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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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Sentinels/Marauders suffer the most from the double or even triple animation pump.


I had to spec out of Combat and into Watchmen bc it is so bad with Blade Storm.


whats funny is they still have not fixed it (and yes mara/sent it's very noticeable, seen it on the sin's maul a lot too) and yet it's not some random thing. I can do it on demand, as most people can. so it's not some kind of intermittent problem that is hard to trace but one that can be replicated 100% of the time.

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I have 0 ability delay, don't know what you all are on about. I play a Sorcerer and Bounty Hunter and there is no ability delays on any of my abilities.


The ability delay happens for me in PVP, and almost never in PVE. It also seems to more likely happen when I'm frantically mashing buttons. Maybe server client synchronization can be improved? It's almost as if I am interrupting myself with my own instant casts, but there are times when you really dont want to waste a fraction of a second firing off your abilties.

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I have 0 ability delay, don't know what you all are on about. I play a Sorcerer and Bounty Hunter and there is no ability delays on any of my abilities.


This problem affects mostly Republic, there are some but not many as many abilities affected by it when you play on Empire.

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I have 0 ability delay, don't know what you all are on about. I play a Sorcerer and Bounty Hunter and there is no ability delays on any of my abilities.



Have to stronly disagree here. I have two SIs and a Trooper and Smuggler and see the ability delay problems all of the time.


I was surprised to see this thread hit the first page again because I had thought that BW had ignored the issues, after the first pass and some fixes, into oblivion.


I do not have great hope that the core ability issues will be fixed if ever or at least until the cost of lost subs is great enough to justify the expense (which may be considerable) of fixing the combat system.

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I had this issue the worst when I was running intel core 2 duo, 8GB of ram and a 7950 GT video card.


I haven't had any issues since I upgraded:

i7 2600k

16GB ram

ATI 6870 HD 2GB Video ram.



I no longer have it in the battlegrounds also.


Sucks I had to spend income tax on a computer to make this game work.

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Screw it. I'm done with this game.


All the lightsabers and Star Warsiness in the world can't make up for fundamentally flawed game mechanics.


They say they fix it and it's not fixed. They are very dishonest with their customers. Most of these patches don't even fix the things they claim to fix.


I can't play the class I want to play, the JK, so why should I bother playing at all?


I never played SWG because I wanted to play a Jedi without some complicated "I'm a unique snowflake" process to play one. Here was my chance to play a Jedi from the start. Too bad the game runs like a punchcard computer from 1910.


I actually resubbed after they told us they fixed these animation problems. Oh what a fool I was. But no more.

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Auto target near by and the ability delay issues got some much needed improvements, the quality of my gameplay dramatically improved awhile back. But for some reason, since this last patch, many of the same issues that had been resolved are now back again for me. In researching this, the patch that mostly mitigated these issues was built around allowing for lower end performing computers, coupled with some bug fixes. But now, as stated, they are back. Other bugs are back too, cutscenes where most of the toons are all blacked out in their "modeling" mode, eyes that are just silver slots or black holes, areas where gameplay ends up in clouds- me getting attacked, with no enemies nor even my toon visible, stasis not sticking and getting broken in spite of the fact that is now uninterruptible for me (Im level 45 Focus Sent). Needless to say, something went sideways with the last patch.
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  • 2 weeks later...

While I feel that delay too, what REALLY grinds my gear is that at ~least~ 1 GCD out of 10 will do NOTHING. All my characters feel it but it is most obvious on my warriors and BH tank, where you want to make every cooldown count. Seeing the global cooldown happen with your character just standing there like an idiot is infuriating.


I doubt hardware is the issue. I'm running a quad core sandy bridge, 8gb ram and a pair of 6950s in Eyefinity with everything maxed and smooth.

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To this day I still have delays on the Sorc skill Overload-- a flipping parade can walk by me from the time I push the button to the time it goes off. Also, add Extricate to that list. I can spam the button and have a person res run up knock me down the ability goes off pulling my ball carrier into the pit- NOT good.
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I agree with a lot of the posts here and hope to see it get fixed hitting an instant ability and having to wait a second for an animation to go off is very irritating. That second in pvp is normally the difference between life/death.
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I'm fine with the game.


Some of you have to realise that this game is not WoW. Its ruled by the animations.


But, having global cooldowns happen and no skill activating is unacceptable. Its not an often occurance but it infuriates me too.

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To this day I still have delays on the Sorc skill Overload-- a flipping parade can walk by me from the time I push the button to the time it goes off. Also, add Extricate to that list. I can spam the button and have a person res run up knock me down the ability goes off pulling my ball carrier into the pit- NOT good.



Stop QQing and look at the pluses of the ability delay aspect of Overload.


You can hit overload, take a sip of coffee, pet the dog and still have time to hit the next button. The delay actually improves your quality of life.


I also think that the overload delay is fairer to mobs and other players. They get to hit you for a while before they are thown back and you can burn them with your lightning. It makes their life so much better. So do not be selfish and put your desire to play the game effectively over their need to kill you.


