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  1. Actually I think he is pointing this out because you are using this tactic to exaggerate your point. Now you're ignoring his point, and pointing out that he pointed out your "minor error." /thread
  2. Same, I showed it to my friends and they are pumped for it! GW2 looks like it has potential, idk.
  3. Hey OP, check this out http://www.thesecretworld.com/ I'm skeptical, but still interested to see how it turns out.
  4. I'm not sure how I feel about this post- I agree with the OP, and a lot of the replies as well. The environments and some aspects of TOR are very well done- Alderaan is an amazing, New-Zealand-like planet, Ord Mantel, Coruscant, Nar Shadaa, etc.. all very memorable and pretty to look at. But on the other hand, my friends and I still reminisce about vanilla WoW- the murlocks, Van Cleef and those cool swords he dropped, the gankfest that was Stranglethorn Vale. Hell, just reading the "you no take candle" title on this thread brought back some good memories for me. I love the story and questing in TOR, don't get me wrong. There's just something about the games I (or we) played as kids.. maybe it's these rosy glasses I'm wearing. idk.
  5. I agree, OP. I'm not a huge fan of addons usually, but being able to focus strictly on combat makes a huge difference when you don't have to constantly look at your HP bars. One thing I thought was cool in Rift was that you could move your characters HP bar into the middle of the screen, and although that was a rather clunky solution, it helped a lot.
  6. Hell yeah, I'll be there in 10 minutes with beer!
  7. I think a lot of people work around this time... I am assuming some will stop around this time (free month is over), but I would suggest checking back during prime time hours for a more accurate representation.
  8. I agree OP, that would be really cool. I would also like to see heroic/raid space missions that are co op, and a similar system for ground battles (controlling AT-ST, Speeder Bikes, etc). Some form of PvP involving vehicles would be cool too, and I really liked your idea of having guild vs. guild space battles, possibly involving some type of mother ship.
  9. I agree OP, but BioWare has bigger fish to fry imo (high res textures, bugs, glitches, etc).
  10. I completely agree with the OP.. it's annoying to have an option that seems to say "I will not fail" and have your character say something like "I'll kill every last one of them!" It bugs the crap out of me, and I know that they have to reuse some voice clips, but at least make the choices say what your character will say. Jeez!
  11. I have to say the lack of high resolution textures is my #1 gripe. I got a new video card for this game, thinking it would be a good investment... not yet...
  12. Also how do you get the centurion tokens? Edit- kuz I speel bad
  13. Hello everyone, I've been looking at the PvP gear on the main fleet lately, and I am slightly confused about how to go about buying gear at level 50. My first question, is what do I buy with my commendations? I noticed that some of the gear requires "unassembled champions [whatever]".. how do I get that stuff? Do I buy the random boxes with 200 of each commendation? Or what? It's confusing me! Second question, is, as a healer, which gear should I be aiming for? I noticed pretty much all the gear has endurance/willpower added onto it. Should I be saving up for gear with +crit/+surge on it? Or alacrity? Or power?? I am not sure what is most beneficial as a healer.. initially I was thinking +defense, but I've been reading on the forums that defense is broken for PvP atm. Any thoughts/opinions/advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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