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So when we get to kill Satele Shan?


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1. Okay you dont kill revan.


2. You wont ever get to kill Satele she is still stronger than all of us.


3. I heard you dont kill the emperor but he captures you and kill people for him. But you dont kill the emperor.


I think the


1. Best bounty hunter of the great hunt


2. Dark councilman of the sith


3. Best agent in the empire


4. Empire's wrath


could easily kill satele, or at the very least put up a good fight.

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I hope they don't follow the WoW route where every character worth knowing about is promptly killed off as fast as possible in the next dungeon or raid, just in case someone started to get attached to their story. Keep Satele around, please.
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I think the


1. Best bounty hunter of the great hunt


2. Dark councilman of the sith


3. Best agent in the empire


4. Empire's wrath


could easily kill satele, or at the very least put up a good fight.


No offense but that is foolishness. Satele don't even have to think to put those people down. If Malgus couldn't beat her, then what makes you think any of those people you listed would stand a chance. Those people you listed would be obliterated by malgus alone...

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Sorry the empire will lose and I hope Satele Shan lives a long life as grand master of the Jedi. The Sith seem to be better at fighting and killing each other.

The 2 Sith story lines end with the player fighting another Sith not someone from the republic.


The knight does not kill the emperor but his voice and puts him out of commission for a while. Besides he wanted to kill everyone in the galaxy, so everyone should be against him.

The Sith leaders are much more arrogant than Satele Shan considering how badly they treat the inquisitor.


This is a star wars game not a horror game, the light side always prevails in wars, but not always battles and good overcomes evil.

The Sith empire does not exist in 3600ish years and the republic does.


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NPC's: Always cooler than you, because allowing players the game mechanics GM's/Devs can ladel onto totally narrative-controlled NPC's will often find PC's blowing up the plot (or wanting to) in order to take its stuff.
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Personally I had a crazy idea for her as part of an expansion pack idea. Basically the pack would have for new characters, the children of the original ones. All four stories would be tightly intertwined. The four classes would be Mandalorian and Alchemist for the Empire and Elemental and Diplomat for the Republic.


So, in this version the Mando would capture Satele and hand her over to the Sith. (LS is let her go, DS kill her, cannon turn her over.) The Alchemist would be part of the team sent to torture and convert her. The Alchemist lets Satele go but it's already too late. (Or tortures her to death (DS) or gives her a painless poison (neutral.) Convinces her to turn against the Republic (DS) Redeems her (LS)) The Elemental finds her, captures and redeems her (or kills her (DS) lets her go (neutral) convinces her to continue taking revenge, but only against the Sith (DS) she commits suicide out of guilt (neutral) fails to redeem her and is forced to kill her anyway (LS)) and takes her back to Tython. Satele steps down from her Council seat and offers it to the Elemental. She goes off to atone and ends up as a member of the Diplomat's party. Which would be totally epic! Sigh... I hope they DO create an expansion pack like this.


(In this idea the Alchemist becomes an LS to neutral Emperor/Empress and ultimately ends up pretending to lose the war while secretly taking her people back into the unknown regions. The Elemental becomes Grand Master and helps the Sith hide. The Mandalorian becomes Mandalore and the Diplomat becomes the Supreme Chancellor, who refuses to make peace with the Empire leading to a war of attrition and the Empress' decision to get her people out. So there. Perfect explanation, neither side is destroyed and it's fairly epic.)

Edited by Silimaa
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I don't understand the hatred towards Satele. She doesn't qualify as a Mary Sue from what I know of the definition. We've barely seen anything of her other than two cinematics in which she has her rear thoroughly booted by Malgus. Even in "Hope", she needed Jace's help to even get Malgus to back off. In many ways, we've seen Malgus' ******ery but Satele's done nothing significant since the start of TOR. I'd love the opportunity to FIGHT Satele but kill her? No, not until she's had her chance to make her mark on the game. Besides, she's nice and I'd much rather have her as the Grand Master of the Jedi Order than the JK or JC in some future expansion. :(
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And here's me thinking it was Darth Bane that destroyed the Sith, along with several hundred Jedi, by tricking them into using the Mind Bomb and established the Rule of Two years and years prior to the Movies and Vader that brought balance to the Force by destroying the Jedi so that there remained 2 Sith and 2 Jedi.


