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Micro-transaction Shop. Yay or Nay?


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Big freaking NAY, Microtransactions have no place in subscription mmo's, games like Swg who put it in are a abnormation, thankful SoE payed for theyr greed.


Microtransactions ontop of subscriptions is about the only thing that would make me ragequit..


Umm when did SWG add micro-transactions? I played right upto the fall of 2010 off and on and there were no micro-transactions and the game was long dead when I quit.


EDIT: Oh you could buy those stupid cards via the sony store. That's really not the same.

Edited by JerokTalram
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Umm when did SWG add micro-transactions? I played right upto the fall of 2010 off and on and there were no micro-transactions and the game was long dead when I quit.


I think he is talking about the stupid Trading Card game.. That wasn't exactly what I would call a micro-transaction shop.

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They will never add the system while the game is pay to play, and since they have enough people playing; pay to play is a better profit.


No years down the line if/when the game goes free-to-play, it will be the first thing added. No profit means no games, so the shop will be there stealing all your money. :p


Paying irl cash for items is stupid....

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Nay. Unless it goes f2p.


Item shops killed EQ2 for me. I woul have spent months trying to collect cool appearance items if they had been in game. But since they were obtaned for $15 with no effort playing the game seemed pointless

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How many subs now? 1.7 million. TBH I would hope $25.5 million dollars a month was enougth for a few bits and pieces without having to resort to a chash shop for quick cash boosts.


Yes $25.5 million is how much they raw profit they are making EVERY month.


that would be $306 million a year... You reckon that might cover some stuff and not have a MT shop





You are a true Bioware fan right?


IF you are then you should have no problem paying for anything they throw at you.


If they add MT's and DLC to SWTOR you will love and support it.


That's what a real TRUE Bioware fan would do. Like me. In Bioware I Trust!


If there was an option for me to give Bioware direct access to my bank account I would.


Know why? Because this game has 1.7 million players, it's made by Bioware (story, alts? Hello?) and I get to reroll on another server because my server is dead.


Tired of people complaining all the time. Micro Transactions are the back to the future.

Edited by Tiaa
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Absolutely not in any shape or form. Pick your poison subscription or cash shop. I'm not playing a game that tries to milk the playerbase dry.


SOE did it in EQ2. The only good looking stuff they put in the game afterwards was in the cash shop. Everything that could be earned in game looked like crap.

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I'll quit the moment BioWare/EA add a micro transaction shop that offers anything more than what Blizzard does with WoW (mounts/pets). As long as they do it without harming the gameplay by letting people that blow money get advantages over others, and keep the items offered to a minimum.


In other words, Nay. I'd much prefer they didn't.

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In theory, I don't see anything wrong with a microtransaction shop that ONLY offers truly cosmetic items that are also available via normal play methods.


The problem is, I've yet to see a game implement a MT store that maintains that line. I don't see this one being any different.

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You are a true Bioware fan right?


IF you are then you should have no problem paying for anything they throw at you.


If they add MT's and DLC to SWTOR you will love and support it.


That's what a real TRUE Bioware fan would do. Like me. In Bioware I Trust!


If there was an option for me to give Bioware direct access to my bank account I would.


Know why? Because this game has 1.7 million players, it's made by Bioware (story, alts? Hello?) and I get to reroll on another server because my server is dead.


Tired of people complaining all the time. Micro Transactions are the back to the future.


Agreed. I WANT to support BioWare so bring on microtransactions!

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Either the game is F2P or P2P. P2P + Micro transactions is something Blizzard created and they should be ashamed of it.


From business perceptive, it is awesome but from ethical perceptive, that is beyond greedy.

Also before capitalism and free market, bernie madoff would agree with you, free market is awesome.

