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Vader vs Revan


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Revan is vastly overrated as far as Force Users go. And seeing as how Anakin had the potential to be 200% more powerful than Sidious but only achieved 80% of Sidious' power (which is freaking godly in the Star Wars universe), I'm going to have to give this to Vader.


Kreia's whole "Looking into the eye of the Force" thing is complete N-Canon, Revan wasn't that powerful, that was Kreia attempting to manipulate the Exile.


The text in red is the best reason to explain why Revan would not stand a chance..

Sidious is the most powerful sith to ever live, He has god like powers that other force users could only dream of.. and Vader was 80% of that.


But somebody is just gonna quote you and to the below..


*Input mocking of Sidious death in the movies here and call him weak, here*


*Input hate towards George Lucas and ignore his statements here*


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Vader in his prime as Vader was a broken shell of what he was supposed to be (before the grievous injury when he lost a large portion of his body) which was the most powerful force user who ever lived. He was weak as Vader (considering what he could have been) which is why the Emperor wanted to replace him, (with Luke).


Had Vader been left to the light side, and developed into a Master, he probably would have been the most powerful Jedi/Sith to have ever lived. But he didnt, and he wasnt, he was tied to his suit, which is why he died from the Emperors force lightning, because it just short circuited his suit, which was keeping him alive.


That being said, no Jedi ever used Force lightning so Vader looked impressive, Revan would have zero issues for using Force Lightning, so I give the nod to Revan. However I dont think anyone could have beaten an uninjured fully trained Vader/Anakin had he not be hurt.

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It doesn't matter if you include Lucas's word or not, other writers and lore have pretty much stated Vader is pretty much better then Revan.


Actually it does matter. You can't look at the creator and tell the creator and say that his views on how powerful his characters are don't matter. That is the most retarted thing I have ever heard.


Lucas only let writers expand on the Star Wars Universe, pure and simple. It does not in any shape form or fashion mean that it is his vision of Star Wars. To put my point across Lucas could easily go in and make a new trilogy that disregards all the writes and reshapes the Star Wars Universe to how he in visions it not how other authors in vision it.


Its complete arrogance on fans part to say that Lucas opinions don't matter or have any wait. He squash all new star wars content if he wanted to and there is nothing the authors could do.

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Actually it does matter. You can't look at the creator and tell the creator and say that his views on how powerful his characters are don't matter. That is the most retarted thing I have ever heard.


Lucas only let writers expand on the Star Wars Universe, pure and simple. It does not in any shape form or fashion mean that it is his vision of Star Wars. To put my point across Lucas could easily go in and make a new trilogy that disregards all the writes and reshapes the Star Wars Universe to how he in visions it not how other authors in vision it.


Its complete arrogance on fans part to say that Lucas opinions don't matter or have any wait. He squash all new star wars content if he wanted to and there is nothing the authors could do.


Umm..I never said that his opinions didn't matter, where did you get that from my post? All I said even if you take away what he said, the other authors have pretty much put Vader above Revan. You include Lucas's word, that just makes it more true.

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I'll settle a few things. First, the whiners. People saying "Kreia is a lier." Well, let me remind you of something. *ahem*


All. Sith. Lie.


That includes Vader, Sidious, and everyone else you can think of. So stop trying to rip on Kreia for loving about Revan. She may exaggerate a number of things, but she's not incorrect in her assessment of others. And regardless of what she says, Revan's record speaks for itself.


Now, those saying Meetra was more powerful than Revan, that was proven to be untrue. She was Unique in that she was an Irregularity in the Force, but the Revan novel puts her below him.


Moving on. We have those claiming that "Golden Age of the Jedi" means "Most Powerful Jedi". It doesn't. It just means their order was at its most prosperous. There were no major problems, they had tens of thousands of disciples, the Republic was essentially at peace and everything was going good for them. And then crap started to happen with the Trade Federation, and Jedi started going missing (ie Maul was killing them in secret). Then Came Ep1 and everything was downhill from there. Their "Golden Age" had come to an end, much like the Sith Empire's Golden Age was over the minute Marka Ragnos died. So, enough with the bullcrap on that people.


Now, people talkin about the Force. Vader was 'supposed' to have 2x the potential of Sidious. It's irrelevant since he never reached it. Revan was said to have unlimited potential, which meant he has no upper limit. So all those "He was meant to be -THIS- powerful!" arguments are completely worthless. Neither one reached their 'full potential', so arguing it is pointless. So is the claim "Oh this writer meant this!" which is complete BS. Writers don't agree on anything except that they have to respect George's work or be put out of a job.


