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BW had multiple MMO's to model after and....


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BW you had several MMO's to use as a reference to find out what worked and what did not. WoW obviously set the bar on many levels. But you had so many references and this is the end result? This is the best you could come up with when you had WoW, EQ, GW, DAOC, and Eve-Online to use as examples of great MMO's.


That is why so many people are upset. You had all this hype for this game. You even had references to find out what worked and what didn't. 300m budget and what we get as an end result is this? That is why there are so many rage posts BW.


What we have here is a great game lvl 1-49 and then a serious lack of end-game content. Thoughts?

Edited by Torothin
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We don't want a WoW-clone, or any other MMO clone, becuase that old standard is dead and beating. I like that BW is actually doing something different to break away from the mold.


What? How? Mechanically this game is basically pre WotLK WoW with a sci fi skin. Which I actually like for the most part, but let's not pretend it's something it's obviously not and that is "something different".

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We don't want a WoW-clone, or any other MMO clone, becuase that old standard is dead and beating. I like that BW is actually doing something different to break away from the mold.


Breaking from the "mold" is fine, provided you actually improve upon it. There are certain areas in which BW actually failed to do so.

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We don't want a WoW-clone, or any other MMO clone, becuase that old standard is dead and beating. I like that BW is actually doing something different to break away from the mold.


I SO much want Alternate Advancement from EQ. At a single stroke a system like that would give level 50s a lot more to do, answer the issues from people who say they are levelling too fast, add more character customisation ....


Brilliant system - of all the things they should have copied from elsewhere this is #1 on my list.

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We don't want a WoW-clone, or any other MMO clone, becuase that old standard is dead and beating. I like that BW is actually doing something different to break away from the mold.




Cutest thing I've seen posted in awhile.


Calling Swtor different just never gets old; it's always funny.

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BW you had several MMO's to use as a reference to find out what worked and what did not. WoW obviously set the bar on many levels. But you had so many references and this is the end result? This is the best you could come up with when you had WoW, EQ, GW, DAOC, and Eve-Online to use as examples of great MMO's.


That is why so many people are upset. You had all this hype for this game. You even had references to find out what worked and what didn't. 300m budget and what we get as an end result is this? That is why there are so many rage posts BW. Thoughts?


Well, in reality.



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We don't want a WoW-clone, or any other MMO clone, becuase that old standard is dead and beating. I like that BW is actually doing something different to break away from the mold.


> Implying Bioware didn't just make world of warcraft with cut scenes.



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What? How? Mechanically this game is basically pre WotLK WoW with a sci fi skin. Which I actually like for the most part, but let's not pretend it's something it's obviously not and that is "something different".


The fact i actually have a character i care about. That i can choose to finish a quest or choose to take money from someone instead. This is much better than getting boar tusks for soup and having no choice.


That to me is different than other MMO's, let's not pretend having a quest with the only choice being 'accept' is in the same ballpark.

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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Cutest thing I've seen posted in awhile.


Calling Swtor different just never gets old; it's always funny.




Pray tell how is SWTOR different than WoW?


  • SWTOR = WoW (and not in a good way)
  • Companions are just Hunter Pets with more abilities, scripted dialog. Thats all.
  • Crafting is pointless and uninspired. Its worse than WoW. Its just more 'convinient' because you dont have to do it yourself. However at 50 when you have NOTHING to do, it actually denies you an activity to occupy yourself with which sadly kinda hurts
  • The talent trees are a 100% rip off of wow, as are most every one of the classes. Give me a break; look at the Sith Warrior and compare it to the Wow Warrior. Almost every ability is an exact duplicate. This goes for many of the other classes. Nothing here is unique or innovative
  • Flash Points are just dungeons. Very few of them leveling up even have social options beyond the first few, they eventually just becomes action/pull fests with 1-2 dialog options. Woo?
  • Operations are just Raids, except they are dull, not fun and not difficult. How is this innovative/
  • The graphical style of SWTOR is an exact rip off wow. Its cartoony with bright graphics. The style was chosen cause its A) easy B) runs on more machines (which sadly SWTOR runs like **** on most peoples machines)
  • White/Green/Blue/Purple Gear? The only addition here is modable, which is sweet. So far 1 thing SWTOR did that I'm not sure anyone else has done.
  • So…thats my list. If you can tell me what SWTOR has done that 'revolutionary' or 'new' you please tell me. People can list 50000 things it hasnt done compared to other recent games (not including WoW, but games that came out as little at 7 months ago)

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The fact i actually have a character i care about. That i can choose to finish a quest or choose to take money from someone instead. This is much better than getting boar tusks for soup and having no choice.


