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  1. Impatience, unrealistic expectations, selfish opinions presented as fact, armchair-dev customers, whining. In other words, YOU. You're killing the game.
  2. I agree. If it was simply a lost item that would be replaced with a hotfix there would be no problem, but now theres a second maintanence tonight because of it. Thats lost time. It should be compensated for. To be honest, I'm also calling Bioware out a little for such a rookie mistake...but thats just personal opinion and has little relevance here.
  3. I have no problem paying my bill, and Bioware has shown that it has no problem paying for its mistakes. Its not really "free stuff" if its making up for time lost due to mistakes, it just evens it all out. You are absolutely right, every mistake is not a reason to ask for free time, but mistakes that cost us gametime should be reimbursed. I can't even remember how many weeks/months of free time Blizzard ended up giving everyone during the first year of that game to make up for all the lost maintenance time.
  4. Umm, not sure why wanting free time to make up for mistakes is masochistic, I enjoy playing the game. If you don't, why are you here?
  5. I don't think it takes much manpower to add 24 hours to our accounts...its probably just a few mouse clicks.
  6. For something like this, you can use the /bug command in-game to let the devs know without opening yourself up to trolling on these wonderful forums. Bioware doesnt read any of this anyways except to censor it.
  7. People make mistakes, I get it. This is a huge game and its easy for stuff to slip though the cracks. I'm realistic, but you have to admit that this Matrix Shard bug is just sloppy. As a former QA Lead I would have MURDERED my team for missing that...not to mention getting my @ss chewed out royally by the Producer(s). It should have been found within the first 3 minuted of testing...if you had actually put the latest patch through QA, which I kind of doubt. Anyways, this isnt a hate post, just calling a spade a spade. I think it would be fair and honorable of Bioware to give us a free day for the delay, extra maintenance and headache this bug has caused.
  8. Seriously, theres a big difference between YOU encountering more bugs and THE GAME having more bugs. Do a little research before posting next time to avoid looking silly.
  9. LIES. Show me the numbers or be labeled a drama queen.
  10. Why should they be given a break? First off, they are all adults. They know that the vast majority of the MMO fanbase is comprised of selfish, angry, borderline-illiterate fools. Do you really think all the stupid, unthoughtful crap that gets posted here bothers them one bit? The abrasive troll community of gaming is also the laughing stock of the internet. I have news for all you seething forum posters...no one cares and no one takes you seriously. I would bet good money that many Bioware employees laugh themselves to tears on a daily basis reading all of the subjective hatred heaped on these forums. Second, we give them money, not sympathy. They need to use that money to make us a better game. It won't happen overnight, but try to have a little faith. Bioware doesn't need a shoulder to cry on, they just need some time to do their job.
  11. I was set on playing a Jedi ever since I first heard about the game years ago. When I finally got an invite to the beta I made my Jedi Knight and was having a blast. Once I got used to the game and was concentrating on my class and story I started to realize how incredibly boring it was. Not just the Jedi story, I started getting bored of EVERYTHING Republic. The colors, the outfits, the overall aesthetic of the Republic is just BORING to me. Its not about being evil...I really have to go against my nature to play a good Sith, in a nutshell I just like purple more than gold I guess. I still don't think Jedi are boring, I just think either a) Bioware made the Empire way cooler looking than the Republic, or b) They just failed at realizing the Republic side of the game. The more I play a Sith, the more I'm thinking its B. I'd love for some Republic types to step up and say what they enjoy about their faction. Don't come in and talk smack about the other side, just tell us what makes you enjoy being a Rebel Scum.
  12. There are things that are so bad they need to be fixed and then theres stuff like this. I can't say I'm happy about it, but its certainly not worth soap-boxing over. I don't do FPs at all but I really want that Imperial Pilot gear. I could come on the forums and whine about how unfair it all is, or I could run Black Talon (Esseles) a couple times a day for a week or so and be at social level 3. I chose the second option and after 3 days I'm almost to level 3. Social gear is optional. If you want it you should do whats required to get it.
  13. One thing I thought was that maybe some of you dont really play other games. I suppose if this was the only game I played every little negative thing about it would start to grate on me. I admit that there are times when I have to stop playing this game due to the bugs or the community or whatever, but when that happens theres always another game to play (or movie to watch, etc.). Heck, theres hundreds of things to do, but this isn't a "go out and get a life" post. I'm not talking about quality time with the family or housework, I'm talking about that time you set aside for yourself to do whatever you want. SO the question is: Do you play other games? Do you have other hobbies besides SWTOR? Please don't list other MMOs....you're really just doing the same thing there as you are here. I'm talking about other genres of games, even tabletop/board games. Even for those of you who aren't mad gamers and only play 8-10 hours a week, do you only play SWTOR or do you have other ways to occupy your free time?
  14. See, theres your problem. Trying to dictate whats "normal" makes you no better than Bioware trying to dictate the best time for maintenance. You're trying to describe the habits of millions of people...there is no possible way to make everyone happy. I would HATE to be a dev on this game (or any MMO), buncha crying babies for customers. I know people who think that wasting 2-4 hours a day on a video game is almost a sin. I myself play 8-10 hours a day sometimes. There are yet others who would think I'm a lightweight. Whats "normal" again? And to all those who need a tissue: please do unsubscribe. Good riddance. The game will be better off with less self-entitled whiners.
  15. Theres 168 hours in a week. SWTOR goes down for maintenance once a week for 4-6 hours. Sometimes theres more downtime and sometimes less, so lets say its about 8 hours a week. Thats only about 5% downtime. How can you possibly complain about that and not feel like a spoiled brat? "If we could give people a magic hat that would create for them the exact RPG experience they’d always dreamed of, they’d complain about the color of the hat.” - Random Bioware Dev Shut up. Stop whining. If you can't find something to do when the game is down go look in a mirror for where the fault lies (same as most of the other problems in your life). Flame me, cancel your subscription, write a letter, set things on fire...none of it will make Bioware give YOU your way. Just grow the hell up. And yeah, the downtime happens to cut right through my primetime to play, but thats how it goes sometimes. If they change it, it will just screw someone else over. You can't please everyone, and never has that been more true than in MMOs. If you can't grasp that concept I would suggest you find a new hobby, but you'd probably just complain about it. - TLDR - "Heres a free month!" YAAAAAAYYYY!!! BIOWARE RULES! "Sorry, we have to do a little extra maintenance this week." "YOU SUCK! HOW DARE YOU TREAT ME LIKE THIS!
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