Now, who'd win? Revan. Greater mobility, greater knowledge of the Force, and has shown to combine both aspects of it. Also folks, Revan only uses one lightsaber, not two. Yes there is a pic of him holding two, but he only uses one. This is shown both in the Revan Novel, cut-scenes in the KotoR game and in SWTOR as well. He only needs one anyway.

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Now, those saying Meetra was more powerful than Revan, that was proven to be untrue. She was Unique in that she was an Irregularity in the Force, but the Revan novel puts her below him.




Until you can bring up a valid canonical reason for how he could defend against Sever Force, which isn't possible, as we have seen, he loses every time.

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Until you can bring up a valid canonical reason for how he could defend against Sever Force, which isn't possible, as we have seen, he loses every time.


Revan learned extensively about Force Bonds. Also, Go Read the Revan Novel. Meetra Surik is Weaker than Revan. It's right in there.

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Revan learned extensively about Force Bonds. Also, Go Read the Revan Novel. Meetra Surik is Weaker than Revan. It's right in there.


Force bonding has nothing to do with Sever Force.


Actually I have the Revan novel, right next to Darth Plagueis, the Darth Bane series, some LotF books and others.


Nowhere is it stated he is more powerful than her, if you are going to pull up the Darth Nyriss battle again, I can quite easily debunk it.

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I'll settle a few things. First, the whiners. People saying "Kreia is a lier." Well, let me remind you of something. *ahem*


All. Sith. Lie.


That includes Vader, Sidious, and everyone else you can think of. So stop trying to rip on Kreia for loving about Revan. She may exaggerate a number of things, but she's not incorrect in her assessment of others. And regardless of what she says, Revan's record speaks for itself.


Give us some examples?


Now, those saying Meetra was more powerful than Revan, that was proven to be untrue. She was Unique in that she was an Irregularity in the Force, but the Revan novel puts her below him.


Again, examples?


Moving on. We have those claiming that "Golden Age of the Jedi" means "Most Powerful Jedi". It doesn't. It just means their order was at its most prosperous. There were no major problems, they had tens of thousands of disciples, the Republic was essentially at peace and everything was going good for them. And then crap started to happen with the Trade Federation, and Jedi started going missing (ie Maul was killing them in secret). Then Came Ep1 and everything was downhill from there. Their "Golden Age" had come to an end, much like the Sith Empire's Golden Age was over the minute Marka Ragnos died. So, enough with the bullcrap on that people.


The Golden Age was during the clone wars era..

Which is inbetween EP2 & EP3, enough with the bullcrap.


Now, people talkin about the Force. Vader was 'supposed' to have 2x the potential of Sidious. It's irrelevant since he never reached it.


Sidious = Most powerful sith to ever exist..


Vader's Potential = 200% of that


Vader's prime = 80% of Sidious, Which is ALOT OF POWER.


Revan was said to have unlimited potential, which meant he has no upper limit.


Are you saying that Revan had more potential than the chosen one of the force?



So all those "He was meant to be -THIS- powerful!" arguments are completely worthless.

Neither one reached their 'full potential', so arguing it is pointless.


Nobody is talking about his him being -THIS- powerful. Everybody is talking about how much 80% out of Vader's full potential really is.


So is the claim "Oh this writer meant this!" which is complete BS. Writers don't agree on anything except that they have to respect George's work or be put out of a job.




Now, who'd win? Revan. Greater mobility,


Was he THE master of Djem So?


greater knowledge of the Force and has shown to combine both aspects of it.


No he has not, He is jedi one moment then sith the other. Loads of force users have tried both paths, Revan was confused and did not know which one to pick. Nothing impressive there.

Also folks, Revan only uses one lightsaber, not two. Yes there is a pic of him holding two, but he only uses one. This is shown both in the Revan Novel, cut-scenes in the KotoR game and in SWTOR as well. He only needs one anyway.


How does that help him?

What lightsaber form is he a master of?.. none


It's cute that you try and defend Revan, But please use canonical facts next time instead of opinon.

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You can't truly guage someone in a battle when his emotions are compromised. Vader didn't want to kill his son, and he didn't want to kill his master either... In the end, did he not defeat the most powerful sith to ever live? And all he needed was compassion to motivate him to his true potential.


Just out of curiousity... Did Revan ever deflect or absorb blaster bolts with his hands?


I doubt Vader ever needed a light saber... Just putting that out there.

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