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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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No. Server merges aren't needed. I'm on Sanctum and there's always people on somewhere. The fleets are crowded and I avoid going there if possible.


Advice: Make a character on a server that has a better population.



Advice: The game had 15 min queue so BW recommended you to roll on Light servers.

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I support server deletion/force merge.


A server that's doing VERY bad, would give players the option to transfer for free to another server of their choice...and once the time limit is up, force transfer the remaining players to a select one.

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In the past 7 days, I've logged into the launcher once then shut it down because I just had zero interest in playing.


Having a level 50 Imp and not wanting to re-roll another Imp because I don't want to go through all the exact same crap from 1-50 again, coupled with Rep side being completely dead on my server so it's pointless to bother with, just took away any reason to play at all.


I'm not a raider and I'm not a PvPer, so once I hit 50 on that Imp, that character is basically done for me.


I have played many mmos over the years, some FOR years at a time, doing nothing but hitting max then re-rolling and taking my time leveling the other classes up. Never had to worry about "burn out" for at least 6 months in any of them.


But then, in those mmos, there was room to move around, leveling new classes through different zones each time so it didn't feel monotonous. Here, it's a single-file treadmill.


So yeah, you can officially chalk up one more gone. 43 days of paid time used out of 90 total, and they can keep the change.

Edited by Zorvan
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oh it most definitely varies between servers - but there are far more servers with horrible populations than there are with good populations.


Be nice if they did what RIFT did and simply allowed us to move servers once a week.



Was the most impressive move I have seen any game company do in probably 10 years.



"What!? You don't want to charge me exorbitant fees for simply drag and dropping my character file from one folder to another!? - I tip my hat to you Sir"

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I do not understand, why ppl from more then standart server populations

reply to this thread.. your servers doing fine, good for you.

/shoo :p

this is about servers where light population almost all the time...




first, me and my wife (especialy she) don`t have another month to get lvl 50

(ok lets pretend we have)

second, she want to play same class, and it`s realy anoying and borring to do absolutly same quest`s

and story line..

we registered at Eye of Ashlanae, (coz she don`t have half a hour to wait in queue, she can play about 3 hours per day..) - it was standart populated, now it`s light almost all the time

and dying.. illum usual 3-10 players rep side...

Imps totaly dominating...


today i was standing more then 2 hours in pvp queue (by mine 50 lvl char) it was 16:00 gmt

and didnt get any single wz match, so i leaved queue, yesterday i played 1 match same story..


my opinion:

BioWare should put other things aside and give us char transfer or better - Server Merge (better for us better for them, less servers less money spend supporting them),

if they don`t do it, they will loose alot of players, it is happening right now.



We need Transfer Merge



i'm his wife and i sign for for transfers. Bioware need to take some mesures to improve situation on sides-unbalanced and low populated servers. Now players on such servers just can't try a significant part of gameplay (especially pvp)

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Crevasse city hasnt had a single pvp queue at lvl 50 since patch 1.1. Myself and four guildies were queued together, and never got one. Were empire side on a server with more pubs than imps. Doesn't make sense. At least 10 imps and pubs were queued according to fleets on both sides. Edited by Daltin
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The only time people come out, is on tuesdays, when PvP weeklys reset.


Even on PvE servers, the PvP players take up a big portion of server population.

Maybe it is becouse theres nothing else to do at end game except doing the same instances over and over, or making another character, people do warzones just to get something to do.


The rest of the time..people stand around the fleet for a little while, then they auto loggout by beeing afk for to long.


My friends that are PvE players dont logg in as much anymore, if theres no OPS running, they just skip it.


Played TERA preview the other day (stress test today for those that wants to try it) and even though its not the greatest game, i think i might get it anyways.

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I play on "Kummungah", European server and since I have reached 50 the only thing I can do is daily quests. If I want to do some instances it is impossible to find a group when the maximum of players on level 50 on the Republic fleet is 3.

Tried to pvp and although the queue times are a bit iffy I won't complain about that but for the fact that I constantly join with the same other 5 people and fight constantly against the same 6 imperials.

This gets old really fast, so I rerolled imperial on "Chuundar" and managed to reach level 28. The server is much more populated that my original one but the strange thing is that both my old server and the new one share the same population ranks, the only difference is that my new server turns from light to standard much more earlier in the day that the old one which stays at low almost all day.

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Offhand, that's the only one I can think of, and also the one that was most closely monitored. So while a "global defense" channel might help with world PvP issues...it won't, and shouldn't, do much beyond that.


Honestly, the biggest problem with TOR's travel is the IP itself. Unless they create a bank of shuttles in each starport that travel to and from each individual planet...which kind of seems unlikely....there's really no way to create a similar "seamless" travel that WoW has. But then again, the Fleet transport available on pretty much every planet does make that possible.


There were a couple from, what I recall, and they were widely monitored and widely used. At least on the servers I was active in. I only played WoW for a couple of years, total, so things might have changed. Its very activity served as a subconscious reminder not only of a larger world but of a larger conflict as well. TOR relies on the "story" for this and despite being a good story. It is left wanting at times.


Even George, if I recall correctly, has said that hyperdrive works at the speed of plot. So that seems more a matter of in-game loading times than any actual IP interference. Well loading times and deciding to add space stations to some planets that we have to go through first.

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Personally I wouldnt care if my servers population lost 90% of its players...as long as they are not my friends leaving. They are. Nothing anyone says about the game, the amount of players or how well it is or is not doing matters to me anymore.


All that matters is if Bioware is going to actually put into the game what it needs to be more MMORPG and not RPG with online capabilities...because that is the ONLY thing that will get my friends to come back.


Nothing else means a thing.

