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BW had multiple MMO's to model after and....


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If you can tell me what SWTOR has done that 'revolutionary' or 'new' you please tell me.

What's new is I give a damn about my character.


I'm not just a random bag of pixels racing to max level. Admittedly, you can blindly race to max level as in WoW, but that one of WoW's major flaws not something to repeat.


Even after Cata, WoW's insanely dull to level in because you aren't part of the world. Questgiver talks at you. You do stuff. Questgiver talks more at you and gives you gold. Who are you? You're huntard number 8,647. Because there's nothing in the game to make your character different than anyone else's character. You all interact with the world in exactly the same way.


I fully realize this isn't a plus for everyone, especially those with ADD. But it's nice to play a game that's actually a game and not an overly elaborate lobby for raids and arenas.

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Stopped reading right there, couldn't disagree with you any more than i currently do


Thats fine, explain your logic?


A companion follows you around and helps you in combat. You tend to its like/dislike of you (like a hunter pets loyalty).


They replaced a simple mechanic with a plot based mechanic.

They gave the pet scripted dialog.


I'm not saying they didnt do a good job with them, but in the end, they are all hunter pets.


In fact to drive the point home, all companions in the game are one of X molds of companions that everyone gets.


Everyone gets a droid healer, another healer, a melee tank, a ranged tank, a ranged dps, and a melee dps.


They all have the same abilities, with different names.


The differences are they built a different skin for each, scripted a different plot and assign them to you at different parts in your progression.


You gain your 'pets' regardless of your choice, and your pets can never leave you (no mater how much they hate you(bad loyalty)).


Even if they hate you, they do nothing about it. I could make Ashara NUTS and hate me..she wont do anything. The reason why? She is a hunter pet.


At the very best I make them pleased with me, get a quest of no real consequence, have a romance scene (scripting) and whats the in game effect? They do missions faster....


After the first few level up to 50's its hard to get attached to a companion. The first time you get one its awesome, and yeah the second one is grand. After that though, its just dull I find.


I can put my 'pet' into passive or aggressive mode and change them out based off what I need (tank, healer, dps)...so its a better thought out pet system, but lets call an egg an egg.

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> Implying Bioware didn't just make world of warcraft with cut scenes.




I would have taken WoW with cut-scenes.


Instead we have an extremely, ultra-linear game that makes WoW look like a sandbox game. Combine that with clunky combat animations, terribly designed PvP, and a horrible auction system and it's not even close to a WoW clone (in practice).

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Thats fine, explain your logic?


A companion follows you around and helps you in combat. You tend to its like/dislike of you (like a hunter pets loyalty).


They replaced a simple mechanic with a plot based mechanic.

They gave the pet scripted dialog.


I'm not saying they didnt do a good job with them, but in the end, they are all hunter pets.


In fact to drive the point home, all companions in the game are one of X molds of companions that everyone gets.


Everyone gets a droid healer, another healer, a melee tank, a ranged tank, a ranged dps, and a melee dps.


They all have the same abilities, with different names.


The differences are they built a different skin for each, scripted a different plot and assign them to you at different parts in your progression.


You gain your 'pets' regardless of your choice, and your pets can never leave you (no mater how much they hate you(bad loyalty)).


Even if they hate you, they do nothing about it. I could make Ashara NUTS and hate me..she wont do anything. The reason why? She is a hunter pet.


At the very best I make them pleased with me, get a quest of no real consequence, have a romance scene (scripting) and whats the in game effect? They do missions faster....


After the first few level up to 50's its hard to get attached to a companion. The first time you get one its awesome, and yeah the second one is grand. After that though, its just dull I find.


I can put my 'pet' into passive or aggressive mode and change them out based off what I need (tank, healer, dps)...so its a better thought out pet system, but lets call an egg an egg.


You notice how it requires you an entire page to desribe the differences, even though you are TRYING to be blunt and abrasive?

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I would have taken WoW with cut-scenes.


Instead we have an extremely, ultra-linear game that makes WoW look like a sandbox game. Combine that with clunky combat animations, terribly designed PvP, and a horrible auction system and it's not even close to a WoW clone (in practice).


