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Everything posted by Klarick

  1. SWTOR is the best story-driven MMO that I have played. Though The Secret World was very good, it still never reached the production-level of SWTOR.
  2. The Last Jedi was horrible. Darn near unwatchable. I haven't seen Solo, as I am still recovering from the Last Jedi mess of a film. Having said that, those movies have zero impact on this game. As long as it is the only SW MMO, it will continue to limp on down the road.
  3. This could be important. A lot of words and stuff. Can anyone translate all that into english?
  4. But here is the problem Barleron. Especially in gaming. Which group of entitled whiners do you suggest the developers listen to? 1. More story Or I quit group. 2. Less story or I guit group. 3. More Same gender romance or I quit group. 4. Put in same gender romance and I quit group. 5. Make the game harder or I quit group. 6. The game is too hard, im quitting group. 7. More solo content or I quit group. 8. More group content or I quit group. 9. Too much PvP...I quit...group. 10. We need more PvP or Im quitting group. 11. Class X suxxor so im quitting group. 12. Class X is too OP so im quitting group. etc...etc... Seriously, you snowflakes need to stop and think. Yes, a game developer can listen to their base...to a point. Wildstar and Rift are great examples of MMOs that listened to their base. Both games are crap. The best games are those where a developer has a vision, and sticks to that vision. Now, it could be argued that BW abandoned their vision. It could even be discussed rationally. However, these type of posts pop up every few weeks. Or even days. Each OP, believes they have the "special" insight, and their opinion really really matters the most. In this post, we have a snowflake that spent 4 years of her life in this game! Spent thousands of dollars on THIS GAME! Insread of being grateful that this game entertained her for that many years, and compelled her to spend that kind of money, she instead went the entitled route and posted this garbage. Enough of this crap. If you dont like the game...leave. If you are compelled to let BW know why, then send them a respectful letter and let them know. But this self rightous crap on the forum is getting out of hand.
  5. PennyAnn: I don't have programming knowledge. I made it that far. I skimmed over the rest. Couldnt really get into just how special you think you really are. Did not work for me.
  6. Hey Tux. You have been so negative for so long, I wonder what keeps you here. Is it just the fact that it is Star Wars? So I know you can be objective, list 5 things you really like about SWTOR. You must like somethng or you obviously would leave. Pennys post is just another "one of those posts" that pops up every month it seems. The only difference is she thinks she is some little special snowflake that believes her 'I hate bioware' post is something new and original. You though, are different. Much different. My top five: 1.. It's Star Wars 2. The voice acted quests. (Incredible and runed all other MMOs for me) 3. The cool stories. Well written and engaging imo. Do other MMOs even have a story? 4. The graphics. On my computer, they look remarkable. 5. So many flashpoints. Love the flashpoints andthe sheer number of them. Thats the top 5. Now your turn Tux...
  7. Also, a community manager and a developer are two very different jobs. Of course MMOS have Community Managers that post from time to time. Im talking about developers that post. How often does Mike Morheim (sic) communicate on the WoW forums?
  8. Lol warframe. GW2 does? They do the letters and such. But they actually regularly post on the forum? Hmm ill check. I havent played GW2 in awhile. It is not good.
  9. Really, the only one that comes to mind is EvE Online. Also OP, have you even considered the Cantina Tours, They travel all over the place constantly and discuss SWTOR on a personal level with their fan base. Who else does this? Somedoit once a year...Blizzard. But nothing to the frequency andlevelof a Cantina Tour program.
  10. Since there are many, name 5 so I can check. I have played every AAA MMO, pretty much since Everquest.
  11. I agree about the game. It is awesome. However, I must disagree about your assesment of Ep VII. I waited damn near 40 years for another Star Wars Movie and FINALLY got one. Now I have 3 SW movies to watch: Episode 4,5 and 7. The rest are garbage. IMO ... of course
  12. Pro Tip from Your life coach, as you obviously need one. Use your time for more productive things. This excercise in futility of yours proves nothing, accomplishes nothing, and solves nothing. Developers rarely participate in forums in any MMO. A typical MMO hires community managers for this purpose. What benefit would be gained for a dev to post here? Zero. None. A complete waste of time. For every customer that says DO SOMETHING or I quit, there is another customer that says If you do that very SOMETHING ill quit.! It is a no win situation.
  13. Excellent post Arti. Im doing this now on my Sniper. Doing only class story. Oh my. lol. Fun as hell, and im only level 28 at this point. However, Im not playing the toon during the holidays due to the double xp. I have the other 17 toons for that . I do wish I could turn the exp boost off.
  14. This post shows you just how good SWTOR really is, and the hold it has on its player base. I give you Eltohan. This dude has cancelled his subscription, deleted the game from his computer, amd yet is still compelled to participate in the forums. Bravo Bioware....Bravo.
  15. Seriously, is this a joke? OP, you need to get outside more.
  16. Klarick


    Which NM raid did you gimp your char for?
  17. The water is quite warm indeed. Jump on in and enjoy! Though I will give this piece of advice. These General discussion forums are about 99% negative, so beware. According to these whiners, this game has been dead for about 4 years. It is far from dead. You want dead? Go play Wildstar. Now, thats dead.
  18. Yep. Did the same thing. I tried them all. Well, all the AAA MMOs anyways. After that pitiful journey I returned to SWTOR.
  19. it would take a room full of shrinks to figure out why you people whine so much
  20. Well.....Darth Maul killed that long haired fella so I cant. YOU ARE STILL ON MY LAWN!
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