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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly


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Agreed, A LFG tool is a great function, There is nothing more annoying then sitting in general chat spamming the same thing over and over again to only end up saying "well guys I guess its just not in the cards tonight".....



Also do I dare say raid LFG tool?

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One of the reasons I keep posting on this subject is I feel really bad for a lot of gamers who are screwed without a voice. Heck, even my friend who hates the LFD has finally cracked on it since he can't find a group anymore on our server while leveling. He will keep playing regardless but he's given up looking for flashpoints and will just pvp until something is available, if only Bioware was lucky enough to have all customers like that. Myself, not so much feeling that resolution.
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I'd like to stay and play, but it's just too frustrating. Not to mention the added frustration of knowing without a shadow of doubt in my mind how stupid it is to gimp the game by not having a cross-server LFG tool already. Heck, it should have been there at release, since thousands of people have posted their frustration regarding finding groups since release. There were people identifying this problem, and the obvious solution to this problem, since pre-release as a matter of fact. Still nothing but empty words and very vague promises (if you can even call them that) though.
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What this game really needs at this point...is a Dungeon Finder. It was a huge success in other MMO's, no reason for it not to be in this game.




1. Can continue questing while waiting for group to form.

2. Prevents trolls from sitting there ruining General Chat while they are bored trying to fill a group.

3. Proves that BioWare can do something like this. Buys street creds.




1. Some people think it ruins the community...but I think they are wrong. They obviously have not sat for an hour trying to fill a Flashpoint group.

2. People who think like that are probably in a huge guild and have no trouble filling groups. We're usually filling 2-3 of 4 and just need that last role.



A dungeon finder would be nice for the super casual players.That's about it.Anyone with any type of mid-high playtime will most likely opt out of using the LFD anyhow since (if they aren't anti-social) they will probably already have their little premade flashpoint groups that they run with daily.So I don't see how this could hurt.

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A dungeon finder would be nice for the super casual players.That's about it.Anyone with any type of mid-high playtime will most likely opt out of using the LFD anyhow since (if they aren't anti-social) they will probably already have their little premade flashpoint groups that they run with daily.So I don't see how this could hurt.


But if super casuals can play that means my accomplishments aren't worth as much any more. If some mouth breathing 1 hour a week causal can even attempt my hardcore content, how can I brag about it in the server forums or walk around the Fleet showing off my rare epics that everyone else can't get because they didn't put in the work I did of finding a guild? IMO LFD would ruin the community and shouldn't be allowed.


Edit: A lot of people seemed to miss the /sarcasm spell I cast.

Edited by Kenmuir
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But if super casuals can play that means my accomplishments aren't worth as much any more. If some mouth breathing 1 hour a week causal can even attempt my hardcore content, how can I brag about it in the server forums or walk around the Fleet showing off my rare epics that everyone else can't get because they didn't put in the work I did of finding a guild? IMO LFD would ruin the community and shouldn't be allowed.


Dude, you need to seriously take a look at your priorities. Who the hell cares about bragging rights on an MMO?


Did you know that, if you go up the stairs, past your dad's garage, and into the sunlight, there are strange, wonderful creatures out there that might want to have a date with you? Or, they might want to if your greatest thrill in life was NOT how leet you were and how much work you put into staying ahead in a virtual online world.

I hate to say this, but those 'casual gamers' are the ones that are spending a LOT more money than you 'hardcores' to make a game like this possible. They are the ones working 40-60 hours a week, and outnumber you hardcores nearly a hundred to one. WITHOUT those 'mouth breathers', SWTOR would never even have been made, it would not have been profitable to do so.


So let's try to keep your nerdrage in check, shall we?

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But if super casuals can play that means my accomplishments aren't worth as much any more. If some mouth breathing 1 hour a week causal can even attempt my hardcore content, how can I brag about it in the server forums or walk around the Fleet showing off my rare epics that everyone else can't get because they didn't put in the work I did of finding a guild? IMO LFD would ruin the community and shouldn't be allowed.


I'm guessing you were being funny right? Right?


I laughed either way :D

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But if super casuals can play that means my accomplishments aren't worth as much any more. If some mouth breathing 1 hour a week causal can even attempt my hardcore content, how can I brag about it in the server forums or walk around the Fleet showing off my rare epics that everyone else can't get because they didn't put in the work I did of finding a guild? IMO LFD would ruin the community and shouldn't be allowed.



Either you're being sarcastic, in which case I smirk in amusement...or you're not.


In which case, I'm still gonna smirk, but at you rather than in sympathetic response.



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I cant be bothered to read that enormous post and I cant believe they did not think of making a Global and efficient method to form teams for flash points.


And the population need to be increased..


They made an honest gamble and lost on the matter is what I think

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I dont normally post here but i like to post this, this game needs more group content for those that really want to do it!


i did like the whole mass effecst thing at 1st but the stories tended to tank out after the 1st 2 planets . i then wanted to jsut group up like i did in wow and do dungeons and a little pvp to level up but there just isn't anyone to do that regually with so that isn't looking possible atm:(

Edited by Kevfactor
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Dude, you need to seriously take a look at your priorities. Who the hell cares about bragging rights on an MMO?