You can go back to WoW then.


I understand the linear style but Cataclysm was actually pretty linear for WoW standards. The combat animations of SWTOR are excellent. I think you're mistaking that for ability-delay, which has been resolved now.


What's terrible with the PvP?


The auction house is missing a few features but we're getting them soon.

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Obviously they felt KOTOR with a chat box was their best option :confused:


Despite the fact this is a smug gamer dweeb response, it is essentially the reason why.


Bioware focused on making a Storyline RPG in the spirit of KoTOR into an MMO. That was the priority, and that is how they clearly prioritized features and completeness for release.


The thing the quoted poster doesn't understand, is that was the important and right decision. Which will make this game a mainstream MMO, rather than a niche MMO for hardcore gamers.


Making the hardcore gamers happy is:


1) Impossible because they are so bifurcated.

2) Not worth it because they are a much smaller group.

3) Not satisfying because even after playing for many years, a hardcore gamer will call your game crap and try to SPAM the internet with their whines, even though they have used about 500% resources thant he average player and played for many years.

4) Hardcore gamers tend to have entitlement issues, which means you will never be able to support them adequately.



So you will see SWTOR prosper despite the whines. And when they do have their MMO features up to the WoW level, they will prospoer even further.

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I dont get why people think the game sucks lol. I am absolutely loving it along with pretty much everyone in my guild (50 ish people).


It just astounds me that people beg for an original game then when that original game does not have everything WOW has then its not good enough. I mean...What are people expecting? They want games to be absolutely NOTHING like WOW while at the same time crying endlessly about how games are not enough like WOW lol. Makes absolutely no sense to me.


Either way, I'm loving this game. I'm in it for the long run. People that want it to be exactly like WOW need to just quit lieing to themselves and go back to WOW.


edit: it's actually refreshing to me to not have macros and use my entire hotbar. Its also refreshing that nothing is cross server. I definitely feel the community vibe.

Edited by xNonphixionx
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What's new is I give a damn about my character.


I'm not just a random bag of pixels racing to max level. Admittedly, you can blindly race to max level as in WoW, but that one of WoW's major flaws not something to repeat.


Even after Cata, WoW's insanely dull to level in because you aren't part of the world. Questgiver talks at you. You do stuff. Questgiver talks more at you and gives you gold. Who are you? You're huntard number 8,647. Because there's nothing in the game to make your character different than anyone else's character. You all interact with the world in exactly the same way.


I fully realize this isn't a plus for everyone, especially those with ADD. But it's nice to play a game that's actually a game and not an overly elaborate lobby for raids and arenas.


So whats new is you are so hyped about this game and blinded by the fact its a star wars IP that you care about your character, regardless of the fact that everyone else playing your class is going through the EXACT SAME STORYLINE. Your choices are in NO WAY UNIQUE, and the result of your class quest is predetermined.


Your became attached to a character bioware created; not you. They gave it personality (not you) they gave it the dialog options (not you) and wrote its plot out. You are along for the ride.


They super imposed that on a dated system and you are still wide eyed about the entire experience to question it. I was the same way 2 weeks ago; SWTOR WAS AWESOME! I had a great time. Then i finished the game (which means hitting 50, cause there is nothing else to do) and realize that ..thats it..theres nothing else to this game.


You basically leveled 1-60 in WoW but with a plot overlay to mask the fact you were in fact grinding the entire time. Is that awesome? Yes! Hell I will even give you this, it was revolutionary.


Now the cost of this was every other aspect of the games design, which is terrible, in some peoples opinions even unsalvageable.


So in the end what Bioware accomplished was making a single player game with social elements around it, there is not much of an "mmo" here to speak of.

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I dont get why people think the game sucks lol. I am absolutely loving it along with pretty much everyone in my guild (50 ish people).


It just astounds me that people beg for an original game then when that original game does not have everything WOW has then its not good enough. I mean...What are people expecting? They want games to be absolutely NOTHING like WOW while at the same time crying endlessly about how games are not enough like WOW lol. Makes absolutely no sense to me.


