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DOTs and preventing player from capturing point


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no, he asking for not allowing dot damage to interrupt tapping. that's something different :p


dots should keep you from capping, your healers/people with purges etc should be using their abilities to get the dots off you so you can cap the same as tanks should be using their taunts in pvp to lower other players damage output.


what he's really asking for is for pvp to be dumbed down and made easy because right now its too hard for him/his friends.

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From a sawbones / DF scoundrel's point of view, it's absolutely hilarious when facing a lot of sith at voidstar.


Shrap bomb + wounding shot spam then no BH or agent cleanses it from themselves or teammates trying to cap.


Yup, it's fighting dirty, but then again that's what dirty fighting scoundrels do.


I can't tell you how many imperials just disregard DoTs on them as they try to plant that bomb in vain.

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Damage over Time. Usually dealing with poisons, fire or the likes of.


Edit: also no. Enough with the nerf threads already. What you are asking is to basically remove from pvp some classes entire spec trees.



Please people, really, start to think before you post this nonsense.


Yea you should think before posting nonsense. There really needs to be a difference in mechanics from direct damage and dots. Sorry that your probably a dot class who takes advantage of the current mechanic and think your the best when you tab target the whole team applying 18 second dots on everyone so they cant capture. This game has ripped off WoW enough, why stop now.

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Nice attempt at pretending your decent at pvp. Moving the speeder point back would put you to far away from the node to cast anything. Giving the baddies time to jump on you an wreck your face. While someone caps it on the "Other side of the node" Ya you can plant aoe around corners. But you will be to far away to do anything. Anyone capturing a node with there back facing the enemy team landing point is fail an will never help them. I know how range aoe's work an you will be killed while you land an "TRY" to hop closer to aoe but you will never get in range an die. So thanks for posting.


Next time you pretend like your good dont come up with something stupid :)


Coming up with an idea on the forums = good.


Winning a battlefield tournament = God mode.


Using absolutes in an open discussion is a sign of a few things. Either lying, insecurity or feeling threatend. Sometimes, actually most of the time, a combination of those things is to blame.


Calling another player bad when you haven't played with them is also the sign of a few things. Arrogance, stupidity and immaturity.


Now mix all that with your signature and we have a whole mess of things pointing to my favorite trait. Narcasism!


You are very important to you aren't you? So important you list unrelated accomplishment that you can't prove in your signature.


Sad really. Entertaining at the same time.


So yea, dots, one tick removes cap the rest of the ticks do not. Or, we can redo the warzone, flight paths,and terrain, that would make more sense.

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Yea you should think before posting nonsense. There really needs to be a difference in mechanics from direct damage and dots. Sorry that your probably a dot class who takes advantage of the current mechanic and think your the best when you tab target the whole team applying 18 second dots on everyone so they cant capture. This game has ripped off WoW enough, why stop now.


Seems more like this is nonsense. Instead of griping over your losses, why don't you recognize that someone is legitimately use his/her class skills and prevent them (teamwork, anyone?) from doing so? They don't think they are the best necessarily (lol), but are playing their class.


Pressure that sors/sage and he won't be in a position to easily live long enough to run from side to side and dot "the whole team".

If there are multiple casters, not so easy, but then hopefully you also have some on your own team, so it's balanced.

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Coming up with an idea on the forums = good.


Winning a battlefield tournament = God mode.


Using absolutes in an open discussion is a sign of a few things. Either lying, insecurity or feeling threatend. Sometimes, actually most of the time, a combination of those things is to blame.


Calling another player bad when you haven't played with them is also the sign of a few things. Arrogance, stupidity and immaturity.


Now mix all that with your signature and we have a whole mess of things pointing to my favorite trait. Narcasism!


You are very important to you aren't you? So important you list unrelated accomplishment that you can't prove in your signature.


Sad really. Entertaining at the same time.


So yea, dots, one tick removes cap the rest of the ticks do not. Or, we can redo the warzone, flight paths,and terrain, that would make more sense.