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In the past 7 days, I've logged into the launcher once then shut it down because I just had zero interest in playing.


Having a level 50 Imp and not wanting to re-roll another Imp because I don't want to go through all the exact same crap from 1-50 again, coupled with Rep side being completely dead on my server so it's pointless to bother with, just took away any reason to play at all.


I'm not a raider and I'm not a PvPer, so once I hit 50 on that Imp, that character is basically done for me.


I have played many mmos over the years, some FOR years at a time, doing nothing but hitting max then re-rolling and taking my time leveling the other classes up. Never had to worry about "burn out" for at least 6 months in any of them.


But then, in those mmos, there was room to move around, leveling new classes through different zones each time so it didn't feel monotonous. Here, it's a single-file treadmill.


So yeah, you can officially chalk up one more gone. 43 days of paid time used out of 90 total, and they can keep the change.


Why do you have to roll this hypothetical Republic character on the same server? Why can't you roll it on a larger server? If your entire playstyle revolves around rerolling characters.....which based on your description above it absolutely does......wouldn't this be the absolute perfect time to switch servers? So yeah, can't really buy this excuse.




Personally I wouldnt care if my servers population lost 90% of its players...as long as they are not my friends leaving. They are. Nothing anyone says about the game, the amount of players or how well it is or is not doing matters to me anymore.


All that matters is if Bioware is going to actually put into the game what it needs to be more MMORPG and not RPG with online capabilities...because that is the ONLY thing that will get my friends to come back.


Nothing else means a thing.


What is it that they need to add to make it an MMO? Group content? Raids? PvP zones? Yeah, they have all those. So what is it missing?

Edited by Jxspyder
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maybe if BW don,t want to do transfers or merge, they can do additional buffs (for example for valor or exp or expertise) or rewards for people on weaker side on unbalanced and low-populated servers. Maybe it would be for some period and then canceled (when a server become comfort to play for both sides in normal conditions)/ Maybe the amount of bonuses will depend on differense between sides.


Dut BW should do something now, because some servers are already dying and people leaving

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If the server merger demanders would get their wish - a signal that the game is not growing anymore, but contracting - that would led to more people leaving the game. It always does. Server mergers turn many people into rats that want to leave what they see as a sinking ship. And then there would be another round of server mergers after more demands, and then another and so on.


Just go and play WAR. There server mergers demands were followed and it lead into a death spiral. You can bypass the death spiral with SWTOR and go directly to the end result that way.


And you could forget all about expansions and new content.


So there's perhaps one PvP server too many in EU and 15-20 servers in NA. Nothing that new marketing campaigns and especially ones in connection with new content brought by future patches can't fix. More marketing, no server mergers please.

Edited by Rouge
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Why do you have to roll this hypothetical Republic character on the same server? Why can't you roll it on a larger server? If your entire playstyle revolves around rerolling characters.....which based on your description above it absolutely does......wouldn't this be the absolute perfect time to switch servers? So yeah, can't really buy this excuse.


I personally don't give a flying **** what you buy or not. Don't like the "excuse", too bad so sad. Amazing how I can go play any other "AAA" mmo right now and never have to switch servers just to play the opposite faction comfortably. Of course, in those other mmos, I wouldn't even have to worry about opposite faction playing yet, because I'd have plenty of alts of the same faction to go through without having to repeat 90% of the same **** I just trudged through. This whole damn game is on rails with extremely limited replay value.

Edited by Zorvan
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I personally don't give a flying **** what you buy or not. Don't like the "excuse", too bad so sad. Amazing how I can go play any other "AAA" mmo right now and never have to switch servers just to play the opposite faction comfortably. Of course, in those other mmos, I wouldn't even have to worry about opposite faction playing yet, because I'd have plenty of alts of the same faction to go through without having to repeat 90% of the same **** I just trudged through. This whole damn game is on rails with extremely limited replay value.


Don't make those kind of silly claims. In which MMOs you supposedly don't have to repeat 90 percent of the same content when you advance alts?


That's just doom-mongering and glorifying of other, unnamed games, for things that they don't really have...

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Was mildly amused to see 2 instances on Nar Shaddaa yesterday evening, and no less than 270 people on the Imperial Fleet, on Legions of Lettow EU/PvP.


Last couple of days I noticed a significant drop in the numbers I used to see a month ago, but yesterday everyone was out in force.

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Was mildly amused to see 2 instances on Nar Shaddaa yesterday evening, and no less than 270 people on the Imperial Fleet, on Legions of Lettow EU/PvP.


Last couple of days I noticed a significant drop in the numbers I used to see a month ago, but yesterday everyone was out in force.


My server really seems to ebb and flow like this. Some days at certain times really seem dead and then the next week the same day will have tons more numbers. I still haven't figured out if there is a weekday pattern yet. It seems different every week. On weekends though the numbers pretty much double across the board. It's like 'oh there everyone is...." :D


edited: Also will add that quite a large number of people on my friends list and in my guild are really casual players. Casual meaning that they only play on a few days and for a few hours a week. It's quite a different pattern then other games I play or at least enough that it's noticible. So if this is a more widespread pattern then just with who I have come into contact with then I can see how it could effect player populations at any given time. A server may have quite a larger population signed up and playing on it but just not all at the same time.

Edited by Jalliah
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Naddist Rebels (PVP) server :(


Server population has dropped drastically for Republic last week. Now I'm only seeing around 20 people on the fleet at a given time. I'd be lucky to see 3-8 people on a planet.


Would love to play but I'm not one of those reroll types. Already wasted 2 months of my time on a toon. I can't see myself wasting time again to level yet another toon exactly the same on another server.


Shame really I did really like this game too.

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