That to me is different than other MMO's, let's not pretend having a quest with the only choice being 'accept' is in the same ballpark.


All that ends the second you hit 50. No more plot, quest, options or character development. Finito.


And frankly after the first time you level up a character, and you realize that those choices are actually shallow and have no real effect on your plot, you will learn to start space-baring through quests.


The 'illusion' of your personal plot is jut that. Your not in control here, your just going down a very set in stone path bioware wrote up for your toon, and threw in a few choices for you which in the end, are of no consequence because the end of every personal plot is (spoilers) THE SAME....


BW does a great job between levels 1-49 and fooling you into thinking its a single player game and getting you attached, then you hit 50, and you are dumped out of fun part of the game, like a water slide, into a pool full of fat people that dont know what to do.

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We don't want a WoW-clone, or any other MMO clone, becuase that old standard is dead and beating. I like that BW is actually doing something different to break away from the mold.


Other than full voiceovers and cutscenes, what are they doing to break away from the mold? And I'll be truthful - while I do enjoy them, I enjoy them exactly ONCE.


Everything else in this game is a clone of other games (mostly WoW), but from about 4 years ago - in other words, a clone of other games before they made substantial (in the eyes of most) improvements.


The only innovative thing I have seen them do (in comparison to every other 2 faction MMO I've played) is include a same faction warzone. But it's the worst map of the 3, and with the faction imbalance, it gets old REAL FAST.


In most areas, I would say this game has taken a significant step backwards compared to others, other than the single player questing experience. The UI is worse than EQ 2's at their launch (in late 2004) in terms of flexibility and customization. It might even be worse than Asheron's Call's was in 1999, but I'm having hard time remembering what AC's UI was at launch.


The PvP system is a mishmash of WoW's and Warhammer's, but not done as well as either (other than the mentioned same-faction instance), and plauged with so many bugs/exploits/etc that I don't see how anyone could consider it "good" or even adequate. And the RNG bags are one of the worst methods of obtaining gear I've ever seen - in a system that aims to have "competitive" rankings. The only time I ranking system ever matters is if the competitors are equal in all areas, except their own skill.


Group content is the same as any other MMO (which is not surprising, and also not really too disappointing), but the method of grouping up is so cumbersome, without a guild, that I know it's putting quite a few people off. But then again my server is nearly dead, so if you're on a nearly full one, I'm guessing your experience is better.


The progression from 4 mans to ops is skewed to the point that the game pretty much NEEDS dual specs to have the progression make any sense. Four 4 man groups need 4 tanks, 4 heals and 8 dps, yet 8 man and 16 man ops groups largely need just 1 tank, perhaps 2, and just 2 heals. That setup is simply screaming for dual spec to be in the game, otherwise you need 20 people to gear up for 16 man Ops, or you force your tanks and heals to run double and triple the amount of FPs to gear everyone equally.

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All that ends the second you hit 50. No more plot, quest, options or character development. Finito.


And frankly after the first time you level up a character, and you realize that those choices are actually shallow and have no real effect on your plot, you will learn to start space-baring through quests.



I still enjoy the game at 50 anyway. I also really enjoy playing alts, there was so much content i dropped a lot of quests going up so still seeing new content on my alt.


I take it you haven' tplayed much because there are alternate story endings depending on your choice so calling it shallow is rather funny. Nevermind i can actually choose to end quests different ways instead of just click accept like other MMO's that offer zero choice.


I have never cared about my character in any MMO i've played before and i do in this one. I wouldn't even bother playing another MMO and i certainly won't ever play one without voiceovers again.

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But they didn't fail.....


Tons of people love this game. The few forum ragers cry loud enough to create the perception of lots of ragers but that's all it is.


There are improvements that could be made obviously. But this is far from a failure.

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We don't want a WoW-clone, or any other MMO clone, becuase that old standard is dead and beating. I like that BW is actually doing something different to break away from the mold.


they arnt doing anything different, they just added a main character story..


without that this is 2004 WoW...

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