Did you know that, if you go up the stairs, past your dad's garage, and into the sunlight, there are strange, wonderful creatures out there that might want to have a date with you? Or, they might want to if your greatest thrill in life was NOT how leet you were and how much work you put into staying ahead in a virtual online world.

I hate to say this, but those 'casual gamers' are the ones that are spending a LOT more money than you 'hardcores' to make a game like this possible. They are the ones working 40-60 hours a week, and outnumber you hardcores nearly a hundred to one. WITHOUT those 'mouth breathers', SWTOR would never even have been made, it would not have been profitable to do so.


So let's try to keep your nerdrage in check, shall we?


I'm guessing you were being funny right? Right?


I laughed either way :D



Either you're being sarcastic, in which case I smirk in amusement...or you're not.


In which case, I'm still gonna smirk, but at you rather than in sympathetic response.




I guess that next time I need to make the statement even more over the top. lol :p

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But if super casuals can play that means my accomplishments aren't worth as much any more. If some mouth breathing 1 hour a week causal can even attempt my hardcore content, how can I brag about it in the server forums or walk around the Fleet showing off my rare epics that everyone else can't get because they didn't put in the work I did of finding a guild? IMO LFD would ruin the community and shouldn't be allowed.


What community? No, seriously, what community are we talking about?


And, the fact that you are probably serious... wow, just wow.

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Though no new info again about LFG, they are putting in vote-kick feature for Warzones. So LFG can't be far behind. Hopefully.


Gabe Amatangelo: (talking about afk players in Warzones) "Additionally, players will have the option to vote kick idlers. Kicked players will not be able to re-queue for several minutes."



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Though no new info again about LFG, they are putting in vote-kick feature for Warzones. So LFG can't be far behind. Hopefully.


Gabe Amatangelo: (talking about afk players in Warzones) "Additionally, players will have the option to vote kick idlers. Kicked players will not be able to re-queue for several minutes."




/wave Blue, haven't seen you around much.


The forums don't seem very busy anymore, overall activity seems kinda low

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/wave Blue, haven't seen you around much.


The forums don't seem very busy anymore, overall activity seems kinda low

So so many have left already. Unfortunately they still have time to rip off the Auzzies and Asians before the truth comes out about how many have bought the game and left due to the very poor design decisions.
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Aion? FFXI? EVE Online? TERA? Does TERA have one?


Had to respond to this one. Atleast as far as Eve-Online goes, as someone who played Eve online from '04 till '09 It is really foolish to even mention this game to try and make some point about a LFG never mind cross server.


Eve-online was a Single cluster, everyone was on the SAME SERVER so to speak.


Not to mention there was no LFG to run a dungeon, because you could hardly call anything eve-online had a dungeon. Save some permenent Farm areas, but those were controlled by Alliances, if you wanted them, you hand to take it. Missions we're practiclly made to be solo'ed because that was your income, becuase when ships popped, they were gone.


Care to have 75% of what your wearing blow up if you die in an FP, Op, PVP, Falling off a cliff? I didnt think so, though you'd have a real reason to fun FPs more, so maybe a LFG would be Smexy then.


Eve-online was for its moment the space sandbox. Some loved it, some hated it, but Eve has no place in an LFG discussion.







All in all, Adding EVE-Online to that list is un-informed

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So so many have left already. Unfortunately they still have time to rip off the Auzzies and Asians before the truth comes out about how many have bought the game and left due to the very poor design decisions.


Yeah, it seems as though server activity and forum activity are going way down.

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I keep reading the pro's and cons of the LFD tool. All I know is, as a level 41 tank, I have not tanked a single FP due to:


- Being on the non-populated faction

- Playing at an odd hour

- Levelling behind the main crowd at 50

- Am not in the mega-uber guild on the server


I agree the social aspect needs to stay. However, there being only 1 focal point to find a group is very frustrating. And yes, I've tried being "social" by spamming "41 tank lfg fp" on the fleet every 3 minutes for hours on end.


At 50, yes, the who lfg thing works. Behind that though, it is very cumbersome to do a /who 41 /who 42 /who 43 /who 44 to find a group for Colicoid.


LFD tool or some alternative, I will be leaving the game in the near future if it is not implemented. If I am gonna be forced to solo due to flawed mechanics of sociability, I might as well play a console game.


Sorry for passing the negativity to the community, but I am very frustrated at solo tanking heroics with only a companion and having 50's run me through fp's as they farm lightside/darkside points.

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Ture story from The Jekk Jekk Tarr, earlier tonight:


The Scene: Republic Fleet, 124 people on.


General chat:

<Player 1>: Tank LFG Colicoid

<Player 2>: Heals LFG Colicoid PST


This, sandwiched in between a bunch of other LFGs


Nobody spamming General was flagged LFG.


30 minutes later, the tank/healer group was still looking for 2 dps.


The current system is broken. Whether the solution is same server queues or cross server, anything is better than this.

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