Either way, I'm loving this game. I'm in it for the long run. People that want it to be exactly like WOW need to just quit lieing to themselves and go back to WOW.


What server/guild. I'm kinda of curious about all these 50's you speak of and how long they been 50. Our guild cleared out the ops in under week, and we are by no means hard core. I'm really curious how they are having fun at 50.





Maybe your guild knows of some content hidden under some rock we dont though.

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So whats new is you are so hyped about this game and blinded by the fact its a star wars IP that you care about your character, regardless of the fact that everyone else playing your class is going through the EXACT SAME STORYLINE. Your choices are in NO WAY UNIQUE, and the result of your class quest is predetermined.


Your became attached to a character bioware created; not you. They gave it personality (not you) they gave it the dialog options (not you) and wrote its plot out. You are along for the ride.



Yes the conversation was created by Bioware and not magic monkeys at my computer desk creating custom dialogue for every conversation. What you describe is pointless because it's not going to happen in an MMO.


It is unique for me because i get to choose my options, i can choose to take quests for money or choose to kill people or save them. There is no choice but 'accept' in other MMO's,, The choices i've made helped me to shape a character i enjoyed and cared about. I could care less that random #23452345 had similiar experiences because it has not effect on my gameplay whatsoever.

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So whats new is you are so hyped about this game and blinded by the fact its a star wars IP that you care about your character, regardless of the fact that everyone else playing your class is going through the EXACT SAME STORYLINE. Your choices are in NO WAY UNIQUE, and the result of your class quest is predetermined.


Your became attached to a character bioware created; not you. They gave it personality (not you) they gave it the dialog options (not you) and wrote its plot out. You are along for the ride.


They super imposed that on a dated system and you are still wide eyed about the entire experience to question it. I was the same way 2 weeks ago; SWTOR WAS AWESOME! I had a great time. Then i finished the game (which means hitting 50, cause there is nothing else to do) and realize that ..thats it..theres nothing else to this game.


You basically leveled 1-60 in WoW but with a plot overlay to mask the fact you were in fact grinding the entire time. Is that awesome? Yes! Hell I will even give you this, it was revolutionary.


Now the cost of this was every other aspect of the games design, which is terrible, in some peoples opinions even unsalvageable.


So in the end what Bioware accomplished was making a single player game with social elements around it, there is not much of an "mmo" here to speak of.


Why are you trying so hard to make others feel the same way you do.


It's OKAY if we like the game.


It's OKAY if you don't.


Don't go bonkers trying to get everyone on your page.

Edited by djsmileey
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I dont get why people think the game sucks lol. I am absolutely loving it along with pretty much everyone in my guild (50 ish people).


It just astounds me that people beg for an original game then when that original game does not have everything WOW has then its not good enough. I mean...What are people expecting? They want games to be absolutely NOTHING like WOW while at the same time crying endlessly about how games are not enough like WOW lol. Makes absolutely no sense to me.


Either way, I'm loving this game. I'm in it for the long run. People that want it to be exactly like WOW need to just quit lieing to themselves and go back to WOW.


edit: it's actually refreshing to me to not have macros and use my entire hotbar. Its also refreshing that nothing is cross server. I definitely feel the community vibe.


I like the game - but it is just not that new. I have seen major voice acting in EQ2 and AoC (not to the extent of that here of course). The level 50s in guild are already getting a little bored, for me we get there too fast and the content was not ready. Once you have an alt on both sides the stories are not too new for your 3rd, so even that is not an option.


Just saying, as noted I am having fun at the moment, but am wondering how long it will last - though I will have had my money's worth if and when I move on.

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What server/guild. I'm kinda of curious about all these 50's you speak of and how long they been 50. Our guild cleared out the ops in under week, and we are by no means hard core. I'm really curious how they are having fun at 50.





Maybe your guild knows of some content hidden under some rock we dont though.


Vu'Traat on Sanctum of the Exalted.


