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10 Good
  1. Eh, it's hard to gear with Tank gear and stuff around 25ish just because if there is any on the GTN, it's so damn expensive.
  2. No. Why? Because we already paid for the game.
  3. Eh, really doesn't matter does it?
  4. I hope they add it, I'm sick of having to spam 1 to generate focus.
  5. Because: Continent of the ninth isn't in english Tera was boring after level 5 Aion's too much of a grind fest I don't like pandas Blade and soul will always be in CBT Archeage will never be released runescape's a big grind fest skype is empty I'm single Bored because I have nothing else better to do except write a list of things I'm QQing about SWTOR is fun
  6. I know, but Bioware is locking threads that are similar to others because, well I don't know.
  7. Again, 3rd time.... Why are you complaining about the color of the glow sticks in your hand, something that doesn't affect you, when you could be complaining about something that does such as server population.
  8. Watch Bioware lock this.... Also I agree, we do need merges ASAP.
  9. I don't see the problem you have with cross-server interaction, it's worked for dozens of MMOs in the past.
  10. Yes, a way where people can discuss what they don't like about the game in an orderly fashion I'm being serious, the suggestion box doesn't fit this type of conversation and nobody want's people complaining and crying in general. /discuss
  11. You can upgrade a laptop's GPU, done it with mine... Now, you can't with a notebook(at least most of them)
  12. Upgrade your geforce 256 and it may work? Seriously, next time don't come to the forum and complain, try getting help from bioware or someone on the forums first. Anyways, can I have your specs, troubleshooting is always an option. PS. Do not trust Geek Squad, from my experience with them, well lets just say I have not had a good experience with them.
  13. Really? Did you really have to come on the forum and complain because you didn't get your one vehicle?
  14. I wouldn't say chest, face is better
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