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Everything posted by Qandor

  1. Funny thing is, when folks are leveling they are all into the game big time and then when they hit cap they are bored. Meanwhile those same people will tell you that they hate leveling. I guess they prefer being bored. All the modern iterations of MMO's seem to have adopted this quick to max level approach and they all are failing hard. Makes me scratch my head why developers keep shooting themselves in the foot with this approach. With slower leveling developers might stand some chance of staying ahead with content generation or at least give themselves a reasonable window at game release to take care of bugs, etc. I guess they would rather see people get bored super quick and cancel their subs. The most amazing thing, particularly with this game, is that there was plenty of content to feed a slower leveling curve and they still didn't slow it down. Worked out real well for them
  2. Apparently their idea of a fix to the GTN is applying the bug that affected some categories in searches since 1.2 to all categories now. So we only waited 3 weeks for them to make it worse. Way to go Bioware. Maybe they are saving the fix so they can add it to the "feature" list for 1.3.
  3. My main thought is that from a story perspective the event failed miserably. Constant warnings about the plague on the fleet emphasizing the seriousness of the plague and then they have a quest which rewards you for actually getting the plague, blowing up and infecting others. It is just laughable. Basically just another token driven lott pinata. Event? Hardly.
  4. People who moan about a "grind" in this game have apparently never played a game that actually had a grind. These same folks would moan if it were kill 10 mobs and ding 50. They would want to know why they had to "grind" out 10 mobs to gain 50 levels. There was a time when the leveling portion of the game was a fun experience that took some time. Nowadays it is so stupidly quick and easy that you have no attachment to your charater what-so-ever and folks are still complaining about a grind. I think a lot of these people would be better served playing tic-tac-toe. That is about as much as their attention span can handle.
  5. The current sad state of MMO's is really the product of the greed of the publishers and developers. They are not content with developing a product for a specific market. They want it all. They want they PVPers nad the PVEers and Rpers. They want the hardcore and the casuals. They want the folks who only have 2 hours a week to play as well as those that play 40 hours a week. They want it all in one game. They end up stretching their bufget in so many different directions in the hope to grab literally everyone on the planet that it ends up being bland, tasteless mess.
  6. This stuff has been going on for months now and apparently they couldn't care less about fixing it.
  7. The 2 day listing limit is the killer, especially on low pop servers. On such servers there isn't a brisk trade going on and constantly having the stuff returned to you gets you to the point where you say the hell with it. I would galdly put up an array of say various level barrels since hardly anyone is listing them but if I have to constantly deal with the expirations for those that do not sell every 2 days it just isn't worth it. We should be able to list stuff for at least 7 days in my opinion.
  8. There is a cross faction GTN now on Nar Shadda and no one lists anything on it. Why would anyone pay 5 million credits to have one on their ship? If the hope is that one day everyone will have one and that will become the defacto main GTN fine. However, I will wait until that day to buy one. Buying one now would be pointless. Currently it will give you access to nothing and allow you to sell to virtually no one except for the handful of people who shell out the 5 million.
  9. How can you possibly have exploration in a game such as SWTOR when assets are repeated over and over ad nauseum. Go into virtually any building in Tatoine, for example, and it is the exact same building. Any warehouse is the exact same wharehouse. Every cave is virtually the same cave. The days where games were built with care and hand crafted are over. Massive open unique dungeons gone, Unique racial starting areas all gone. Each iteration of these games eliminates more a more. Virtually every quest on Hoth the NPC's are commenting on how cold they are and yet there isn't a single structure on the whole planet with a door on it. Weather I guess also elimated as an unecessary frills & extra. Day/night cycle also eliminated. Hell SWTOR has even gone the extra mile, for the first time as far as I know in any MMO, and even eliminated water for all intents and purposes since there is no water more than knee deep. These companies are running out of things to eliminate. How on earth can you even comprehend the thought of exploration when the worlds are as bland as they are. Explore for what? To see the same cave or building yet again?
  10. Absolutely not in any shape or form. Pick your poison subscription or cash shop. I'm not playing a game that tries to milk the playerbase dry. SOE did it in EQ2. The only good looking stuff they put in the game afterwards was in the cash shop. Everything that could be earned in game looked like crap.
  11. Yes the queue is buggy as hell and it is high time they fixed it. Sick of losing stuff in my queue. Queued up 5 level 50 purple armor pieces tonight and when I came back 3 were made and the queue was empty. Never saw a game where such a bug wasn't jumped on immediately and fixed, Add to this the GTN mail bug and and I have lost all faith in the games ability to keep track of items in general. If you haven't experienced the mail bug, it can happen when you get a sales message that such and such item was sold and the money will arrive in one hour. If you do not delete that message there is a good chance the money will never arrive. The warning mail just rolls over to one hour and shortly thereafter poofs with no money forth coming.
  12. I have a nearly foolproof method of analyzing the long term viability of MMO trends. All I do is look to SOE. SOE, a company who has not made a good decision in 10 years, is touting the fact that F2P is the wave of the future. Obviously this has to be wrong. Since the most popular and profitable MMO of all times is P2P and has been for 8 years, I think it is safe to say that a subscription based model remains very viable indeed well into the future. FTP is for also rans, failing games, and games produced on a shoestring.
  13. I am an Armstech and an Armormech. I started those professions to make desirable weapons and armor. Despite many suggestions I have seen on theses forums for consumable items for all professions as a "fix" to these professions I must wholeheartedly disagree. Consumables fix nothing. I did not become an Armstech to make some lame consumable.
  14. And then everyone eventually gets to their "goal" and suddenly that great recipe is common as dirt and worthless. No thanks. While everyone is sitting around waiting for the great RE revamp and hoarding their mats, others have sucked it up, gotten those good recipes and are making bank on them now. Once evrryone has those recipes the profitability of those items will disappear.
  15. Sweet Jebus, please no more token (badge) systerms. Isn't anyone else sick to death of tokens yet? It is the random chance that makes it interesting. Games are very much governed by chance or at least they used to be. . That is where the fun is. Token systems just turn it into a job.
  16. Cannot fathom what they could possibly do to attract more Republic side players at this point. That train has already left the station. The developers themselves somehow seemed to care less about the Republic side across the board. Just look at some of the detail put into the Imperial fleet station and compare it to the bare bones look of the Republic fleet station. Not possible to make a go of a hard coded 2 faction game when the imbalance is as large as it is here.
  17. Exactly right. I cannot believe that people are clamoring for yet another lame token driven event as are so prominent in Rift. I guess folks just love hamster wheels. Token systems as a whole are the devil and are draging every game down that uses them. It turns an adventure into a job.
  18. Does not solve anything. Just means that crafting is only for raiders. Basically whay we have now and in most modern MMO's is a crafting system built primarily for people who do not like crafting. Let's face it, you cannot have a crafting system that is going to produce top quality gear which requires so little effort to max out. Given the cash and supplies you can probably max out any crafting profession here in a day or two. That is not crafting.
  19. I am 400 Investigation and have never seen a schematic drop from a purple Investigation mission and I run them daily.
  20. Oh dear, what will they do now. Why would slicers need crafters? Slicers could easily fund whatever crafting Alt they want. I'm a slicer and to try and maintain that slicers were good for the unwashed masses is a load of hogwash.
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