To each their own right? We actually love the warzone PVP. We have many battlemasters and many champions already. We also enjoy the raid content. We just find the game to be fun in general. We'll get a group of 4 together and go do the daily quests. We even find that fun. Why? Because we do it as a group and socialize and have fun while doing it. We MAKE it fun.


You just sound like the typical anti-social wowtard that will sit in imperial fleet waiting for a group to drop in your lap or waiting for warzones to pop. News flash, not everyone is like you my friend.

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This game is as much a clone of Warhammer Online as it is World of Warcraft. They basically took a lot of the annoying crowd control style powers from Warhammer Online and mixed it with the more solid class design of WoW and what we got was something that was a little bit better than vanilla WoW and much better than Warhammer Online, but not really as good as WoW is right now, and certainly not as good as WoW was back in TBC and WOTLK.
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What server/guild. I'm kinda of curious about all these 50's you speak of and how long they been 50. Our guild cleared out the ops in under week, and we are by no means hard core. I'm really curious how they are having fun at 50.





Maybe your guild knows of some content hidden under some rock we dont though.



I'm having fun as well, sucks that you dont but hey, there are loads of games out there, go find something fun for you.

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This game is as much a clone of Warhammer Online as it is World of Warcraft. They basically took a lot of the annoying crowd control style powers from Warhammer Online and mixed it with the more solid class design of WoW and what we got was something that was a little bit better than vanilla WoW and much better than Warhammer Online, but not really as good as WoW is right now, and certainly not as good as WoW was back in TBC and WOTLK.


For some maybe, i have not interest in WoW and haven't had any in years. I don't find WOW to be an engaging back drop and i'm really bored of that genre. Been playing swords and boards since the orignal ultima and bards tale games. The genre is stale and wow was just a copy of a lot of older games i used to play.


Enjoyment of games, books and movies are entirely subjective. what you find better i wont.

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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I agree with the overall sentiment of your post. It's disappointing that they didn't have what I consider to be some very basic features. Lack of a better LFG system (I am NOT advocating a matchmaking system, just a better LFG), more guild features including a bank, etc...


But then we get to the end of your post...

What we have here is a great game lvl 1-49 and then a serious lack of end-game content. Thoughts?


My personal opinion based on past MMO roll outs is that there is almost NO endgame when an MMO is released. Developers, weather correct or not, always release games with very little to no end game content under the hopes that they have a couple months to add it into the game. From my understanding this is done primarily due to budget constraints, gives players a couple months to get to cap and gives the company a couple months of revenue after a sever lack of income with massive expenditures.


Where EA made a mistake was pushing for release pre-christmas, they should have waited. And where BW made the mistake was letting leveling happen too quickly with nothnig ready to go at the end.


This is a tried and true form of releasing MMO's, I'm not saying I condone it but I am saying that I for one comlpetely expected it as any other vetren MMO player should have so it's silly to grip about it at this point. If you're a quick leveling you just need to have some patience, as you had to have with every other MMO ever launched.

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What server/guild. I'm kinda of curious about all these 50's you speak of and how long they been 50. Our guild cleared out the ops in under week, and we are by no means hard core. I'm really curious how they are having fun at 50.





Maybe your guild knows of some content hidden under some rock we dont though.


'Stop picking on my daddy! (bioware). If you say too many mean things about this game then I can't live out my fantasy on a daily basis! They'll take it away! You know how long it'll be before I can dress up in costume to see a Star Wars movie in the theatre?!? I mean the light sabers in this game are the most realistic ones I own!'


To be fair people have the right to enjoy this game as that kind of fantasy. Is this game a 'gamers' MMO? No, not yet at least. Is this game a product that a wide range of people can enjoy? yes. Let people have their fun.


But I agree Faytte. I was hoping it would be a little...more.

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and not magic monkeys at my computer desk creating custom dialogue for every conversation.




I lol'd at first, then I remembered my STO account had been hijacked by magic monkeys. It was a bad few weeks. I wish to point this out so you are less offensive to others who may have yet to solve their magic monkey problem..


They are so sneaky the made STO seem acceptable enough to warrant a subscription.


beware its not happening to you now on here!

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