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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

No Movement Enchantments in Huttball


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+1 I agree.


Making the game involve TEAMWORK would be awesome. While a sorc isn't guaranteed to score, his chances are dramatically better than a merc or agent. I use the term 'dramatically', but that is a massive understatement.


I don't understand what the problem is with having to use actual teamwork. Watching Jugs jump straight into the pit and wait for some poor noob to spawn and run up to the ramp is just sad. The fact that some classes bypass those hazards without a second thought, while others have to wait for the hazards and run the risk of being CC'd to death on that hazard is just plain broken.


A Merc or Agent waiting at the hazard has to rely on his team for support, heals and protection. The jug only relies on the fact that there is at least one noob on the other team is dumb enough to spawn and run forward. A sorc only relies on a small opening that no other class could exploit like them to bubble and force run out of the battle and leave any potential defenders in the dust.


A smart Sorc will use his resolve bar to give him 17 sec of CC immunity, his bubble to stop any burst damage and his force run to escape any slows.


This is not balanced.


Using those abilities should be used to get into position for someone to pass you the ball. Teamwork shouldn't be class based. It should be team based.


Huttball requires teamwork. Offensive and defensive teamwork. Clearly you are doing it wrong if you think it does not. Removing these abilities would dumb huttball down considerably. Huttball is very much like football, soccer or basketball and that is what is great about it. It is an actual sporting competition. People want to change it into a death match, it is silly


Can't wait when they add cross server and warzone choices we can just tell all you mike dantonis to not play.

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IMO the only people against this OP are the force users who constantly score because of the speed buff.


Everyone saying "Oh but its only 3 seconds!", "Oh but you can still CC them" completely forget that you can force run THROUGH THE HAZARDS, or AROUND CORNERS.


But, I think just force run, and being pulled should return the ball. Force charging with the ball is perfectly fine.


This change would make Huttball alot more fun and tactical. Right now its basically just give the sorc/sage/whatever force user the ball and let them force run it in.


You either rarely win huttball or play on a server with horrible players. This ridiculous idea that a sorc can grab the ball and insta score can only happen with eight bad players on the other team.


I don't know maybe you play on a pve server where only one out of sixteen people know how to play. This does not happen on pvp servers per 50 or 50.

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You either rarely win huttball or play on a server with horrible players. This ridiculous idea that a sorc can grab the ball and insta score can only happen with eight bad players on the other team.


I don't know maybe you play on a pve server where only one out of sixteen people know how to play. This does not happen on pvp servers per 50 or 50.


agreed. if a team can be beaten by a sorc pulling the ball holder then there doing something wrong for one having everyone go after the ball and ignoring the team.


I really dont like this thread removing movement effects on the ball holder would really suck as it removes a whole tactical element to the game, and no1 come say passing the ball should be a tactic because it is already i have seen plenty of times the pass work out for a big score

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Bads cant compete in the game as is. They need the game changed so that they can compete, but in reality they wont fare much better after any change. Hopefully they will realize how bad they are and quit playing.


Operatives/Scounrels and Mercs/Mandos are the 2 ACs that dont really have as many advantages as everyone else, even though the latter actually has KBs. Someone still has to DPS or heal while everyone else plays with the ball.


Dont ruin the interesting game for everyone else because you want to play too, but refuse to do so by rolling any of the other 6 ACs.


Just so people that dont know can actually see how it is.


Best Offense


Jugg/guarian if the other team has defenders in position Shadow/Sin or Sage/Sorc if they have a clear shot. Mauaders/sents PTs/Vang are also decent.


Off the ball Sorc/sages are the best no question.


Anyone who knows how to receive a pass or make a pass can also be considered.


Best Defense


Shadow/Sin or PT/Vang are obviously on top of this list with pulls. Gunslingers/Snipers are very good defenders and can be a impassible road block in the right situation.


Steath is a very good weapon on defense because it allows you to counter offense in a way the enemy cant see coming. For that reason I would say that Shadow/Sin is probably the best defender over a PT/Vanguard.


