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The Travel System Is Severely Hurting The Gameplay!


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i think the current way to travel is just fine.



But in a generation where instant gratification is demanded and expected this is painful for so many.




I personally feel the worlds are far too small and the way they lump many things together...too close together takes away from my immersion....but I am a minority.

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All the extra air locks are annoying and not necessary.


In 50 levels of my Jedi I think there was one quest where I met an npc in an airlock. I honestly almost fell out of my chair


But the biggest thing that annoys me: why does my ship take off every time i get in it?


What if i just want to sleep on my ship for the night, or use my holo-terminal, or whatever. Yes I can just hit the space bar and skip the cut scene and pretend I didn't launch into space.


But why not have the cut scene until after you select a destination IF you are still on the ground (or in a station), but not before.


I realize this is probably because there is no scene to look at out of your window while docked or on the ground.

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I have no interest in instant travel or anything, but I really can't stand the travel system in this game. I've played games where travel can take hours and was more enjoyable. The travel time in this game is just so... artificial. You don't actually spend any time traveling between the planets. Your ship is always there ready to instantly take you to another galaxy yet it can take 10 minutes of mindless manual running and loading screens to get up to the ship and back down. In the end, I'm annoyed and I don't feel like I've actually gone anywhere.
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I agree with the OP, I don't wanna help anyone that asks for help in guild when I'm on my class quests or planet quests because of the travel system. And what's more, you have to do the whole process again to get BACK to where you were before :<.


Even when people are asking to do flashpoints in guild while you're questing I don't wanna do them either. Bloody takes too damn long to travel to the fleet itself T_T.


You not wanting to help people unless it is convenient for you is less about the game system and more about... something other than the game system.

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And in lore, ships can land in places other then docking bays.


sure it might require some work to remove orbital stations, that doesn't mean they shouldn't be removed.


I love the irony of being able to use a speeder on a space station but not being able to use it in a space port that typically has more open space then the station, or ship...


And in lore, sabers cut through practically everything. Folks didn't take dozens of lightsaber strikes to go down. In lore, when you died, you didn't self rez and continue on. In lore....

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I just can't bring myself to agree with the OP. I think things are fine the way they are, for now at least. In a year or two....maybe I'll feel differently. For now, I really just don't mind it at all. I actually kind of enjoy it. Different strokes, I guess.
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Typical fanboy. Completely ignore the point of my post and point out a spelling or other minor error instead of responding with a logical or rational counter-argument.


Actually I think he is pointing this out because you are using this tactic to exaggerate your point. Now you're ignoring his point, and pointing out that he pointed out your "minor error."



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Typical fanboy. Completely ignore the point of my post and point out a spelling or other minor error instead of responding with a logical or rational counter-argument.


Typical response by someone who has a bad argument, calling someone else a fanboy. Using that word just makes you look stupid.

Edited by Kaphik
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I have no interest in instant travel or anything, but I really can't stand the travel system in this game. I've played games where travel can take hours and was more enjoyable. The travel time in this game is just so... artificial. You don't actually spend any time traveling between the planets. Your ship is always there ready to instantly take you to another galaxy yet it can take 10 minutes of mindless manual running and loading screens to get up to the ship and back down. In the end, I'm annoyed and I don't feel like I've actually gone anywhere.


This sums up my feeling rock solid.


I'd almost rather see instant access to your ship from the planet, and vice-versa, but cut out the way hyperdrive works in space. Instead of being able to hyperspace anywhere, instead you actually have to fly to get to the hypergates. Using the space combat arcade mini-game, from system to system, albeit it more free-form with opportunity to see friendly and enemy ships along the way.


Turns the current model on its head, but it would at least give some purpose to travel. At present, I feel like I'm just babysitting my avatar through loading screen and trudging through empty hangars and spaceports ad nasuem. Not fun after the hundreth time.

Edited by nanogasm
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Actually I think he is pointing this out because you are using this tactic to exaggerate your point. Now you're ignoring his point, and pointing out that he pointed out your "minor error."




Nope. Apparently we have missed the amazing feature in WoW in which we all can telepathically speak to the npc and transport directly to our guild mate. After this step 3 "success" is achieved.

Edited by WFSWTOR
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While I am fine with the current travel system I want to say something directly to the OP.


Thank you.


It's refreshing to see a courteous, thought-out point of view that I enjoy reading even if I disagree with it. :) Good on you.

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Travel needs to be more seamless, less loading screens please, as this just absolutely destroys any immersion travelling may have...


Also please fix the /follow feature


Follow was fixed. What issue are you seeing since a patch or two ago?

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As much as run though the air lock, load screen, run through the orbital station, load screen down to the planet drives me absolutely insane if they are going to keep this at least let me get on my speeder and get through it that much faster. If we can speeder around the fleet I don't see why this would be any different.
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It could take FAR longer to get places in WoW...