(A prophecy that Mis-Read could have been).

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No offense but that is foolishness. Satele don't even have to think to put those people down. If Malgus couldn't beat her, then what makes you think any of those people you listed would stand a chance. Those people you listed would be obliterated by malgus alone...


you do realize malgus has never been able to fight shan 1v1? she has always had help, thus giving her the upper hand. alone? he wins. easily. watch the opening cinematic. hes literally going to split her in half but shes saved. in hope? the trooper comes up and saves her.

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And here's me thinking it was Darth Bane that destroyed the Sith, along with several hundred Jedi, by tricking them into using the Mind Bomb and established the Rule of Two years and years prior to the Movies and Vader that brought balance to the Force by destroying the Jedi so that there remained 2 Sith and 2 Jedi.


(A prophecy that Mis-Read could have been).


That was the Sith of the New Sith Wars begun after the fourth schism which was caused by Darth Ruin c. 2000 BBY approx. At that point the Sith Empire no longer existed in known space.

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No offense but that is foolishness. Satele don't even have to think to put those people down. If Malgus couldn't beat her, then what makes you think any of those people you listed would stand a chance. Those people you listed would be obliterated by malgus alone...


While I may agree with you that most of the PCs( I could see the Wrath and the SI holding their own for longer than the BH and IA) probably would not last very long against Satele by themselves, I have to disagree with the underlined part.


Satele need a distraction and help from Jace Malcom to even "beat" Malgus as it were, and he survived despite everything she threw at him. In her journal that comes with the CE of the game, she makes it quite clear she is afraid to face Malgus again and doubts she can beat him.

Edited by Temeluchus
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Personally I had a crazy idea for her as part of an expansion pack idea. Basically the pack would have for new characters, the children of the original ones. All four stories would be tightly intertwined. The four classes would be Mandalorian and Alchemist for the Empire and Elemental and Diplomat for the Republic.


So, in this version the Mando would capture Satele and hand her over to the Sith. (LS is let her go, DS kill her, cannon turn her over.) The Alchemist would be part of the team sent to torture and convert her. The Alchemist lets Satele go but it's already too late. (Or tortures her to death (DS) or gives her a painless poison (neutral.) Convinces her to turn against the Republic (DS) Redeems her (LS)) The Elemental finds her, captures and redeems her (or kills her (DS) lets her go (neutral) convinces her to continue taking revenge, but only against the Sith (DS) she commits suicide out of guilt (neutral) fails to redeem her and is forced to kill her anyway (LS)) and takes her back to Tython. Satele steps down from her Council seat and offers it to the Elemental. She goes off to atone and ends up as a member of the Diplomat's party. Which would be totally epic! Sigh... I hope they DO create an expansion pack like this.


(In this idea the Alchemist becomes an LS to neutral Emperor/Empress and ultimately ends up pretending to lose the war while secretly taking her people back into the unknown regions. The Elemental becomes Grand Master and helps the Sith hide. The Mandalorian becomes Mandalore and the Diplomat becomes the Supreme Chancellor, who refuses to make peace with the Empire leading to a war of attrition and the Empress' decision to get her people out. So there. Perfect explanation, neither side is destroyed and it's fairly epic.)


While I appreciate creativity in general and people who express an enthusiasm in discussing future content for the game, this idea has many problems. Lets start with the most obvious one, a Mando class would be the BH in almost every way. The BH becomes a Mando(unless you choose not to)after the Great Hunt already. Its redundant.

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That's the point. This is his kid. And the war is back on. The Mandalorian would actually be helping to fight the war! Not running after bounties, thus addressing the complaints that the BH isn't involved enough in the war. You'd be serving Mandalore, working with the Empire (or against it depending on your choices.) You'd have to gather clans to fight battles, try to ensure that the clans don't become a part of the Empire, defeat major players in the Republic, etc. Think more of a cross between Agent and BH with some trooper aspects thrown in rather than just BH. I haven't fully worked out the storyline yet so these are just basic ideas of how it would work.