Nothing but hater ******** coming from a baddie who wants a DoT nerf when its not broken :)


Now that I know your crying about a Nerf I wont waste anymore time discussing my Signature with a person who is jealous because your self accomplishments are non existent. I don't need to know you to know your bad. You reek of bad. You get jelly from stuff that does not pertain to you. That is classic hater/baddie attitude. You cry for nerf's when its not broken. Classic baddie attitude. When there is many different ways to get around the DoT's an capture a objective. An well your "Fantasy of being able to shoot range AoE DoTs from a million miles away". All are very laughable. But I can say at least you entertained me for 5min. I can go on an on. But I wont. I'll end our little discussion with this response knowing your a joke and continuing to do my thing.

Edited by Furyofwar
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There are already ops/scoundrels admitting to taking dot specs because they can guard the left/right side of civil war by themselves against entire teams.


There is not enough UI customizations to know when teammates have dots on them, and not all classes can remove all dots.


Either it needs to change to a proximity capture based on clearing enemy or dots need to continue to do damage but not interrupt capping (Or get rid of the side speeders that are FAR too fast).

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You need to L2play. You cannot Dispel,Cure,Cleanse a bleed. Any DoT that does "INTERNAL DAMAGE" can not be removed by casting a cleanse/cure or anything spell for that matter.


Sorcs/Sages can spec to dispel physical dots.


...that kettle sure is black, huh?

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would be nice to see more sorcerers/sages removing some of the dots of their allys ;)


teamplay could help much :p


Problem is, that much of team play if founded on pre-mades, but since you can only assure that you get you and 3 other friends in and have no choice in what other classes even join you, that you are stuck with the 'un-luck of the draw'.


My suggestion, which is something that DAoC did. DoT's end at the moment of the casters death. So it wouldn't be as effective to just run in and suicide but DoT'ing up everyone first, until the main force can respond.

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Of which again, directly affects some class specialization trees all together. Basically saying that the only thing some would be able to do is a pew pew or stabby stabby at best without using their skills.


All it would take to basically remove those players from the scenario then is to interact with the door to place the bombs.

There are no specs/classes which are ENTIRELY reliant on dots. All classes have some direct/instant damage abilities at their disposal.

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I agree that with an already 8 second activation time DOTs should not prevent objective caping. Obviously the ticks should still do damage but when you consider factors like how the Alderaan speeders take players straight back to points or the defenders spawn so close to the doors on Voidstar these 15 second DOTs are imbalanced for the game type.
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would be nice to see more sorcerers/sages removing some of the dots of their allys ;)


teamplay could help much :p


It's as pointless as using your CC breaker. If you remove DOT's from someone it just gets reapplied a second later by ANOTHER enemy while your clear DOT ability is on cooldown...


This game DESPERATELY needs immunity timers, not just from CC but DOT's as well.

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There are already ops/scoundrels admitting to taking dot specs because they can guard the left/right side of civil war by themselves against entire teams.


There is not enough UI customizations to know when teammates have dots on them, and not all classes can remove all dots.


Either it needs to change to a proximity capture based on clearing enemy or dots need to continue to do damage but not interrupt capping (Or get rid of the side speeders that are FAR too fast).


Sorcs can do it too in Alderaan. I do it all the time. Side speeder + Sprint + Death Field. Then DoT them all and run in circles for a while. Refresh DoTs when you get low, die, speeder back, repeat.


It's funny, I made this exact thread about two weeks ago and was flamed. Good to see not everyone is a moron. DoTs shouldn't break capture channels, or at least initial application should but not the resultant tics. I'd argue that they shouldn't break OOC regen channels either, but that's a different topic.

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Nothing but hater ******** coming from a baddie who wants a DoT nerf when its not broken :)


Now that I know your crying about a Nerf I wont waste anymore time discussing my Signature with a person who is jealous because your self accomplishments are non existent. I don't need to know you to know your bad. You reek of bad. You get jelly from stuff that does not pertain to you. That is classic hater/baddie attitude. You cry for nerf's when its not broken. Classic baddie attitude. When there is many different ways to get around the DoT's an capture a objective. An well your "Fantasy of being able to shoot range AoE DoTs from a million miles away". All are very laughable. But I can say at least you entertained me for 5min. I can go on an on. But I wont. I'll end our little discussion with this response knowing your a joke and continuing to do my thing.


