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BW had multiple MMO's to model after and....


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they did ? .. lol


the only mmorpg thats trying to break from the mold atm is Guildwars 2 ,

however if its going to work out and they gonna keep all their promises they claim that game is gonna have .. that is a whole other story .. but lol


always nice to see someone who think they playing something realy different then , ... previous mmo titles


Pretty sure TSW is breaking the mold.

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So is there any news on end game content? Besides the raid or whatever they just put in? What's there to keep a person subbing if they are not into raiding or PvP? Just curious really. Is it a case of re roll or begone?

What about ordinary old daily hubs? We getting any of those or stuff to farm maybe? Anyone know cause I am getting kinda worried now?

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Pretty sure TSW is breaking the mold.


lol this comment even made me more lol then the other 1



- > http://www.gametrailers.com/video/ea-summer-the-secret/717199 <-


yes realy inovating mmo and it breaks the mold ... lol


well np , buy TSW then when it comes out , you know soon enough thats its not breaking any ... molds .. lol

Edited by Genesizs
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It's crazy that the most of the "trolls" have left with the 30-day free pass, and yet the negative feedback has only become more solidified. Most of those "trolls" didn't want the game to fail anyways. I guess the "fanboys" are just left with low population servers and the painful resignation of being disappointed by Bioware.


I wanted this game to succeed, but I saw this coming less than a week after launch.

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Using wow as a reference, besides ability lag and stutter, this game is phenominal. There has to be similarities. I think bioware improved questing and engagement with the voice acting, choices and companions. I really like adding the protection aspect to pvp.


Having companions farm and craft as well as sell your junk is awesome.


The hearth system rocks.


The mmo basics have been established. I hope bw can polish them.


When I buy a new car I know its going to have four wheels. I don't expect it to have 5 wheels or drive underwater.... It's a car.

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i realy miss everquest 1 , its a shame they never upgraded the graphical engine , the game play is miles ahead of what mmorpg cough of up nowadays , i feel like im playing a console game . not game built for longevitey . seriously this water downed crap is boring the hell outta me
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What? How? Mechanically this game is basically pre WotLK WoW with a sci fi skin. Which I actually like for the most part, but let's not pretend it's something it's obviously not and that is "something different".


Did you even play pre-Wotlk? This game is pretty different to be honest.


And also... even if you feel like it is, why complain? Vanilla/BC was when WoW was the most fun to play. :|

Edited by CykonBPS
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If WoW is the standard that so many foolishly believe, then every MMO should start with Everquest, then directly rip off at least 1 thing from every MMO that has existed put it all together and call it "new". WoW doesn't have anything original in it. The "new" Monk class is a JK/SW.


Hell, you could even go so far to say that Blizzard doesn't even have an original IP. Warcraft is a Warhammer rip off, Starcraft is Warhammer 40k/Command and Conquer, and Diablo is D&D (even some of the rulesets are identical). All of those IPs predate Blizzard. The only thing Blizzard is good at is taking other people good (popular) ideas and putting them together, then taking credit for it while all their fanboys blindly follow like sheep.

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If WoW is the standard that so many foolishly believe, then every MMO should start with Everquest, then directly rip off at least 1 thing from every MMO that has existed put it all together and call it "new". WoW doesn't have anything original in it. The "new" Monk class is a JK/SW.


Hell, you could even go so far to say that Blizzard doesn't even have an original IP. Warcraft is a Warhammer rip off, Starcraft is Warhammer 40k/Command and Conquer, and Diablo is D&D (even some of the rulesets are identical). All of those IPs predate Blizzard. The only thing Blizzard is good at is taking other people good (popular) ideas and putting them together, then taking credit for it while all their fanboys blindly follow like sheep.


Do you have a point? I'm honestly not seeing it.

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BW you had several MMO's to use as a reference to find out what worked and what did not. WoW obviously set the bar on many levels. But you had so many references and this is the end result? This is the best you could come up with when you had WoW, EQ, GW, DAOC, and Eve-Online to use as examples of great MMO's.


That is why so many people are upset. You had all this hype for this game. You even had references to find out what worked and what didn't. 300m budget and what we get as an end result is this? That is why there are so many rage posts BW.


What we have here is a great game lvl 1-49 and then a serious lack of end-game content. Thoughts?



Do we REALLY need ANOTHER one of THESE threads?

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Do we REALLY need ANOTHER one of THESE threads?


Surprisingly enough, and try not to get shocked by this, people do not make threads to serve yours or anybody else's needs. They make threads to express their own concerns. If you feel like a particular thread doesn't interest you, by all means refrain from reading it and more importantly, posting something terribly pointless like this in it.

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I wouldn't post to this thread if it wasn't for Mr. Ohlen stating they "took years and years of MMO experience and refined it..."


Now every time I see a thread like this I nod my head and think, "Yeah, who doesn't think this was a BS remark in the face of so many MMO players from those "years and years of MMO's"...? :rolleyes:


...and then of course I post said phrase for emphasis... ;)

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We don't want a WoW-clone, or any other MMO clone, becuase that old standard is dead and beating. I like that BW is actually doing something different to break away from the mold.


it is a wow clone. well no, its a 2004 wow clone.


Just with voice overs which you end up space barring through pretty soon anyway as its damm repetative and takes ages.


(I listened to class quests, but the rest is damm annoying)

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Here are my thoughts: this game has a lot more end game content at launch than WoW, and pretty much every other MMO AT LAUNCH. The fact that you can't see that shows you really either haven't played many MMOs or just aren't paying attention.


And here is another FYI for all you "an MMO in 2012 needs to have X and Y blah blah"...


All of these things take TIME to develop. I can easily imagine where the time and budget went in this game, though a lot of you seem to think that all of the story and attention to detail in this game was was done for free by homeless savants who require but a bottle of MD 20/20 to produce hundreds of hours of voice acting and programming expertise.


WoW didn't even have a single raid when it launched...people need to understand the fact that you are not getting a new MMO that launches with 3 full raids, a suite of user created UI mods, and a raspberry flavored pacifier even if you ask Santy Claus personally.


MMOs are produced by humans, not fairy kin, and that takes time and money.

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Seems like that honeymoon period is starting to wear off!


I've been saying for some time now that voice acted quests won't carry this game alone.


Funny sig. I suppose the main reason Empire children need to know how to count is so they can keep track of all the people they senselessly kill. :p

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