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Everything posted by Ngaplz

  1. Server: The maw Name: tamahagane No drop downs on the form. just listed the headings and thats all.
  2. Agree with the orignal poster.. If you want to compare it to Wow's lesson, Wow created 3 to 5 times the number of flight points and Graveyards. Secondly, This is OLD republic, not WALKING republic !!! Love the walk through the orbital stations. And if your going to be tight on flightpoints, at least give us more the 3 quests to do in an area before having to return...
  3. MUST HAVES - UI Scaling -- This should have shipped at least been if not in the 1.1 patch!!!!!! - Cross Server everything + queuing / server transfers as worst case. - Let us fly our ships - be it gships or personal. let us EXPLORE the universe. -Combat log that will lead to DPS and threat meters. Wanna be a pro game??we need more data captain!!! - Enough with the running, Seriously!!!
  4. Honestly I have played wow for 4 years and i have never done as much running as i do in TOR. I mean running to mobs, Running around mobs. Running through orbital stations and useless rooms.. All of it seem to give the image of a large world but instead just makes me want to log..Failed on a foundry run, and the run back was over 5mins.. we wiped again and everyone dropped group. Also, Bioware really dropped the ball with our ships. Our ship's are just another room not a ship. I had images of ships orbiting planets, being able to cruise around and see others but nope its a room only. (fly above Stormwind or Orgrimmer and you see lots and lots of toons. I return to the empire and all i get is lag. The Clock is ticking bio, Aion failed, DC failed, Rift Failed and i hate to say i see TOR going the same way. Dont compete with wow, just make a game that Dots its i's or crosses its T's rather then making a super long walkway to waste my time (CAUSE I CANT MOUNT) End rant !
  5. major imbalance on almost all servers.. Seems like all the west coast has gone to Swiftsure. which has a queue of over 700 at times. I am on the maw which is starting to see more population but regretting there being 2 or 3 people in an area..not even enough for a flashpoint.. its change servers or rage quit... ur choice bioware.. We know what blizzard would do..
  6. Put it this way, the server i am on doesn't have wait times but its dead.. there were 3 people in Alderan including me. LFD allows me to experience the content as it was intended. Instead of going back 10 lvls later and rolling everything. Scale back gear for it if you must but how can anyone complain about less waiting and having more of an immersion in the game..
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