, the legacy system looks lame. I would rather have different last names on all my characters then some gimmick toy on a 20 min cool down and a couple new race options for alts.

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GW2 will be different but it certainly will have endgame. You know, things like instances and massive PvP.


Perhaps it's a different take on it, but that might be refreshing. Please stop pulling remarks like this out of a hat. You don't have a clue about this game, so leave it alone.



For me I like what I just saw in the livestream about legacy stuff. It's gonna be great and I will enjoy playing both these games, thank you very much.


PvP in guildwars2 is not so much endgame as it is a seperate game entirely, competitive PvP is available from lvl 1 practically, and World PvP can have lvl 20s say stand up well against the lvl 80s.

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GW2 will be different but it certainly will have endgame. You know, things like instances and massive PvP.


Perhaps it's a different take on it, but that might be refreshing. Please stop pulling remarks like this out of a hat. You don't have a clue about this game, so leave it alone.



For me I like what I just saw in the livestream about legacy stuff. It's gonna be great and I will enjoy playing both these games, thank you very much.


Considering the GW devs haven't proved the ability to do this properly with their first game who says their next game is any better? Its basically a shot in the dark like buying WoW was from Blizzard at launch and now this game.


I personally have no interest in fantasy games again and I never liked Guild Wars so part 2 it doesn't interest me either. Funny thing is..Everquest 2 proved sequals are not exactly a bright idea for MMOs.

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Okay... why? That's not what MMOs are about. Hell, that's not even what this MMO is about. Just because Bioware says story is important doesn't suddenly mean that that's suddenly true. A lot of people don't want to face that grind again -- even once. And, make no mistake, 10% of 'unique' class story (especially in the cases where that story has been almost universally panned [consular or BH anyone?]) doesn't justify for a large group of people spending weeks pushing an alt to 50.


MMOs are about endgame. You may wish it wasn't so (and Bioware may scream it in your collective ears), but that doesn't change the reality of the situation one bit.


That IS what THIS mmo is about. BW said so andguess what....they get to say what the game they're building is about.

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