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Everything posted by Valkyyri

  1. This is what is killing my enjoyment alot atm! also its even more irritating as i wont waste awesome mousewheel binds for zoom, so i must use alternative "not so fast" zoom binds.
  2. I personally plan to skip 3/5 champ pieces and go straight to BM now that you can exchange 1000wz/1000merc comms for one, and champ tokens are spend for mods from champ gear. Tbh this kind of RNG is lame but oh well, some kind of personal rating/score for stuff would be better imo.
  3. Aye encountered "perma stun" firstime few days ago, /stuck only resets camera angle but does nothing else. PS: I think it has something to do with flashbang or skills that has same "stun" animation.
  4. Tested this spec yesterday as it was pretty similiar to what i has been thinking, its fun due gapple and charge and does some neat dmg if getting good rng with procs. Fishing procs can be annoying sometimes tho but luckily that happens rarely.
  5. Many peoples an mentioning "competive play" but how is that even possible in SWTOR where most of key gameplay elements are broken as hell? tab is barely working ability delay is no go, most players are getting lag and even zoom is pretty messed up. Atm you really cant even have truly competive play in pvp, bacuse "RNG" will propably screw you at some point.
  6. I see no problem with this, not sure if other classes wants more skills in their hotbars but i could use one neat melee burst ability in pvp.
  7. I pvp purely for this reason as i like to improve my own skill against harder opponents, turners and othervise less skilled players just doesnt offer enjoyment as it feels same as hitting NPC:s. But if your opponent outplays you after long struggle the "feeling" is alot more awesome even if you just lost.
  8. Valkyyri

    Slayer map?

    Actually you should be doing both, kill w/o dying while securing/capturing objects. TDM is for peoples who cant play tactically and are just after "imba" scoreboard. Played loads of FPS games so i kinda know their mentality in TDM maps, also they fail hard on CTF and Domination game modes.
  9. Valkyyri

    Slayer map?

    I support TDM map(s) as that is only way to get rid of CoD monkeys... Maybe then there could be some awesome huttball matches, instead midless fragging.
  10. How does it solve anything when playing at 25-30% view distance is big nono? i brought mmo not fps game.
  11. Kinda unable to measure my "true" potential due: A. Clunky Tab that works 50% of time if more than 2 enemies close by. B. Camera zoom doesnt have "snap-out" feature so most of time i find myself pressin zoom button more than skills. (view distance less than 60% is nono) C. Ability-delay that causes sometimes round loss if it happens on key moment. After those issues are gone maybe then i could know what i really can do in this game, atm im just trying my best with the tools i got. ?/10
  12. Just a small note I lag about same amount in WoW:s AV (40vs40) compared to 8vs8 huttball, sure its not just my rig that causes "go with the flow" in TOR? Combine even small "flow" with horrid Tab-targetting and extremely slow zoom scrolling and you have rather irritating pvp experience... If this truly was 100% "WoW copy" i would shred a tear of joy but it is not.
  13. +1 One of the most gamebraking issue. Can't even count how many times my CC has gone to wrong target...
  14. It could use some tuning, either lower CD lil bit or make it instant instead HoT.
  15. Finally i see some good pvp action! keep it going PS: WTB your frame rates
  16. Aye! If you and your guarded target gets focus fired, then you as an tank will drop quite fast if you dont get any heals.
  17. Also immolate works as "smoke screen" against players who plays at 20%-30% zoom distance.
  18. Anyone who is planning to upgrade their CPU should wait till summer as then intel is supposed to release new CPU:s, so old i5 and i7 should have huge price drops.
  19. So they are planning to take this game in esport in future, sorry this game cant be in esport before next issues are fixed. A. Zooming needs "snap out" feature B. Tab needs major rework. C. Ability delay must be gone. D. General FPS increase for low and high end comps. When those are fixed then you can start to bring this game to esport, if not then theres noway anyone would take this game seriously on esport. I wish this game was "WoW copy" but it is not...
  20. Nice to see someone else with similiar playstyle that i use Tho i went to ST/AP for on-demand 2sec slow + DoT and -4% single/AoE DMG debuff for maximum support.
  21. Well i guess this gives yet another reason to hate money.
  22. Why not merge servers instead? theres WAY too many servers in this game atm. Realm only LFG is not bad at all but cross-server just screams ninjas and rude peoples, because chances to meet them again is extremely low. Current server only WZ:s is only reason i keep playing as i like to know my team mates and their playstyle, ( same goes for pve ) also it helps to spot bad players that you should avoid in future.
  23. I disagree with this sentence. This is what i call fast paced gameplay
  24. Huh? Are peoples in here playing less than 12h in a day?
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