I do love the ability delays when I heal. It is always fun to see if a heal will cast before my party member dies. It is like a mini game within the game.


The ability delay issues are indeed still there. They did get better for a while although they were never fixed, but they seem to be getting worse again. I don't think that they will ever be fixed. Rather they will be buried and ignored. At this point I am not sure that they can be fixed. I am sure that BW would do so if they could because this has to be costing them subs and in the long run will indeed impact the longevity of the game.

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Stop QQing and look at the pluses of the ability delay aspect of Overload.


You can hit overload, take a sip of coffee, pet the dog and still have time to hit the next button. The delay actually improves your quality of life.


I also think that the overload delay is fairer to mobs and other players. They get to hit you for a while before they are thown back and you can burn them with your lightning. It makes their life so much better. So do not be selfish and put your desire to play the game effectively over their need to kill you.


I do love the ability delays when I heal. It is always fun to see if a heal will cast before my party member dies. It is like a mini game within the game.


The ability delay issues are indeed still there. They did get better for a while although they were never fixed, but they seem to be getting worse again. I don't think that they will ever be fixed. Rather they will be buried and ignored. At this point I am not sure that they can be fixed. I am sure that BW would do so if they could because this has to be costing them subs and in the long run will indeed impact the longevity of the game.

They had a good try fixing the issues then just swept it under their carpets at BW HQ

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Stop QQing and look at the pluses of the ability delay aspect of Overload.


You can hit overload, take a sip of coffee, pet the dog and still have time to hit the next button. The delay actually improves your quality of life.


I also think that the overload delay is fairer to mobs and other players. They get to hit you for a while before they are thown back and you can burn them with your lightning. It makes their life so much better. So do not be selfish and put your desire to play the game effectively over their need to kill you.


I do love the ability delays when I heal. It is always fun to see if a heal will cast before my party member dies. It is like a mini game within the game.


The ability delay issues are indeed still there. They did get better for a while although they were never fixed, but they seem to be getting worse again. I don't think that they will ever be fixed. Rather they will be buried and ignored. At this point I am not sure that they can be fixed. I am sure that BW would do so if they could because this has to be costing them subs and in the long run will indeed impact the longevity of the game.


Your post just made my night. Thank You.

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Man I really love hitting a hotkey and watching the GCD start while nothing else happens. I'm glad that in a game where 99% of your gameplay consists of hitting hotkeys, hitting hotkeys doesn't always work. Makes things exciting - will you actually do the thing, or will you do nothing instead? Who knows!
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Overload isn't part of the ability delay, it has an animation before it does off, just because it doesn't have a cast time, does not mean it is an instant skill.


Your guy will jump up and knock them back as he lands.


This thread is actually about proper ability delays, as in you hit a button and nothing happens for a bit or at all. When you hit Overload you see your guy jump right away, but because it has an animation you have to wait for the knockback, it's just the way it is.


Sadly, overload is working as intended. Just like the BH stun.

Edited by Tekkoclarky
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There's sorc ability delays all over the place. Ticks not occuring while FL is going, FL not casting after jumping (This was a casting bug in Beta too. If you ran, jumped then immediately tried to cast, it started and stopped), Bubble not going up.


This absolutely needs to be looked at ASAP.

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Struggling badly as an Assassin Tank at the moment due to this horrible mechanic that seems to have crept back in post 1.2.


During My rotation as a tank/DPS Darkness spec Im finding that every fight Im suffering badly from this occurring.


What happens is that the Delay/animation on my saber slash or Thrash ability followed by Shock or Wither fails to activate the two latter abilities and instead just resets the global cooldown. Or I have to tap them twice for them to actually activate. In most cases the fast process of PVP or tanking means that Every fight Im unable to use my abilities as a second global cooldown following the first leaves 3 seconds of inactivity with ZERO workaround.


This leaves Survivable abilities failing and left for dead in some fights or lack of threat generation etc.

Its killing this character of which Ive dedicated so much played time on since Pre release headstart.


I have a Mercenary and an Operative that does not seem to suffer from this.

In theory assassin have great dps and threat ability, and In practice due to this have TERRIBLE Threat and DPS in a vast proportion of fights.

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I agree with the above, but I play a Mercenary. The delay causes the GCD to reset but nothing happens. Also, when casting power shot, sometimes the animation triggers without the cast bar and my merc never shoots. I have to reactivate it after the GCD to actually fire a shot. On the whole, very frustrating. Combine this with instant casts and so forth, and there's a recipe for PvP and PvE disaster!
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have only ever noticed delay on Shadow Strike, but that could be intended. What actually bothers me is that now that I play faster, I tend to mash my stealth button. This often causes me to stealth and immediately unstealth because of the button spam, which activates the 5 second stealth cooldown and just makes me want to spam more when that is up, if someone hasn't attacked me.


Literally gotten me killed a good number of times already, it's quite frustrating.

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