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my gut says naw... but I think it's more specific. let me explain...


for the nays, I'd say that the f2p platforms have a really strange setup that I never got into. except a few mind you. mostly, it was stuff you ended up needing to progress and since we pay a subscription, I'd rather actually play the game for things than pay more. even for fluff stuff. that said, some games did it right by just selling completely vanity items like pets or clothing or mounts for a little cash. I guess that's ok, again, I'd rather work for them in game, but it doesn't hurt me any.


however, on that same note, I think it's ok if it's only a little bit of vanity... like say, you should have a bazillion pets with a few really cool ones from the shop. not, a bazillion ones from the shop and like 1 from ingame rewards. but a few seems fine, ya know. like a little bake sale to raise development funds! especially if it's something like, a portion of your purchases goes to save puppies in antartica or whatever... something like that.


so uh... idk... I guess it's ok as long as it's just a few select cool things that don't give any advantage pvp/pve/leveling/etc and a small portion goes to puppies in antartica.


those are my conditions bioware! now lets make something happen! XD

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I'll quit the moment BioWare/EA add a micro transaction shop that offers anything more than what Blizzard does with WoW (mounts/pets). As long as they do it without harming the gameplay by letting people that blow money get advantages over others, and keep the items offered to a minimum.


In other words, Nay. I'd much prefer they didn't.


Very few US based MMOs offer anything but fluff and experience boosts/potions/recall scrolls.


Pay to win items are usually in the realm of Eastern MMOs and most of those allow players to trade bought items with other players (so you would actually see these on the broker soon after release).


I really hope Bioware starts offering exclusive colour crystal combinations at 10-15 dollars a pop, outfits at about the same cost, pets, etc.


Either the game is F2P or P2P. P2P + Micro transactions is something Blizzard created and they should be ashamed of it.


From business perceptive, it is awesome but from ethical perceptive, that is beyond greedy.

Also before capitalism and free market, bernie madoff would agree with you, free market is awesome.


Blizzard did not create this system, this combination of subscription/micro-transaction was standard in a lot of Eastern MMOs long before WoW and already existed in few of the Western MMOs as far back as Asheron's Call and Everquest. What do you think paying for name changes and server transfers (or back then whole character skill resets) were?


Micro-transactions boosts a companies revenue, allow people with disposable income to pay more for a game they love, and gives everyone more content faster.

Edited by illgot
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I've seen these mentioned in various threads with many different opinions, so let me ask the question.


Do you want a micro-transaction shop added to SWtoR? And Why?


I ask "why?" because I'm very much in favour of these kinds of shops and I'm not sure what people's objections are. I'd love to hear from the people who don't like them and find out why.


I should say I like them, so long as they don't offer anything you *need*. Just optional extras. Like the costume parts they sell in City of Heroes, or the different looking ships in Startrek online.


If there was a zone in the game you could only access if you bought a 'pass' item in the store, I wouldn't be in favour of that.


Special colour crystals

Different looking mounts

Maybe different style starships (Same ability as the originals, different look)

Special Companion appearances


I think I'd be fine with those and I would actually buy them.


This is probably all moot of course, all MMOs have these shops eventually and mugs like me become their customers, but I would like to understand the pros and cons before we get that far.


What do you think?




We're already paying a subscription fee. If a cash shop is added, I'm out.


I've seen what that's done to STO and it's crap, crap, crap.


The cash shop and microtransactions is the proverbial slippery slope. Sure, all good intentions are that it would only be used for a few things here and there.


But as time goes along, this decision then comes up in EVERY design phase for relevant items. "What about this one? In-game reward or Cash Shop?" Over time, the first option gives way to the second option... more and more...

Edited by Kubernetic
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With lotro, i gave the store the benefit of the doubt, and slowly but surely, one by one, all my fears were realised.


I wouldn't even wait for the implementation next time, cash shop announced - sub cancelled 1 minute later.


Cash shops aren't there to make gamers happy, they are there to make boardroom meetings have diagonal lines going upwards. As soon as that diagonal line starts going sideways, not up, they start breaking all their promises en mass.

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