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Everything posted by SeloDaoC

  1. If you meet a skilled tanksin or marauder, it doesnt matter how skilled you are yourself. its just to easy to lock down a gunnery commando to nothingness if you know what your doing, plus that they have no way of escaping it. Even if a gunnery com gets their shots of, the classes their fighting can mitigate most of their damage with one skill or another, while the commando only have a measly 20% dmg reduction with short duration and long cooldown.
  2. This topic shows players age Planetside, wow and Aion best PvP? wth, surprised i dont see more crap games like Tibia and Runescape, games for kids without credit cards UO, AC, SB, AO and best of all DaoC
  3. when even the people that dont play dps merc/com says its the worst, then you know its bad
  4. FL start their damage then ticks during the duration, even if you interupt they will do some damage. If you interupt GR, it does no damage at all. Also due to ammo beeing more scarse then sorc power supply, an interupt to GR hurts more
  5. Once peopl realize server transfer wont magicly create new content, it will be fine
  6. Its funny the only ones defending mara/sents are either mara/sents or snipers In PvE i have no idea, but in PvP, they were op in 1.1 beeing played by those that actually knew *** they were doing, and became even more op in 1.2 but now everyone and their dogs can faceroll with them
  7. Its not as much the dps portion as the survivability and escape portion that is wrong with gunnery commando. Once a melee is on you, their on you until either one of you are dead, 90% its the commando. A marauder will win against most classes in both 1v1 AND GvG fights, theres only a couple of classes that can counter them, and one of them is just as overpowered as the sent/marauder. Marauders are extremly good on all maps with the large set of utilities to use in most situations, such as leaps with ball in huttball, stealth when getting low, tanking at doors in voidstar or taking our all the ranged, taking on 3-4 players at turrets in alderaan and surviving for a very long time, and sprint to get there fast. They can just do TO much for a dps class, or is it tank class? or stealth..
  8. Say that to a gunnery commando / arsenal bh, getting chaininterupted and killed over and over
  9. Havent played for a couple of months but have been viewing the forums from time to time This patch will put the nail in the coffin for the few gunnery commandos left 1. Still no change to survivability against melee, no change to constantly beeing interupted, or otherwise getting your skills chain interupted by other kinds of cc. 2. Still no escape abilities to get away from melee, once you get a melee player on your, their on you until either one of you are dead, 90% of the time its you. 3. You dont have to use as many GR now to use HiB and Demo round? sounds nice, only that HiB and Demo costs alot of ammo and youll run out of ammo fast if you use it more often, most player used 3 attacks anyways. 4. Burst was the only way to kill anything as a Gunnery commando in PvP, with the nerfs to adrenals and artifacts, well have even less chance to kill someone. 5. No nerfs at all to marauders, powertechs, game over
  10. Problem is, resource management is nice and everything for PvE, But in PvP, where everything is about bursting, it wont change anything at all. It also seems like their still ignoring the fact were beeing torn to shreds by melee classes becouse our lack of survivability, escape abilities and beeing chain interupted If they think they lost alot of commando players before, if there wont be any fixing to the above in 1.3 the few that are left will reroll or unsub
  11. They didnt say if DPS improvement ment more or less damage maybe just a change of rotation pre 1.2 wasentabout commandos doing to much damage, just about itcomming from to few attacks, yet they nerf damage and do nothing about rotation now our damage AND rotation is bad + our lack of everything else (gunnery)
  12. Actually im cursed, every class i play end up hopelessly gimped, in every mmo! My closest friends in my guild even forbids me to play the classes their going to play becouse they dont want them to become gimped. If i say im going to play a class, they choose something else. Elementalist in GW2 will be next. True story!
  13. Who think well get another Dark & Light scenario where the developers blame us players for not supporting their game and that beeing the reason the game failed?
  14. D3 probably wont keep players for a long time, but i doubt that many will go back to SWToR. After playign D3 theyll realize how little they miss SWToR and rather go back to WoW, Rift etc, or try TERA I checked server status after TERA and D3 Release and DAMN the population is low now http://www.torstatus.net/shards/eu I havent been logged on for almost a month now, and i dont feel like logging back on either
  15. Legacy system a huge succes? Most of the people that i played swtor with didnt buy anything becouse it was all crap Differance between Rift and SWToR? Rift was more enjoyable when i played it and actually focused on gameplay more then some npc talking about something uninteresting The game felt more alive, it was easier finding groups even without a lfg tool, there were more to do in the time between dungeons, so people didnt just tab out and let the game logg you out like in swtor the skirmish pvp was aweful in rift and didnt think it could become worse, then i played swtor and i was wrong
  16. If Gr had 9 sec cd, it would be the most gimped class in mmo history, even the troopers in the movies would get more kills
  17. Last time they were going to "fix" commandos we ended up wit ha big nerf overall so i wouldnt be to hopeful Probably some skill we dont even use to much will be brought up in damage barely, and will still be worthless becouse it costs to much ammo, or only viable in PvE Then some other very important skill will be nerfed becouse of "bringing in line" like making the aoe kb have 1 min cooldown. We dont need that much dps, its the utility (cc, our cc only helping some classes to kill us faster) and survivability (no escape abilities, constantly slowed, easy to lock down with interupts and other cc, loads of gapclosers for melee to get to you that also procs cc immunity) mostly against melee that needs fixing. And our inability to do any damage at all to enemies that have shields and still beeing able to dish out more damage then we do without shields (tanksins, operative healers, marauders etc)
  18. Theres not enough players to make premades, and surtainly not enough good players
  19. Not to brag but im probably one of the best geared and hardest hitting commandos on my server. I would try to lock me out aswell. Yet, it would be nice to actually be able to stand up to marauder/pt or tanksin, or atleast get away. As it is now, you can do neither, and its far to easy for them to get to you.
  20. This topic will be very missgiving. The dissapointed ones will say lower then what it is The fanboys will say much higher then what it is
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