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  1. The powerful beings in each universe manipulate things that are unique to that universe, the warp and the force. 40k universe seems much more brutal and people are powerful on a larger scale. A powerul force user can choke the life out of someone. A powerful psyker could make your head explode
  2. The warning box you get when you choose a PvP server should be enough to end this debate.
  3. If you could keep a Melee distance/ CC'd constantly that wouldnt be balanced. They have to find a middle ground that they think is fair. So when you are narrow minded, like you obviously are, it might seem unfair. The fact is its impossible to balance a game for all skill levels. If they make a class too easy so bad people can be good with them, good people might be too effective with them. Anyway just be happy that their is no DR/immunity on roots, there should be.
  4. Its actually very easy to kill most Sorcs 1v1, its easy to kill any class when you outplay them. Play your game dont let them play theirs. Dont let them stun you, interrupt the right abilities, use speed shot to set them back and use burst to make them panic after you lull them to sleep. The only thing that might be a little tricky is keeping them from just running away from you if they are any good. If they stay in your range you shouldnt have any problems.
  5. Focus has a marginally harder hitting ability, but it is aoe. Single target dps vig will be better, you might have less burst with one ability, but you will actually have more burst. Focus might be better if are trying to burn down a guarded healer or target, but otherwise I would say vig is better single target than focus.
  6. I dont think either one of the people posting that witnessed the event really has any interest in hearing any kind of answer that doesnt involve some type of cheating. It may have been cheating, but discussing it here accomplishes nothing.
  7. People that complain this much should realize they are bad.
  8. By saying that you saw someone that you think was cheating, but could have just been getting healed? No one cares about the Jedi Knight you couldnt kill. How is anyone who wasnt there going to be able to determine if what you saw was legit or not?
  9. "so can anyone tell me what ability a JK has that they pop when they at 10% life that shoots him back up to 50% hp.. then back to 10% then back to 50.. with a minute .. without a healer.. " You should read something before you claim that someone didnt read it. People use the excuse of cheating for when something they see something they dont understand. I am on the forums to argue with people, so if I have an issue with the posts I will let you know about it.
  10. I understand what you are implying, but I want you to come out and say it instead of acting like this is really a conversation about what abilities they have. If you are so convinced someone is cheating somehow do you really need people to agree with you about it? If thats all he was trying to do then this post seems like a horrible way to get that message across. Dont waste peoples time with trying to debate a possible instance of cheating when they werent even witnesses to it. Just report it and continue to make excuses.
  11. What point are you trying to make?
  12. The OP asked what abilities a JK has and then said he was "obviously" talking about a Guardian. What abilities they have has been said, so the question has been answered. If that answer does not saticify the question of how this Guardian was able to do what he did, you will need to look for an answer in a different area. He could have been cheating somehow, but usually the easiest answer is most correct. My guess is that there was a healer hididng somewhere very well that no one saw.
  13. What simpeltons dont understand is that these are the same issues with every MMO's PvP. Some of the issues are people complaining about stuff, because they are always the same type of bad and other issues are actually valid complaints(population balance). You can really compare any of these games to each other and the people that complain are going to be complaining about the same type of things in all of them.
  14. The abilities he has are the abilities he has. He was either doing something that arent part of his abilities or he was getting healed by someone no one saw. Those are the only possibilities.
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