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No Cross Realm LFG tool please!


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It's a sat afternoon and I have 52 people online in the fleet, I am trying to get a FP group going for my lvl 41 Trooper. There are 4 people on the fleet in the right level range.

One says no. Therefore I cant run a FP. This has happened pretty much everytime I try and do a FP, there is literally only 3-4 other players my level to choose from. I am on Shadowtown. A server which a month ago was giving me a wait queue to log in.


Republic badly needs a change. Either merge servers till every fleet has roughly 300 people on during peak hours, or put in cross server LFG.


The status quo is awful. And all the "i'll quit if they put in LFG" people will barely make the dent Bioware will lose, or not gain, if they dont do something fast.

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I am disappointed to see the cross realm LFG tool being talked about as a future addition to the game. I was really hoping to keep that out of TOR just because of it's ability to destroy community in a game. I would be all for LFG server wide but cross realm is a no go for me.


I agree for PvP on PvP servers. It's never dull on my server and I would miss seeing the same faces in Warzones.


For PvE, it's needed however. People spend hours trying to form groups in Republic Fleet. I, personally, have not run more than 1 single Hard Mode since hitting 50 about a month ago. As a DPS, the deck is so far stacked against you to find: A. A healer, B. A tank and C. Both of these that know what they're doing.


Takes a more ambitious person than me to see 75% of this game's end content.

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I hope they dont' do Cross ServerLFG tools and if they do its only available to Low Pop Servers. Cross Server LFG honestly just allows people to be complete arses with no accountability. Atleast if your an arse on your own server people start to black list and you either learn your lesson, change your character's name, or delete that character. Or in some cases just keeep oin going because there's another poor soul somewhere down the road.


We need a Looking for Group Posting system similiar to DDO.

Edited by Kindara
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Don't forget, idiots queuing up as Tanks who weren't tanks. Can't kick them either.


I can count all the times that happened on one hand. Why? Because the group can't proceed if you can't tank, so it's a complete waste of his own time for the "tank" to do that.

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I don't see how pvp is need of cross server queues as the brackets are 1-49 already.


IMO that's to balance out the fact that servers tend to get dominated by one faction. One faction often wins WZs far more often than the other. With a bigger pool, that cancels out.

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I am disappointed to see the cross realm LFG tool being talked about as a future addition to the game. I was really hoping to keep that out of TOR just because of it's ability to destroy community in a game. I would be all for LFG server wide but cross realm is a no go for me.


If you get your way the people that want a real MMO will quit and you will be left with a community of like 300,000 people if you are lucky, have fun.

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If you get your way the people that want a real MMO will quit and you will be left with a community of like 300,000 people if you are lucky, have fun.


You do know that the "1.7 million" was still within the first free month right? That this game is already down to around 300 000 players, and the biggest thing that drove most of the 1.4 million other players away was the lack of a cross-server LFG tool?


Wake up.

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You do know that the "1.7 million" was still within the first free month right? That this game is already down to around 300 000 players, and the biggest thing that drove most of the 1.4 million other players away was the lack of a cross-server LFG tool?


Wake up.


Where is this stated? I'd like to read this press release or article. Would be an interesting read.

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cross realm pvp is coming.


so definitely YES to cross realm LFG for fighting the computer.


if they crap all over the server community in regards to pvp, where it arguably matters a whole lot more (seriously, who really cares where the guy helping you loot some npcs is from) then at least something good might come out of it in terms of an easier time building pve groups.

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cross realm pvp is coming.


so definitely YES to cross realm LFG for fighting the computer.


if they crap all over the server community in regards to pvp, where it arguably matters a whole lot more (seriously, who really cares where the guy helping you loot some npcs is from) then at least something good might come out of it in terms of an easier time building pve groups.


Thisx1000 ^


"community" has far more importance in the PVP world, cause let's face it, you love to kill the 'big names' for the opposing side when you meet them.


If they aren't concerned about 'destroying community' in PVP they sure aren't having reservations on PVE.

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You know, in WoW you can have a cross server friends AND ignore list if you want. So, technically it promotes community because you can actually make friends from other servers you meet while doing LFG if you choose. You can then add them to a friends list and talk to them / group with them in game. If you come across a d-bag while in LFG you can put them on ignore and never meet them again. This pretty much works the same as a 'blacklist', though so does ignoring someone from your own server.
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I am disappointed to see the cross realm LFG tool being talked about as a future addition to the game. I was really hoping to keep that out of TOR just because of it's ability to destroy community in a game. I would be all for LFG server wide but cross realm is a no go for me.


Because you absolutely are required to use it, amirite? I mean we're all required to use optional tools which may or may not benefit us, amirite?

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I am disappointed to see the cross realm LFG tool being talked about as a future addition to the game. I was really hoping to keep that out of TOR just because of it's ability to destroy community in a game. I would be all for LFG server wide but cross realm is a no go for me.


I fully support a cross server LFG tool!

Best thing to ever happen to the mmo genre IMHO!

I am glad to see BW finally wising up and looking to add this common place mmo tool!

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Because you absolutely are required to use it, amirite? I mean we're all required to use optional tools which may or may not benefit us, amirite?


Completely true in theory; doesn't mean it works like that in the real world.

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99% of the WoW population are in the two faction capital cities, the zones are a ghost town.


I don't understand why people keep making this point over and over again against X-Server LFG when the reality is the only way to find a group is sit on fleet spamming for a group and then use the elevator to go to what ever flash point you use never leaving the fleet. How is this so different than people sitting in SW and OG?


I understand the community damage arguments, and sympathize to a point but the above argument baffles my mind.

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Be honest now, no one really gives a damn about random people. They only pretend to to form a group. The only real communities are between close guildies and friends.


A cross realm LFG tool wont damage the community, It will be an immense help to those who are left out, cant commit and/or have little playtime. The LFG tool should have very strict and specific need/greed rules and it would be good.


Convenience and fun is key. The LFG flagging system is largely useless. Standing around spamming general at the fleet and whispering random people isn't a good time. Swtor needs an improved LFG tool to keep up with other games.

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I'll be honest, I've been a big opponent of cross realm BGs and LFG tools in the past.


But you know what, the level of skill in this game is very low. I'm actually continually amazed at how terrible people can be at this game.


At this point, I just don't care about community, I want a larger pool of players to play with in the hopes of getting people who know what the f they're doing.


I did a WZ on my level 12 today and did more damage than my entire team combined.


I'm sure if I ran more flashpoints, it'd be just as terrible.


Hence, screw it, I'll take the larger pool of players.

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Omg don't do the cross server lfg! You'll destroy the community of POed players sitting in fleet spamming vainly in general chat!


The pvp auto queues are already fragmenting the community. Think how fun it would be to force everyone to group before pvping!

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