Anyone with a CC or KB, which is everone, can kill an offensive drive if they outplay their opponent.


There are classes that have more advantages than others, but with so many tools on so many classes no change will really balance Huttball. The only thing you are going to do is change how its balanced and in the process make it less dynamic and less interesting.


People need to stop being biased or bad and actually consider what they are asking for.

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agreed. if a team can be beaten by a sorc pulling the ball holder then there doing something wrong for one having everyone go after the ball and ignoring the team.


I really dont like this thread removing movement effects on the ball holder would really suck as it removes a whole tactical element to the game, and no1 come say passing the ball should be a tactic because it is already i have seen plenty of times the pass work out for a big score


The thing is people would be just as effective without the pulls. That pass could be made and the same changed could be made. People are just upset, they are getting beat by better teams and they want to blame imbalance instead of something like their team.


I think they should take pulls out of Ilum or heals away from the opposing team if I am not getting any heals.


It sickens me when people want to change a game other people like because its not exactly how they want it to be.

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Dont ruin the interesting game for everyone else because you want to play too, but refuse to do so by rolling any of the other 6 ACs.


YES! I'm so sick of the _BADS_ complaining about class balance when they totally refuse to reroll sorcs/sages!


BADS BADSBADS! Ruin game for everyone else (Sorcs primarily).

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It isn't more skill or better teamwork. It is 1 button that allows game breaking mechanics. Real skill and teamwork would be setting up for passes while simultaneously keeping your ball carrier alive.


Why punish decent player for skill usage if someone isnt smart enough to not stand in their own pits edge that enables classes with charge skills to get easy scores?


Just using huttball as an example.


Skills are not the problem its peoples not knowing how to avoid said skills or counter them with own skills.

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Why punish decent player for skill usage if someone isnt smart enough to not stand in their own pits edge that enables classes with charge skills to get easy scores?


Just using huttball as an example.


Skills are not the problem its peoples not knowing how to avoid said skills or counter them with own skills.


Yes they are the problem - you rarely pass the ball now, and if you do it's to a sorc/assassin to force speed it to goal.


Some rare matches we REALLY see some team play. but most of the time it's just solo capping.

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While I agree it needs to go, I know it won't.


Because the following classes have these:



Jugg, Marauders, Tank Powertechs


Healing Sorc(Friendly), Tank Assassin(Enemy), Powertech(Enemy).


Sorc, Assassin.


You forgot to add that a sorc can pull the opposing team is they are the same faction.

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Huttball requires teamwork. Offensive and defensive teamwork. Clearly you are doing it wrong if you think it does not. Removing these abilities would dumb huttball down considerably. Huttball is very much like football, soccer or basketball and that is what is great about it. It is an actual sporting competition. People want to change it into a death match, it is silly


Can't wait when they add cross server and warzone choices we can just tell all you mike dantonis to not play.


OP class likes being OP... film at 11!


My post had thought out, valid points. Your only response was "nu uhh".



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/signed / agreed



huttball for a commando sucks ranged dps sucks while enemys can leap out of your range and score no fair if you ask me


While your argument is simply stated, I agree with you.


Sadly, a vast majority of the OP classes will always claim they are not OP.

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No. There is no way that I'm going to spend all my time leveling to 50 for the game to tell me that I can't use a bunch of my prized mobility skills.


If you don't have the mobility, you shouldn't carry the ball. You wouldn't let an operative tank your instance, that's not his job.Why is this okay for pvp?

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TL;DR version of this entire thread is that a couple butthurt mercs/PT/ops want to be good at everything and have every ability every other class has so they can play hero and fulfill their virtual dreams. If they can't, then every class has to be changed to play just like a non force user. This is called homogenization and it makes for a very boring game. If you hate your class that much and want to be a hero that badly, reroll to a class role you like playing. Not like getting 50 takes a long time.
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