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How to get Battlemaster in a day


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The reason this happens because there is no loss for SWTOR PvP... there is only valor gain.


Like I've always said. People will always find the the best items for the least amount of work. Right now the least amount of work (for PvP) is to kill trade.


Yeah I agree. The problem is that there is nothing to lose. If you lost Valor or Expertise every time you let someone kill you there would be no benefit to fight clubbing. I suppose people could create lvl50 alts and let their guildies farm them but that would be a lot of effort.

Edited by MorgonKara
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If a player can't kill 150 of the opposition in one week's time of Ilum OPvP, then they are a flat out garbage PvPer and should just delete themselves.


On average I spot 1-2 republic in illum per day, and every armament node has at least .1 imp farming the spawn point. In addition the only repub ops groups I see in illum hide within their compound griping people into their cannons. I probably will delete at some point, but it won't be a result of "being a bad", because I'm not, but because the end game content isn't competitive it's just repetitious farming. Take off the fanboy blinders cool guy.

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Oh noes, not exploiting. The player base found a way around a broken, sad, stupid system. BAN THEM NOW! How about you try fixing Ilum so it actually has meaningful open world warfare before crying for bans. I don't care that people are exploiting like this. Not one bit. If nothing else, at least EVERYONE can get their dailies done this way, not just the Imperials. This exploit is 10x better than the way Ilum was working when 1.1 first came out, even after the hot fix. Ignore the symptom and fix real the problem, not visa versa.
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Here is an idea;


1st remove Expertise from PvP gear.


2nd make Valor rank/points based on win/lose & kill/death. (You gain Valor for killing enemy players/winning Warzones, you lose Valor for dying to enemy players/losing Warzones.)


3rd tie Expertise stat directly to your Valor rank/score.


4th reset everyone back to 0 Valor/ 0 Expertise.


They would probably also have to make it so you have to get the actual deathblow on someone to earn Valor, so you can't farm kills by just getting a few AOE hits on a group of enemies.


Or..or...simplify! Just remove all the stinking rewards, all of them!!! Then, make the point of PvP all about what it should be all about;



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If they just made pvping in Ilum worthwhile and fun people wouldn't feel the need to do this.


This zone is supposed to be our endgame pvp.


Do you guys really want to do this zone in it's current state until MARCH when we get our new (just 1) Warzone?

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Man when I used to play SWG there were epic PvP battles every night and we didn't need gear incentives to do it. You lost rank for getting defeated so you had to have a good win/loss ratio to become high ranked. People didn't strip their toons naked and line up to get killed. We actually fought PvP because it was fun and competitive, not for easy-mode purple gear.


These people aren't SWTOR PvP Battlemasters. The whole system is a complete joke.


Too bad no MMO devs want to punish players for dying any more.

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This was Happening on Vornskyr yesterday. It was really, really bad.

And it was def. organized, as most of the repubs were in Kin A, and the Imps in Kin B.

Probably coordinated thru Vent or something.

Illum needs alot of love or dropped from the game.

It's going to hurt the newest players the most, people who are picking up the game

or get the game bought for them based off the TV commericals running now.

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And these are the so called hardcore world pvpers who demand it be implemented in every game. What do these kids do - Kill swap when its 30 vs 30 instead of actually fighting.


Simple solution - Reduce durability by alot when you die or some kind of death penalty.

Edited by LoL-K-Noob
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for starters even if one side does have 30+ ppl hitting all of them before they die is very hard to do,and u only get credit if u hit them.Also this isn't a bug it's just 2 sides making Peace which is something Jedi want.Also once everyone does hit BM for a while they might just do the Daily's,but once Ranked WZs come out all of those ppl will start to pvp a lot again.
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for starters even if one side does have 30+ ppl hitting all of them before they die is very hard to do,and u only get credit if u hit them.Also this isn't a bug it's just 2 sides making Peace which is something Jedi want.Also once everyone does hit BM for a while they might just do the Daily's,but once Ranked WZs come out all of those ppl will start to pvp a lot again.


Nope. You only have to buff for credit.