I play a DF Gunslinger genius. A good player doesn't list his fictional accomplishments. A good player doesn't need to. An insecure little brat would though. Not that I would ever dream of calling you insecure. I just wish I was on your signature level. Maybe I'll make something up and put it in mine.


I'm thinking something like "1997 Rabid Unicorn Wrangler World Champion."

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I dont see as that big of an issue.

Before i learned resillence it sucked but it wasn't a game breaker.


Now that i have resilience i kill the defender and purge and cap. Or I start capping as they are dying. If i see no one capping when we are winning i go and cap.


I mean its an effective taunt if nothing else.



So maybe in the 50 queue this is a bigger deal.

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Sorcs can do it too in Alderaan. I do it all the time. Side speeder + Sprint + Death Field. Then DoT them all and run in circles for a while. Refresh DoTs when you get low, die, speeder back, repeat.


It's funny, I made this exact thread about two weeks ago and was flamed. Good to see not everyone is a moron. DoTs shouldn't break capture channels, or at least initial application should but not the resultant tics. I'd argue that they shouldn't break OOC regen channels either, but that's a different topic.


Except that DOTS are how players deal with stealth classes when they vanish, and they also go OOC. How is removing this affect going to do anything but make stealth classes incredibly OP? The only other way to deal with vanish is spam AOE's and pray that you get lucky. Given that objectives can be capped in-stealth now, you really want to give them the ability to just vanish mid-fight (even with dots) and cap objectives at their whim?


As previously stated, there are skills that wipe DOTS and I can't comment on other classes, but the sorc/sage's is on an extremely short cool-down. With the abundance of sorc/sages they should be aware of the situation and move to wipe DOTS from people capping - it's part of the utility of the class. If people aren't doing this on your server, then teach them.


If this is implemented, i'm rolling an Operative.

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I agree that with an already 8 second activation time DOTs should not prevent objective caping. Obviously the ticks should still do damage but when you consider factors like how the Alderaan speeders take players straight back to points or the defenders spawn so close to the doors on Voidstar these 15 second DOTs are imbalanced for the game type.


Remove them, then. What are the other 7 people on your team doing?


You want to nerf dots because your team is full of mouth-breathing morons?


If you're going to cap and have dots, say "Dotted, can't cap" and I bet someone will toss a dispel your way.


Most times, w/ the awful UI, you would never have any idea if anyone besides yourself was dotted.

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First of all I am pretty sure they are talking about Bleeds. An operative can spam bleed on every single person at a capture point the bleed lasts like 15seconds. An it has no CD. A bleed effect CANNOT be dispeled. So again what they are bringing up is not a L2P issue.


You need to L2play. You cannot Dispel,Cure,Cleanse a bleed. Any DoT that does "INTERNAL DAMAGE" can not be removed by casting a cleanse/cure or anything spell for that matter.


You just failed twice in a row. All Bleeds are DoTs but not all DoTs are Bleeds. Internal Damage is typically a Force effect (I think there is a Hemorrhage ability or skill that is internal) A Bleed is typically a physical effect. Both can be cleansed. Before sounding like a drooling troll try understanding the words you are about to say.




Force: 30

Cooldown: 4.5s

Range: 30 m

Cleanses a friendly target of up to 2 negative mental or Force effects.


Mend Wounds

Lowers the Force cost of Restoration by 15. In addition, Restoration now removes negative physical effects and heals the target for 0.


This is the ability and talent (respectively) for a Jedi Sage... It took me all of 30 seconds to find it on Torhead... and thats twice as long as your measly 15 second bleed. This really is a L2Use Teamwork issue -- Those who don't think so won't change their mind because they have never played with a "team".

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