Just as an example, I remember the flight path from Winterspring to Tanaris was over 20 minutes.


I guarantee I have the crappiest computer in this thread, and I bet I can get anywhere in the galaxy within 10 minutes no matter where I am, and probably more like 5.

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i think it really comes down to how much of a pinch your in and how much does this guildmate really care to come help you.


For one all of the story quests are like purposely easier than the rest of the game probably for this reason. everything else either doesn't matter or you can skip it and come back to it when it's a bit more convenient.


Secondly if your gonna waste your life on an MMO i'm sure you can spare 10-20mins for the wait. order a pizza or take a crap or something...


Third, 4 min load screen ***? either your exaggerating or your connection blows.


and finally, this game is popular enough that if you ask for help in general periodically its extremely likely you will find someone willing to help or on the same mission.


Despite my thread i agree though. it is kind of a pain in the *** going from one place to another.

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Agree with the orignal poster.. If you want to compare it to Wow's lesson, Wow created 3 to 5 times the number of flight points and Graveyards.


Secondly, This is OLD republic, not WALKING republic !!! Love the walk through the orbital stations.


And if your going to be tight on flightpoints, at least give us more the 3 quests to do in an area before having to return...

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The great thing is, if they do add ways to make it not take 25 minutes to get somewhere, and you want to keep it as is, you can take the long route. Don't assume that because YOU like something everyone else must to. We don't. People complain about the travel system constantly. Just because you aren't one of them doesn't make any of them wrong.


what 25 minutes i can be anywhere within 10 minutes max. Now compare that to most games and it is super fast. Hell even your 25 minutes is fast when compared to traveling across a world in a game like wow

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i think all the walking and inconviencing a clever ploy to slow us down a bit with completeing content and leveling IMO lol.


they want us to marvel at all the detail and graphics and not try to powerlevel and end up quiting after 3 months. XD


but they should at least give us a mainline tp to our ship. That seems fair.. and even plausible from an RP prospective.

Edited by jaytdasme
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I'll toss in my 2 cents, why not?


I couldn't agree more with the OP. Regardless of other games, it's a huge pain to do simple things that involve travel.


1. I level up and don't bother getting new skills because it's not worth walking for 10 minutes of real time (BORING is the crime here, not the time) to get a tiny bump in one skill.


2. Someone needs assistance with a quest and I realize I don't want to waste the time walking and speedering and walking to get there, only to have to do the same just to get back to where I was. It's again, not the time involved as much as the boredom cost.


3. I now skip group quests. No point because half the time it's a lot of bored time walking and waiting only to have the group not form or break up, at which point, you guessed it - walk back to where I was. 100% waste of time, energy, and credits.


4. I have to choose between waiting in the "flashpoint room" to join a flashpoint, or go quest. Which do you think wins?


5. Just getting to my own starship is a pain. I can summon a shuttle every 20 minutes, that will pick me up 10 miles underground in a hive of rakghouls, but I have to WALK for 5 minutes just to get to my starship? The starship that has a PILOT sitting in it? Imagine the Star Wars movies where the characters had to walk to their ships every time they wanted to use them, and that time was filmed. MOST BORING FILM EVER!


This is one of the (many) systems they modeled after the 90's Everquest basics, and it's embarrassing to see in a game of 2012.

Talk about reaching. Did you stretch first?


1. You can train on every planet. When you stop by to turn in your quest speeder over to train. Beats having to return to the central hub.

2. Someone needs help either you're gonna be a good friend or not. This is why Quick Travel was invented. ANY other game you STILL gotta run, mount and/or take a flight path


3 & 4. Encourage people on your server to use the LFG Tool that is there. Sure it's crude but it allows you to advertise you're looking for a group and not have to tie yourself to one location. The more people that use it the more effective it is. Check out the link in my sig.

5. My ships look awesome. I sometimes take a run around the ship just admiring how big it is and how awesome it looks and the fact that this baby is mine. A less than a min walk is well worth seeing that.


Stop over exaggerating to make a point.




Running through empty spaceports isn't role playing. It barely qualifies as playing.

Neither is being a tailor or a droid engineer, however people sure praise SW:G.

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Travel is an important immersion aspect of the game.


Please do not touch how travel functions.

If we take away all the nuance's, then we are left with just core mechanics and that's not a game worth playing.




laziness in MMOs wrecks MMOs.


You end up with WoW, a series of mini games revolving around the capital city and the entire world is irrelevant.


Travel and MMO's just go hand in hand. Stop crying about every tiny little issue like you guys have some sort of entitlement or insight. Clearly you dont.

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The travel system is fine by me. Please dont post in colours, its offensive and makes you look immature, which you probably arent....but yea...colours are for kiddies.

Really? It both offends you and makes me look immature? Are you serious? Does the color of my text somehow cause you pain? Honestly I want you to explain to me how the color of some text on a forum post has any place and ANY discussion about offensive behavior or maturity.?

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