A lot of my ideas include dealing with major complaints. Example: Revan is too easy to beat in the Foundry. So I created a second fight with him as an Alchemist. You can fight him twice. The first time is mandatory and a hard boss fight. If you go DS and try to kill him you have to fight him a second time and he's much harder. If you choose to leave him to torment he becomes close to impossible (as in making him one of the hardest bosses out there.) Actually that whole chapter would have super hard bosses if you go DS...

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That's the point. This is his kid. And the war is back on. The Mandalorian would actually be helping to fight the war! Not running after bounties, thus addressing the complaints that the BH isn't involved enough in the war. You'd be serving Mandalore, working with the Empire (or against it depending on your choices.) You'd have to gather clans to fight battles, try to ensure that the clans don't become a part of the Empire, defeat major players in the Republic, etc. Think more of a cross between Agent and BH with some trooper aspects thrown in rather than just BH. I haven't fully worked out the storyline yet so these are just basic ideas of how it would work.


A lot of my ideas include dealing with major complaints. Example: Revan is too easy to beat in the Foundry. So I created a second fight with him as an Alchemist. You can fight him twice. The first time is mandatory and a hard boss fight. If you go DS and try to kill him you have to fight him a second time and he's much harder. If you choose to leave him to torment he becomes close to impossible (as in making him one of the hardest bosses out there.) Actually that whole chapter would have super hard bosses if you go DS...


Its still redundant, your idea is better off as new story content for the BH class, rather than a new Mando class that is basically the BH in a different wrapper. Have the new story content for the BH be more heavily involved with the Empire and go from there.

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I want a next generation... and I don't think it would work for the BH. This story would start on Mandalore (the planet.) You were raised a Mandalorian, but your mother was the agent or vice-versa. Depending on what you decide in the first conversation your backstory will vary. The war has gone on for about twenty years and is a war of attrition. You don't just get jobs the way the BH does. It would be a very different story. The reason I'm calling the class Mandalorian is because that's how you start off. You can end up officially working for the Empire and disavowing your heritage. I think it's the name that's putting you off. Would you prefer if I called it the Battlelord class instead? That's one of the advanced classes. The other is Guerrilla. Instead of being a BH you're a general, but you don't officially work for the Empire. A lot of what you would do is arranging attacks rather than just carrying them out.


For Example:

You might be told "go conquer this world" but how you manage it is up to you. (Think of the Exile on Onderon. How might the battle have been if she could have ordered an strafing the city (DS), orbital bombardment (LS or DS depending), a diversionary attack while she snuck in from behind (which she did if I'm remembering right) a frontal assault after calling for the surrender (LS), starting a secret rebellion from the populace (LS), choosing to simply fly through a window and start blasting, doing an actual assassination, or creating a terrorist organisation (DS). Aside from having eight different options most of which would be branch outs from conversation choices: Our troops are ready to work with you. Branches: A: I hope your men know how to shoot (Leads to diversion, strafing run, or frontal assault) B: I work alone. They'll just be in my way. (leads to window smash or assassination) C: Keep your men. I'll have all the people I need for this. (Bombardment, terrorist, or Rebel cell.)


Give you a better idea? I don't think this would work for a BH. And this little conversation has gotten totally off topic... But I would LOVE to see a quest like that.


Oh yes, and you can betray the Empire and turn the planet over to the Republic. You can make a bad decision and get people killed, and you can conquer the planet in the name of Mandalore...

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  • 1 month later...
As a wise old woman once said "It is a far greater victory to make one see though your eyes than to close theirs forever." I would rather try to corrupt and turn Satele to the Dark Side than just kill in some duel or something.


I could settle for corrupting Ashara..

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Ever since I saw that cinematic "Hope" with her blocking a lightsaber with her hand I've wanted my character (sith warrior) to put her head on spit.


The Empire already got to kill one of the Republic's Jedi Grandmasters during Threat of Peace and you can kill our Supreme Chancellor.


Tell ya what. You get to kill Shan the same day we get to permanently and irrevocably kill the Sith Emperor.

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The Empire already got to kill one of the Republic's Jedi Grandmasters during Threat of Peace and you can kill our Supreme Chancellor.


Tell ya what. You get to kill Shan the same day we get to permanently and irrevocably kill the Sith Emperor.


Deal. I hate that lunatic...

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