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Guys assuring us that BM title is just a title seem never farmed anything at all for a month or two. I'm not a farmer but if i want smth in a game i'll spend my time for this. I spent a couple of nights camping a pet for my Hunter in wow and now i spent about month for BM title. Btw i don't use any titles in the game and all you'll see above my head is my name and my guild name. But i feel damn cheated when peps spending a couple of evenings take BM. ***!?

My efforts aren't rewarded because some other guys found the way to the same in an "intended" way for a day except a month. I won't leave the game until my sub is on, but 65% i won't pay you a cent next month dear Bio.

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On average I spot 1-2 republic in illum per day, and every armament node has at least .1 imp farming the spawn point. In addition the only repub ops groups I see in illum hide within their compound griping people into their cannons. I probably will delete at some point, but it won't be a result of "being a bad", because I'm not, but because the end game content isn't competitive it's just repetitious farming. Take off the fanboy blinders cool guy.


Nothing personal, but you sound like a garbage player that doesn't know how to find fights. Just sayin'


Not a fanboy either. I could care less if BW goes down in flames. As long as I have some good fights before they flame out, I'm okay with it.

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Nothing personal, but you sound like a garbage player that doesn't know how to find fights. Just sayin'


Not a fanboy either. I could care less if BW goes down in flames. As long as I have some good fights before they flame out, I'm okay with it.

... Sigh illum is garbage, and the weekly is too. Im not joining an ops group and camping the republic base for 20 kills per hour, maybe if you were on my server and saw the population imbalance you would understand (20 kills is very optimistic). Also there is no measure of skill involved in spamming aoe on other ops groups. Qft

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the risk vs. reward ratio is not there.


risk is minimal in PvP, maybe you need to spend money to fix your gear, spend time to travel back, but what else?


reward is pretty much guaranteed.


Let's talk about reward first, there is a certainty to this reward, you gain valor, and the enjoyment of the fight.


Risk, if you have the chance to lose a random item in your character, inventory, and personal storage, i think this will stop, but of coz' a lot of people will cry, and the reward won't really justify this risk.


so what if you increase the risk by a lot and increase the reward by a little to balance the risk = reward ratio. Say make a random item in the lost player's character/inventory/personal storage to be looted by the winning player??

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the people doing this are pretty dumb, provided bioware can keep up their end of the bargain (lol). by gaining valor in this manner, and by further flagging themselves by using the /stuck command over and over, they have made themselves pretty pretty easy to spot within the tubes that consist of the internet game known as swtor.


hopefully they will be punished.

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Wait until they have all maxed out and complaining about new contents, lets see how bio handle it.

I have not seen this happen on our server but what a joke, what is the point in playing this game if they are doing all that? doesn't it ruin the whole point of PVP?.


If this starts on my server il be quitting.

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the people doing this are pretty dumb, provided bioware can keep up their end of the bargain (lol). by gaining valor in this manner, and by further flagging themselves by using the /stuck command over and over, they have made themselves pretty pretty easy to spot within the tubes that consist of the internet game known as swtor.


hopefully they will be punished.


BW is on record saying kill trading is 100% ok.


They probably do not think the /stuck thing is ok but I have yet to see a single person banned for doing this sort of kill trading on ilum and its been a week.

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they should just blow up ilum, nothing good has come out of that planet except exploits


objective trading before patch

spawn farming after patch

kill trading after patch

lvl 15 bots farming chests all day




just blow up ilum until their 'world best' pvp team can figure out how to make it work, and put extra WZ daily quests to replace the ilum ones


Maybe thy can take this time to implement the Death Star, and introduce it blowing up Ilum.

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Easy Fix: Make battlemaster meaningless by implementing arena.


or any type of rated pvp (rated warzones work just fine), though I would prefer arena as well.


Then make it the primary form of PvP progression with all new tiers of PvP gear being obtained specifically through success in rated PvP through a token/point system where you earn points based off your rating every week. Basically, BW just needs to copy paste WoW even more, they already did it with PvE so why not?


This completely negates all the valor exploiting and creates an environment where legitimate competition can take place

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